I'm so sorry you've been cursed with this fear. You know it's not rational but there's nothing to do about it. I wish there was a way to put you to sleep without needles so you could get the PD surgery or a new catheter but I don't know it. I personally hate needles and my nurse laughs at me when I whine about my epo shot but I know I'm not as bad off as you are. I wish you had someone to talk to. There must be some low cost counseling services in your area. You shouldn't have to go through this alone.
What about "button holes"? I know it would take a while for the holes to set, but after that you should be...better? I'm still praying for you!!!
Are you getting dialysis? Has anything improved?
My only other idea is laughing gas (nitrous oxide) to put you under so you can get a new permacath or a PD cath but it's hard to find a hospital that uses it. I have heard of some maternity wards that use it. I'm sorry you have no one to help you. Your clinic has totally dropped the ball. I just feel so sad and angry for you that you're stuck between a rock and a hard place.
I think because of their non understanding of REAL phobias is what has me so angered. They are working with needles and should know ALL the ins and outs of them, including there are true phobias and know something, at least how to treat patients!, about how to handle the situation. I know i always bring up my own issues, but i have things i cant do. Not just have a hard time doing but CANT and so i understand. The only thing i wonder is, if my life depended on it, would that change or would i sadly be in your same position. Im so sorry, sad, upset, discusted and simpithetic to your trials here.
I'm really sorry about your fear and all the problems you are going through. Have you thought about hypnosis?Take care,Xime
just curious how you managed to have bloods taken before the cath was inserted
Is there anyway you could be referred to a mental health specialist who could advocate on your behalf?
I'm so sorry. It's appalling that they won't help you or give you any real options. They're bad physicians.
Well as of today my neph said that there is nothing they could do untill I get another chest cath or let them stick me. I asked for something to knock me out while they stick me They won't they said I need to be awake when they stick me. They won't sign agreement that no charges will be pressed if I fight them. Looks like I am done. They are not going to help me in any way. They just think of themselves not my phobia. Not sure what I am going to do now