I Hate Dialysis Message Board

Dialysis Discussion => Dialysis: Working while on Dialysis => Topic started by: KarenInWA on March 13, 2010, 10:56:16 AM

Title: Using the "Kidney Disease Card"
Post by: KarenInWA on March 13, 2010, 10:56:16 AM
Hi all, I used the "KD card" at work yesterday. We're getting a new manager, and  they want to put him in the desk that the guy no one likes is currently using.  This means that "guy no one likes" needs to move. (Let's just call him "Bob".)  Bob is gross.  Numerous guys have witnessed Bob leaving a stall in the men's room only to either rinse his hands or just simply walk away.  He has been given the nick name "Sh!t and Rinse", or S&R for short.  Also, he tends to cough LOUDLY, to the point where I think he is coming up with his own version of health-care reform.  If the organ needs to be removed, don't do surgery, just cough it up and out!  Anyway, there is currently a free desk in another row by another co-worker, who protested Bob's moving next to him, and said he'd "kill him".  (Bob also has an attitude issue with many in the department.  Also, bear in mind that this office is about 80% men, 20% women.) So then I found out that they were going to move my neighbor next to the "kill him" co-worker, and move Bob next to me.  I protested, and sent my supervisor a message that being that I have 25% kidney function, I cannot and willnot sit next to somoene who does not wash his hands after using the bathroom, and regularly coughs up his lungs.  He replied with "Ok, Understood" and now Bob's move has been put on hold.  Just wondering how any of you would have handled this.  Also, if they moved Bob next to me, I would have been inbetween him and another co-worker who had a major falling out a few months ago.  I'd rather not be in the middle of hostility.  That one was so bad that security got involved.

Thank you,

Title: Re: Using the "Kidney Disease Card"
Post by: Romona on March 13, 2010, 11:06:33 AM
I think you did the right thing. Your health is at stake.
Title: Re: Using the "Kidney Disease Card"
Post by: Bajanne on March 13, 2010, 11:14:36 AM
I am with you.  And why not use the KD card?  It works for me in some sticky situations ;)
Title: Re: Using the "Kidney Disease Card"
Post by: monrein on March 13, 2010, 01:07:00 PM
Yikes...I'd use any card I could, even fabricated ones, to get out of that sticky (no pun intended) situation.  Glad you have an understanding boss.
Title: Re: Using the "Kidney Disease Card"
Post by: Rerun on March 13, 2010, 01:13:45 PM
Play the card.  I have a disabled parking placard and I use it when I need to!

One of the perks for being on "life support". 

My security system went off on a false alarm and I only have to pay half the fine if I'm disabled.  I played the card.

Title: Re: Using the "Kidney Disease Card"
Post by: MooseMom on March 13, 2010, 01:40:44 PM
Since life has dealt you the "Crap Kidneys" card, you are entitled to use that card in any way you see fit.  That's just The Law According to MooseMom.
Title: Re: Using the "Kidney Disease Card"
Post by: Sunny on March 13, 2010, 03:13:47 PM
That's wht I would have done too. Plus your boss isn't supposed to tell everyone the "why" behind what he's doing because your health issues and requests are personal information not to be disclosed.
Title: Re: Using the "Kidney Disease Card"
Post by: KarenInWA on March 13, 2010, 04:04:57 PM
Thank you alll for your replies.  That makes me feel much better knowing that I did the right thing! 
Title: Re: Using the "Kidney Disease Card"
Post by: Chris on March 13, 2010, 05:38:33 PM
Here's another point of view Karen. If you decide to do PD or have a transplant, you still wouldn't want "Bob" next to you. Better known as thinking ahead. Why wait till then and have a delay in reacting to a situation which could take sometime to find either you or him a desk.
So I see no problem with what you did and you have more of a reason than the other people who just don't like him, you have your health.
So does your work provide Clorox Wipes due to this guy? I would want to touch anything where he's been including the break room.
Title: Re: Using the "Kidney Disease Card"
Post by: Lisa on March 13, 2010, 05:58:18 PM
I would have done the same...good job standing up for yourself!
Title: Re: Using the "Kidney Disease Card"
Post by: galvo on March 13, 2010, 09:02:09 PM
Well done, Karen! How is it that so many workplaces have 'Bob' clones on the books?
Title: Re: Using the "Kidney Disease Card"
Post by: Jean on March 14, 2010, 01:29:30 AM
Good Thinking on your part.  :thumbup;
Title: Re: Using the "Kidney Disease Card"
Post by: peleroja on March 14, 2010, 12:06:31 PM
Sounds like you did the right thing.  It also sounds like "Bob" is the same "Bob" who was such a pain in the ass on one of our trips!  I occasionally play the KD card, like when the AAKP convention got canceled due to hurricane Frances.  I was waitlisted for a flight, so I told the attendants that all of my PD supplies were either at home in California or at the hotel in Florida, and that, "I have begun to die."  A little melodramatic, as I have since found I can go without dialysis for at least 3 days.  It worked, though, and I got on the plane.  Never be afraid (or even ashamed) to use the KD card!
Title: Re: Using the "Kidney Disease Card"
Post by: Poppylicious on March 14, 2010, 12:20:22 PM
The Law According to MooseMom.
I love this! 

For what it's worth Karen, I probably would have used the 'But my Blokey has KD' card if I worked with 'Bob' (for very selfish reasons obviously).  Strangely enough though, I don't use that card and I think I should, despite the fact it would make my job near impossible to do if I did (I work with teenagers who have scant regard for soap or general hygiene and who tend to come from homes where hygiene is probably the last thing anyone thinks about ... eugh!)

Title: Re: Using the "Kidney Disease Card"
Post by: kellyt on March 14, 2010, 12:57:37 PM
Gross Monrein!  "Sticky"    :rofl;

I would use it.  But I have the transplant card.   ;D  I use the hell out of that.   "It's cold and flu season.  Sorry I can't come to your (crappy) party".   Oh no.  What I'm I going to say over the Summer?   :o
Title: Re: Using the "Kidney Disease Card"
Post by: jbeany on March 14, 2010, 01:56:55 PM
Oh, well, if we're confessing to using that card, add me to the list!  Mine was to get out of watching a high school basketball game.  If it had been my friend's teenage daughter playing, I would have thought about going, and dragged along enough hand sanitizer for the whole audience.  But it was the kid's boyfriend playing.  Oh, for pity's sake - I don't even know this boy!  And it was winter, and still cold and flu season, and I'd only been back home for a couple of weeks, so it seemed like a reasonable excuse.

Karen, it's not an excuse when it's based in that much fact!

Gross Monrein!  "Sticky"    :rofl;

I would use it.  But I have the transplant card.   ;D  I use the hell out of that.   "It's cold and flu season.  Sorry I can't come to your (crappy) party".   Oh no.  What I'm I going to say over the Summer?   :o

"My antibodies are acting up."  That oughta confuse them enough. . .  >:D
Title: Re: Using the "Kidney Disease Card"
Post by: kellyt on March 14, 2010, 02:22:06 PM
Title: Re: Using the "Kidney Disease Card"
Post by: Darthvadar on March 14, 2010, 03:42:29 PM
I regularly use the 'I'm caring for My mum who's got Kidney Disease'...

I'm not a night owl at the best of times, and I don't particularly want to go to a Daniel O'Donnell concert... I HATE sport, so I don't want to go and freeze my bits off looking at a bunch of 'grown up' men chasing a ball around a field, either... So I've often used the 'I'd love to, but I can't get someone to look in on Mum that evening'...

Or No, I don't particularly want to go to your party where every second person's a smoker... I've asthma FFS!... And NO, I DON'T want to visit your child in the hospital... So I play the 'I'd love to, but I'd be afraid of picking up something and taking it home to Mum'... Works EVERY time!....

I'll stop playing the KD card when I don't have to live with the consequences of it!....

Title: Re: Using the "Kidney Disease Card"
Post by: RichardMEL on March 14, 2010, 06:55:11 PM
I have no problem with you doing this. You have a legitimite reason, and heck if the other guy can use the "I'm going to kill him!" card, which suggests management have bigger fish to fry in terms of manging the interpersonal relationships, then you have every right to bring up a concern like that. Let's face it the more your boss knows about your situation the better hopefully for when you do start D (not for years, yet!) when it does come to stuff like being careful about germs, catching colds etc. If it's stuff you've brought up before it's consistent and they will have more understanding(hopefully) of your situation.

So yeah, good move - certainly don't feel guilty about it. It's something the docs have told me before - avoid chances to get colds, flu etc and if this guy is unhygenic, and worse, coughing his germs all over the place - the further you are from him the better for YOUR health - and that is what is important here.

And the good thing is that so far, you've "won" - the boss said he understands and "Bob"'s move is on hold. Get them to do an Office Space and move him down to the basement  :rofl; :rofl; :rofl;
Title: Re: Using the "Kidney Disease Card"
Post by: Chris on March 14, 2010, 09:56:32 PM
Office Space, classic movie  :rofl; :rofl; :rofl;  Hopefully "Bob" doesn't have his own personal stapler there.  :rofl; :rofl; :rofl;
Title: Re: Using the "Kidney Disease Card"
Post by: MooseMom on March 16, 2010, 04:10:08 PM
My husband and I don't have the best relationship with his parents.  But each Christmas, we get together for lunch for some token face time.  However, for the past several years, I've played the CKD card; my husband has explained that I have a very restricted diet (true), and since restaurants don't give information regarding the potassium and phosphorus content of their menu items, it's just not very safe for me to eat out (again, true).   What are they going to say?

OK, who else has played the CKD card, and how?
Title: Re: Using the "Kidney Disease Card"
Post by: texasstyle on March 16, 2010, 04:28:50 PM
Oh yeah, use that card! I would hate working with a dirt ball that. I hate to sound so vulgar but, he's probably picking his nose all over the office area and never using a tissue. I would probably come right out and say "dude, you're nasty & you ain't sittin' by me". lol  Having kidney disease IS a serious situation. Do what ever you have to do to protect yourself. If you have to elaborate even a little more about your health, by all means do it. Germs and virus and yucky stuff spreads so easily even when we take precautions. Don't feel bad about what you're doing.
Title: Re: Using the "Kidney Disease Card"
Post by: Mizar on March 16, 2010, 05:03:58 PM
Oh My Goodness, I'm so Glad to see this Post. I thought I was the Only One, Who Played, that Card.  My Husband, is the One, that does Dialysis. He has also, been on Antibiotics, for the last 14 Months. ( A Nasty Bacterial Pneumonia, in His Lungs, which to this Day, has not cleared up completely ) We went to a Dinner at a Restaurant last Week with some other Couples. At the Dinner Table, I pulled out my Bottle of Hand Sanitzer and started using it. I saw, Eyes, start, Rolling, all around the Table. I just said, " What? I'm not a Germaphobic, if that's what You are thinking. We just can't afford, to have any more Sickness "  Ya Gotta, do, what Ya, gotta do!!

Title: Re: Using the "Kidney Disease Card"
Post by: sarahmanda on November 19, 2010, 11:16:06 PM
I know its been a while since anything was posted to this topic, but I'm feeling it tonight :)

I was only diagnosed about a month and a half ago, but I don't feel the least bit sorry for playing the "sick card."  It has gotten me out of having to deal with a certain co-worker i can't stand a couple of times, and I won't lie...I use it to sleep all the time.  Yes, I know the dialysis makes me tired, but if I'm the least bit sleepy I don't feel bad for going to bed...and now my boyfriend doesn't get upset over it either!

I also used the "kidney card" to quit a job that I absolutely hated.  It was tough for me to get out of it as the owner of the store I worked at was rather slick and wanted me to still come back and teach classes from time to time. She just didn't get it that I hated working there more than anything else (especially since that job was the main cause of my stress that led to my BP going through the roof that led to my kidney failure...)

I see no problem with using the card...they are your lemons - make some lemonade!
Title: Re: Using the "Kidney Disease Card"
Post by: kyshiag on February 03, 2011, 06:44:44 AM
I look at it like this.  You're gonna get all the negative things that go along with this disease.  In fact, many in society are gonna work hard to ensure you get the negative things.  If there is anything good to be gleaned from this, I say take it with no regrets.  I want my husband to have the special park, modified work schedule, be the first to get on a plane, and, yes, even disability should he qualify. 

I even like that his normal easy-going, pushover nature is sometimes thrown out the window now and he has told some people who needed it where to get off.  If I feel so compelled, I will say, "He's not feeling himself.  His CKD is acting up."  More often than not I just let the person take their just desserts.

 Of course, I'd rather he not have this disease but that train has left the station.
Title: Re: Using the "Kidney Disease Card"
Post by: MomoMcSleepy on April 10, 2012, 12:23:09 PM
I laughed out loud at "S&R". And I'm at work.  It sounded like something that my brother would come up with.. I've been avoiding a sick coworker al, day.  She's been nice about staying away from me, but has to hand me paperwork sometimes...after which I thoroughly wipe everything down.  I have a sore throat, and I am getting my fistula Friday!  But everyone's sick right now, not her fault....
Title: Re: Using the "Kidney Disease Card"
Post by: MomoMcSleepy on April 16, 2012, 10:46:16 AM
I've used it to get out of something that runs late, but I genuinely get a nasty kidney inflection if I stay up late--even if I get enough sleep (8 hours or whatever) I wake up with a sore kidney.  Actually, I often go to BED with a sore kidney on a late night, it's already started.  I also am vocal about sick people staying away from me.  I understand why they came to work, but make sure they're cognizant of their germs and keep it to themselves as much as possible.  I would have felt like a jerk before, but I just say, "I'm just trying stay as healthy as possible, no offense, hope you feel better!"  I first did that when my dad was dying/sick/on chemo.  I really mean it, though, I don't need another infection of any sort! And I  stay sick FOREVER!
Title: Re: Using the "Kidney Disease Card"
Post by: Chris on April 16, 2012, 06:40:51 PM
I kinda used the card to get out of potential jury duty, but I was having so many doctor appointments that I can't fit jury duty in unless it was for only one week guaranteed.  would like to do jury duty though.
Title: Re: Using the "Kidney Disease Card"
Post by: Jean on April 17, 2012, 11:58:09 PM
I used the card just recently to get out of jury duty. Well, the card plus my age. Finally I am getting a break here, LOL
Title: Re: Using the "Kidney Disease Card"
Post by: MooseMom on April 18, 2012, 12:03:10 AM
I used it to get out of Jury Duty, too.  Frankly, though, I had just been put on the tx waitlist, and I could just see myself getting "the call" right when the prosecution set out its case or something!  So when I got the form, I wrote back to the clerk that I was on the list and did she want to donate?  LOL!  I was informed the very next day that I would probably never have to do jury duty.  Funnily, I wouldn't have minded it.
Title: Re: Using the "Kidney Disease Card"
Post by: MomoMcSleepy on May 08, 2012, 08:37:48 AM
I contouring jury duty, too, though I was not trying to. I said that I needed to sprinklers of water and pee every two hours or so, and that I and my A/V fistula surgery two days after my jury duty assignment.  The lady said, "oh, you're going to start dialysis?  Forget it, then.  I'll send you and excused note in the mail.  My mama was in dialysis for 11 years, I lost her a while back." Well, I felt so sad for her, but she was super nice!

And, this woman was nice and pleasant before she even knew about my kidney, God Bless her!

So I didn't mean to, have served before even though it was super inconvenient and I probably could have gotten out of it on a hardship/medical, but there you are...of course my surgery got canceled, but I was really sick, so it worked out, anyway.
Title: Re: Using the "Kidney Disease Card"
Post by: WishIKnew on May 08, 2012, 09:31:21 AM
Just found this thread.  Love it.  Now I don't feel so guilty.  I use it to sleep, as another said here.  My husband and son would get irritated with me if I went to bed too early, but once I started dialysis and even to this day if I'm tired I go to bed and hear no complaints from the "boys".

The biggest time I've ever played the kidney/transplant card was right after my transplant.  My 8th grade son had just started second semester and a new health class while I was in the hospital for my transplant.  When we got his interim grade in health it was a D.   :banghead;  What the heck!  My A,B student was getting a D, and in health no less.  I went to conferences and discovered that the reason for the D was a packet  of "very important" papers which my husband or I were to have signed each page of and returned the first week of the class.  For this my son would have received 50 points per page.  Now, between you and me, my son could have brought these papers home and my husband could have signed them.  My son is usually very good about that kind of thing.  (Here comes the card!) That being said, I told her all about my hospital stay and the transplant and the crazy schedules everyone was keeping to spend time with me (my transplant center is an hour from home) and my husband being in a wheel chair because he had just had ankle surgery and how much my son was taking care of everything around the house and how I'm the one who usually checks with my son about his school stuff and...  By the time I was done talking she changed  my son's grade, giving him full credit for the papers we never signed.   :cheer:  LOL  He finished the quarter with an A in health.  I felt a little guilty.  But then it was a kidney transplant and nothing I told her was untrue...

Got your card?

 :flower; :flower; :flower;

EDITED: Fixed quote tag error- kitkatz, Moderator
Title: Re: Using the "Kidney Disease Card"
Post by: WishIKnew on May 08, 2012, 09:35:25 AM
By the way, I never asked the teacher to change the grade, I just wanted the opportunity to sign the all important papers for maybe half credit....
Maybe I poured it on a little heavy...
Title: Re: Using the "Kidney Disease Card"
Post by: galvo on May 08, 2012, 10:55:10 PM
Well done!
Title: Re: Using the "Kidney Disease Card"
Post by: Darthvadar on May 16, 2012, 09:09:36 AM
Now that Mum has Parkinson's Disease, too, I get to use 'the card' far more often, and believe me, I take FULL advantage of it!...

'Sorry, Can't help out at the kid's Breakfast Club at 8am, I've to do Mum's dialysis'

'Sorry, I can't collect your kid from school at 2pm because you want to get your hair done, I've to do Mum's dialysis'

'Sorry, I can't come to your party (where are lots of smokers, and god knows how many bugs floating around after they've coughed up half a lung) at 8pm, I've to do ...... ' Well, you get the picture!....

As someone said, we've got all the disadvantages of Kidney Disease, so let's make full use of the advantakes!...

Love to all...

Title: Re: Using the "Kidney Disease Card"
Post by: deniferfer on May 16, 2012, 11:00:26 AM
I try not to use it but there are times I need to

like others have said I got out of jury duty, if i don't want to eat something nasty someone made without hurting their felling, I just say sorry that's on the no, no list, or I don't want to get up early or I even told my sister once when she was late to college use it, that i couldn't get off in time to take her. (OK that one mite have been wrong to do)

I look at it like a job... you have to deal with all the c**p to get the benefits. So why not use them once in awhile? Lol
Title: Re: Using the "Kidney Disease Card"
Post by: Hazmat35 on June 30, 2012, 12:24:29 PM
My doctor gave me paperwork all filled out to get a Handicap placard for my car.  I hate to admit it, but I have used it.  I do feel guilty sometimes. 

Also my doctor got me out of Jury Duty.  He had no hesiatation what so ever writting a letter to the Court in my behalf. 

Most people at work, treat me "gingerly" like I am a porcelain doll or something, so does my family and my g/f.  I am going on 50 y/o, 5'10" and strong as a bull most days.  But they act as if I do something that takes some physical strength or ability that I need to TAKE IT EASY, get the younger guys to do that stuff . . . etc.  It drives me crazy.  Just because I have CKD doesn't mean I'm dead (yet anywany). 

Yes, I go to dialysis, i take all my meds, and watch my fluids, all that stuff, so PLEASE, let me lead my life like a normal person.  When I need your help, I'll ask for it! 

But, I did take the Jury Duty letter and used it!  LOL!!!!!

Title: Re: Using the "Kidney Disease Card"
Post by: kitkatz on June 30, 2012, 11:09:03 PM
I use the executive parking ( handicap) sticker I have regularly now. Besides hubby has one, too. 
Title: Re: Using the "Kidney Disease Card"
Post by: Simon Dog on November 06, 2012, 08:44:36 PM
I use it for only one thing - getting on the flight at pre boarding time and gate checking my cycler.  Between not want to get my cath jammed up against a seat in the boarding rush, and the necessity to be one of the "winners" in "overhead space roulette" (since I have my other medical supplies in carry on), this reduces a lot of stress - and no gate agent has ever accepted my offer to show them my catheter.
Title: Re: Using the "Kidney Disease Card"
Post by: Chris on November 07, 2012, 11:03:32 PM
I use the executive parking ( handicap) sticker I have regularly now. Besides hubby has one, too.

Never thought of it that way, I have executive parking! :rofl;
On many days it comes in handy and some (not recent) I have not needed it. I do miss it when I do not have the card in the right vehicle and it's a day I need it due to pain or light headedness/ low energy.
Title: Re: Using the "Kidney Disease Card"
Post by: Grumpy-1 on November 09, 2012, 06:11:02 AM
I use the handicap placard only when my legs hurt enough to make it hard to walk any great distances.  Normally, I can get around quite well.    Grumpy
Title: Re: Using the "Kidney Disease Card"
Post by: Lillupie on November 09, 2012, 07:21:50 AM
My doctor wont give me a handicap parking sticker or allow me to have one. Nor will he sign off on my student loans so the intrest rate keeps raking up to the point of never being able to pay them.

Title: Re: Using the "Kidney Disease Card"
Post by: Grumpy-1 on November 09, 2012, 07:41:16 AM
Lisa   WHY ??????? 
Title: Re: Using the "Kidney Disease Card"
Post by: Lillupie on November 09, 2012, 11:17:18 AM
Lisa   WHY ???????

They told me I can walk and dont need a handicap parking sticker. Well now that im in Tennessee, things might go different. Lets see. Im a little nervous in asking a second doc to forgive my student loans. First of all, to everyone I look healthy, im sure including my doctor. I havent had a complications that would require to me take extra time off if I had a job. Buut when I started dialysis I wasnt working, so now I dont know how to adjust to that, Im technically a single parent with a little kid to take care of. When I was in Michigan I also had the added responsibility of being my moms taxi driver. I just feel as though I have too much on my plate to work, take care of a wild daughter ( i mean she physcially wears me out), do daily dialysis, take care of the household chores alone, and taket he time cooking food from scratch.
 If I didnt have my daughter, or she was grown up, I could probably work atleast part time. I just dont see that happening now since I spend most days when she is in school sleeping, because im very tired. I also have a hard time sleeping at night. So when she is in school I catch up on my lost sleep.
 So yeah that is why I dont work and why he wouldnt sign off to have my loans forgiven.

Title: Re: Using the "Kidney Disease Card"
Post by: Simon Dog on November 12, 2012, 06:10:20 AM
So yeah that is why I dont work and why he wouldn't sign off to have my loans forgiven.
The reasons are tough, but a large percentage of the reasons are those that the govt will not accept as a factor in determination of disability for student loan purposes.   Don't assume that loan forgiveness would necessarily be forthcoming, even if your doc signed the papers.  One of the standards for forgiveness is no possibility of becoming un-disabled, and that one could he hard to prove.
Title: Re: Using the "Kidney Disease Card"
Post by: Lillupie on November 12, 2012, 07:03:15 PM
So yeah that is why I dont work and why he wouldn't sign off to have my loans forgiven.
The reasons are tough, but a large percentage of the reasons are those that the govt will not accept as a factor in determination of disability for student loan purposes.   Don't assume that loan forgiveness would necessarily be forthcoming, even if your doc signed the papers.  One of the standards for forgiveness is no possibility of becoming un-disabled, and that one could he hard to prove.

But now its to the point that Im never going to be able to pay them even if I become able to work a full time job. When I first got out of school the loan amount was $200 a month approx. Year after year of being on dialysis it is now with the intrest rate, the payments are $500, even with a good paying job I am not going to be able to pay $500 just for a student loan!! THey wont get rid of the intrest rate for me to be able to afford it when and if I can work.
 Now if I werent on dialysis and could work right after college, my payment would of been $200, but with going 4 years on economic hardship, the intrest rate keeps adding up and up.
Title: Re: Using the "Kidney Disease Card"
Post by: Simon Dog on November 12, 2012, 08:29:14 PM
I was not meaning to imply that you could pay what they are demanding, just pointing out that the disability standard is so high that your doc may know that you won't qualifym, and that (s)he may be the messenger, not someone actually in a position to get you forgiveness.   The sad fact of the matter is that ability to pay is not even considered when determining if a student loan can be forgiven.
Title: Re: Using the "Kidney Disease Card"
Post by: Lillupie on November 12, 2012, 09:11:04 PM
Doesnt make any sense to me. If I cant get a transplant and will never get off of dialysis and will not get any better, how will not not qualify me? I mean how much  more bad off can I be??? I mean if I havent worked now, and I cant work, and chances are I wont get a kidney transplant (too many antibodies and no support system). I dont get how much worse off can I get then needing daily dialysis. If I could get a transplant, then I can see. THe odds are really against me though.

Title: Re: Using the "Kidney Disease Card"
Post by: MomoMcSleepy on November 13, 2012, 12:36:38 PM
So yeah that is why I dont work and why he wouldn't sign off to have my loans forgiven.
The reasons are tough, but a large percentage of the reasons are those that the govt will not accept as a factor in determination of disability for student loan purposes.   Don't assume that loan forgiveness would necessarily be forthcoming, even if your doc signed the papers.  One of the standards for forgiveness is no possibility of becoming un-disabled, and that one could he hard to prove.

But now its to the point that Im never going to be able to pay them even if I become able to work a full time job. When I first got out of school the loan amount was $200 a month approx. Year after year of being on dialysis it is now with the intrest rate, the payments are $500, even with a good paying job I am not going to be able to pay $500 just for a student loan!! THey wont get rid of the intrest rate for me to be able to afford it when and if I can work.
 Now if I werent on dialysis and could work right after college, my payment would of been $200, but with going 4 years on economic hardship, the intrest rate keeps adding up and up.

can't you get a forbearance?  Something that freezes it so the interest doesn't accrue?  Or, is there ANY way that maybe you could make the interest payments?  I dropped down to interest-only payments recently, and am paying $72 a month.  My husband is doing the same as you, not paying anything, and it drives me nuts.  It's going to be my problem in a few years, once the other debts are paid off.
Title: Re: Using the "Kidney Disease Card"
Post by: Lillupie on November 13, 2012, 12:49:24 PM
I am making the $50 a month intrest only payment on the Sallie Mae private loan. They have told me there is nothing that i can do to freeze the intrest rate, even if its only a few years they wont freeze the intrest rate without me being in school.

Title: Re: Using the "Kidney Disease Card"
Post by: Simon Dog on November 13, 2012, 07:15:41 PM
The big problem with student loans are they are non-dischargeable in bankruptcy, and since lenders know this, there is absolutely no incentive for them to do workouts or deals - as is standard practice with dischargeable debts like credit cards.  Even "forbearance" is just a deal to temporarily reduce payments - while the interest charges continue to accrue.

I suggest you find an attorney who understands student loan disability discharge and get an office consult.   You need to know EXACTLY what your doctor needs to certify, and then consider getting a second opinion if you medically qualify but the doc won't put his name on your claim.
Title: Re: Using the "Kidney Disease Card"
Post by: Lillupie on November 14, 2012, 06:26:30 AM
Another words Im pretty much screwed. good reason for me to go to hospice at somepoint. Going to college was the biggest mistake of my life. I never thought I was going to be on dialysis for so long. And without a kidney Im pretty much screwed. Ill never be able to afford to pay back my college loans. Apparently I cant get a kidney, too many antibodies, and noone wants to get tested.

btw, how do you know all this bad news?

Title: Re: Using the "Kidney Disease Card"
Post by: Lillupie on November 14, 2012, 06:28:35 AM
So yeah that is why I dont work and why he wouldn't sign off to have my loans forgiven.
The reasons are tough, but a large percentage of the reasons are those that the govt will not accept as a factor in determination of disability for student loan purposes.   Don't assume that loan forgiveness would necessarily be forthcoming, even if your doc signed the papers.  One of the standards for forgiveness is no possibility of becoming un-disabled, and that one could he hard to prove.

But now its to the point that Im never going to be able to pay them even if I become able to work a full time job. When I first got out of school the loan amount was $200 a month approx. Year after year of being on dialysis it is now with the intrest rate, the payments are $500, even with a good paying job I am not going to be able to pay $500 just for a student loan!! THey wont get rid of the intrest rate for me to be able to afford it when and if I can work.
 Now if I werent on dialysis and could work right after college, my payment would of been $200, but with going 4 years on economic hardship, the intrest rate keeps adding up and up.

can't you get a forbearance?  Something that freezes it so the interest doesn't accrue? 

Nope there is nothing that I can do to stop the intrest rate from piling up.
Title: Re: Using the "Kidney Disease Card"
Post by: Simon Dog on November 15, 2012, 01:04:20 PM
btw, how do you know all this bad news?
I've been around a while and I read a lot :).

Seriously, your issue here is legal and not medical, so you need a lawyer who is really skilled in disability law to see if you can get "certified" to the satisfaction of the fed student loan program - don't take one doc's word for it.   To a doc, disability is the inability to do certain tasks; to an attorney, disability is a legal status.   
Title: Re: Using the "Kidney Disease Card"
Post by: RedMist on December 09, 2012, 04:43:35 PM
I went through a similar situation.  Dept. of ED. discharged my loans and I'm not allowed to earn more than twice the poverty level for three years.  I'm a licensed healthcare provider and would like to work but it's not at all certain I can.  Being 62 and not having worked for 2 years also means I'll have to be self-employed again.

Anyway, if you're not coming off of dialysis you have a solid case for the Dept. of Ed.  You may have to fight.  I had to pay for a lawyer from my SSDI to hammer the nephrologist so he'd send the forms to the Dept. of Ed.   On the other hand, he needed his posterior kicked and I had nothing better to do. 

Red Mist
Title: Re: Using the "Kidney Disease Card"
Post by: Lillupie on December 09, 2012, 06:15:33 PM
I went through a similar situation.  Dept. of ED. discharged my loans and I'm not allowed to earn more than twice the poverty level for three years.  I'm a licensed healthcare provider and would like to work but it's not at all certain I can.  Being 62 and not having worked for 2 years also means I'll have to be self-employed again.

Anyway, if you're not coming off of dialysis you have a solid case for the Dept. of Ed.  You may have to fight.  I had to pay for a lawyer from my SSDI to hammer the nephrologist so he'd send the forms to the Dept. of Ed.   On the other hand, he needed his posterior kicked and I had nothing better to do. 

Red Mist

The Department of education is not quite as bad as Sallie Mae, and Im only 30 years old. Because im on the transplant list they seem to think im going to get a kidney at somepoint. My antibodies are too high and after over 5 years of being listed and not a single phone call I doubt if im ever going to get a kidney.

Title: Re: Using the "Kidney Disease Card"
Post by: Darthvadar on January 02, 2013, 08:38:59 AM
Forgot to post...

Used the KD Card just before Christmas... Got called for Jury Service...

Wrote to the court explaining that I'm caring for my mum who has KD and Parkinson's, and I'll need to do her dialysis three times a day...

Got a letter by return post withdrawing the summons...

Yes, I know it's my civic duty, etc., but I have to say being able to play this card was useful...

Love to all...

Title: Re: Using the "Kidney Disease Card"
Post by: Desert Dancer on January 02, 2013, 09:26:44 AM
You're lucky... Andy just got called and he told them he was sole caregiver to a home dialysis patient.

Didn't matter, they still consider him eligible.
Title: Re: Using the "Kidney Disease Card"
Post by: CebuShan on January 02, 2013, 07:48:09 PM
You're lucky... Andy just got called and he told them he was sole caregiver to a home dialysis patient.

Didn't matter, they still consider him eligible.

That bites! 
Title: Re: Using the "Kidney Disease Card"
Post by: Darthvadar on January 03, 2013, 03:18:15 AM
You're lucky... Andy just got called and he told them he was sole caregiver to a home dialysis patient.

Didn't matter, they still consider him eligible.

DD, may I make a suggestion???...

Get your Other Half to write to the Court, explaining that while he's happy to 'do his Civic Duty', etc., there are certain arrangements you need the court to make to enable you to do so...

For example, he could write something along these lines...

I am Primary and sole carer to my wife who has end stage Renal Failure, is on Peretonial Dialysis administered four times daily... She also has (insert other health conditions here)... As my wife is so unwell, I cannot in all consience leave her home alone for any length of time...

1. As I'll have to bring my sick wife with me, I'll need a Disabled Access Parking Space reserved...

2. I'll need the court to adjourn at least once, and more likely, twice each sitting day to administer my wife's dialysis... Forty minutes for each exchange should do it...

3. I'll require the use of a room containing a couch or suchlike for my wife to rest as Chronic Fatigue is a major symptom of Renal Failure... Will also need this room to have handwashing facilities and a hard surface to sterilise in order for me to administer the dialysis... Peretional Dialysis has a major drawback... Infection Risk!... A peretonitis is very easy to aquire, but can be fatal... Please ensure that any Air Conditioning/Heating System in said room needs to be filtered for safety... I would appreciate the reassurance of certification of clean air circulating in the room...

4. The court will have to be aware of, and make allowances for the fact that Renal Failure is a variable condition... One day a person is 'up', next day very unwell, and needs medical assessment... If that were to be the case during my jury duty, of course, the court would need to adjourn to allow me to get her the help she needs... After all, as her sole carer, my first duty is to her...

I do of course realise that meeting these requirements might be very difficult for the Courts Service to meet, but please understand that it's FAR more difficult for my wife and I to meet the demands of my serving on a jury... If I am to serve, I believe it's only reasonable for the service to meet me halfway in this endevour....

Give it go... You've nothing to lose, and everything to gain!.... It'll make it VERY difficult for them to insist he serve!...

Title: Re: Using the "Kidney Disease Card"
Post by: CebuShan on January 03, 2013, 07:19:32 AM
You're lucky... Andy just got called and he told them he was sole caregiver to a home dialysis patient.

Didn't matter, they still consider him eligible.

DD, may I make a suggestion???...

Get your Other Half to write to the Court, explaining that while he's happy to 'do his Civic Duty', etc., there are certain arrangements you need to court to make to enable you to do so...

For example, he could write something along these lines...

I am Primary and sole carer to my wife who has end stage Renal Failure, is on Peretonial Dialysis administered four times daily... She also has (insert other health conditions here)... As my wife is so unwell, I cannot in all consience leave her home alone for any length of time...

1. As I'll have to bring my sick wife with me, I'll need a Disabled Access Parking Space reserved...

2. I'll need the court to adjourn at least once, and more likely, twice each sitting day to administer my wife's dialysis... Forty minutes for each exchange should do it...

3. I'll require the use of a room containing a couch or suchlike for my wife to rest as Chronic Fatigue is a major symptom of Renal Failure... Will also need this room to have handwashing facilities and a hard surface to sterilise in order for me to administer the dialysis... Peretional Dialysis has a major drawback... Infection Risk!... A peretonitis is very easy to aquire, but can be fatal... Please ensure that any Air Conditioning/Heating System in said room needs to be filtered for safety... I would appreciate the reassurance of certification of clean air circulating in the room...

4. The court will have to be aware of, and make allowances for the fact that Renal Failure is a variable condition... One day a person is 'up', next day very unwell, and needs medical assessment... If that were to be the case during my jury duty, of course, the court would need to adjourn to allow me to get her the help she needs... After all, as her sole carer, my first duty is to her...

I do of course realise that meeting these requirements might be very difficult for the Courts Service to meet, but please understand that it's FAR more difficult for me and my wife to meet the demands of my serving on a jury... If I am to serve, I believe it's only reasonable for the service to meet me halfway in this endevour....

Give it go... You've nothing to lose, and everything to gain!.... It'll make it VERY difficult for them to insist he serve!...


 :clap;   :clap;   :clap;
Title: Re: Using the "Kidney Disease Card"
Post by: Darthvadar on January 03, 2013, 09:25:04 AM
Thanks Cebushan...

No harm in trying, anyway!....  :rofl;

Title: Re: Using the "Kidney Disease Card"
Post by: Hazmat35 on January 05, 2013, 09:28:11 AM
Forgot to post...

Used the KD Card just before Christmas... Got called for Jury Service...

Wrote to the court explaining that I'm caring for my mum who has KD and Parkinson's, and I'll need to do her dialysis three times a day...

Got a letter by return post withdrawing the summons...

Yes, I know it's my civic duty, etc., but I have to say being able to play this card was useful...

Love to all...


I took my Jury Duty notice to my doctor, and his nurse filled out the "form letter" that he already had made.  Changed the dates and names and sent it to the court for me.  DONE!  No Jury Duty.