This is our bedroom where my PD cycler lives. Paul made a big sound proof box for it to sit in. You can see Mayweed my 18 year old cat investigating - she never normally does that - she was just skiting for the camera ha ha.
This is Mike on his machine..
Here's my bedside companion. The best part is the 30 foot leash. I still waltz around the house, wash dishes, play with my son, all while dialyzing.
Since I've moved, I have a different dialysis setup. My cycler sits on a swivel so I can reach it from either my chair or my futon. Despite what it may look like in the fourth picture, I don't use the duct tape to secure my needles.
It would seem that having a basin at this point would be a benefit, washing up and the like.
I use an overbed table like the kind in the hospital for setup. The surface is plastic and easily cleaned, and once I am done with setup it provides an ideal overbed platform for my laptop.
Would love to be able to get one of those for my husband someday.