I Hate Dialysis Message Board

Dialysis Discussion => Dialysis: General Discussion => Topic started by: CAPD on October 01, 2005, 10:06:39 PM

Title: What do you think of dialysis patients that uses the services of prostitutes?
Post by: CAPD on October 01, 2005, 10:06:39 PM
At my dialysis unit I am friendly with nearly all of the patients there. I have recently learned that two of them regularly uses the services provided by prostitutes. They've given up on courting altogether and have decided to pay for sex. Do you think this is morally wrong OR do you think it is wrong to pass moral judgement and begrudge two lonely old men from having some sexual gratification? Goodness knows how they manage to pay for it on disability allowance. But it is a need, I guess.
Title: Re: What do you think of dialysis patients that uses the services of prostitutes?
Post by: Epoman on October 02, 2005, 12:40:28 AM
At my dialysis unit I am friendly with nearly all of the patients there. I have recently learned that two of them regularly uses the services provided by prostitutes. They've given up on courting altogether and have decided to pay for sex. Do you think this is morally wrong OR do you think it is wrong to pass moral judgement and begrudge two lonely old men from having some sexual gratification? Goodness knows how they manage to pay for it on disability allowance. But it is a need, I guess.

Uh oh here's one of those touchy topics that can drive members away from a forum depending on the replies. So instead of locking or deleting this thread which is against what this site is all about. Here goes, I would say it all depends on a number of factors. The first being what are your morals? I won't even begin to discuss the legalities of it because the laws of prostitution vary from country to country, and if your in the U.S.A. well then you could drive to Nevada, but even then only 1 or 2 cities in Nevada allow prostitution. But back to morals what do you believe is right? is it OK to pay a woman for sex? That is something you need to figure out. Second, how old are you? if your young then I say you should try harder to get out and meet people there are many women on dialysis BUT you do not have to limit yourself to female dialysis patients just because you are on dialysis. I say young because you say "Two lonely old men" well what is your definition of old? 40's,50's,60's,70's or 80+ one persons definition of old is young to another. If you are late 60's or late 70's then I understand it is harder to meet people and I understand a man has needs (as do women) even at that age. Another factor you need to consider is diseases, you already have "Chronic Kidney Failure" do you really want to possibly add "Herpes", "Gonorrhea" or maybe even "HIV/AIDS"? Condoms are not foolproof and prostitutes sleep with a lot of men and you never know what they may be carrying. To give you an analogy a beautiful apple may look delicious and tasty on the outside but it can have worms and be rotten in the inside. I hope no one takes offense to that analogy. I would say don't be a follower just because they take the easy road, have you even tried to go on dates and court women? There are many places to meet new people of any age group. When you get out and meet people I would be honest with them and let them know soon after meeting them your situation. It could actually work in your favor, it could be a great conversation starter. Have you ever considered some of the online dating services like eHarmony.com? Unless all you want and care about is sex with no gratifying relationship, after the prostitute leaves you are all alone again until you call her again. Having sex is great and fun but have a lasting relationship with someone that you can laugh, cry, have good times and bad times, and of course have sex with is much more rewarding and fulfilling not only to you but the person you meet. I know this really didn't answer your question but I hope it gives you something to think about.
Title: Re: What do you think of dialysis patients that uses the services of prostitutes?
Post by: LifeOnHold on October 02, 2005, 04:41:34 AM
What do I think?  I think they're two disgusting old pigs who are going straight to Hell!   >:D

I think that how an old guy manages to take care of his sexual needs is his own business... doesn't matter if he's on dialysis or not.
Title: Re: What do you think of dialysis patients that uses the services of prostitutes?
Post by: CAPD on October 02, 2005, 07:53:36 AM
Epoman, I am from the UK and prostitution is illegal here. I believe if a man is willing to pay and treat the prostitute as a human being and just have normal, regular sex (nothing kinky) and the chick is okay with it--then if everyone is okay with it then it's okay. I am 24, Epoman. Old for me is anyone over 40 >. I have used prostitutes, not often, but I have paid for it. You know, I have never really considered or given much thought to STDs. I use call girls (they're different to street corner hookers, they're a class above) and those girls are with an agency and the agency screen them, I think, not really sure. They do go and get check ups. I figure seeing as I already have renal, STDs don't scare me. If I were to get HIV or whatever I would probably just kill myself b/c I already have one foot in the grave with renal so I might as well. I always use condoms, for straight sex and for blowjobs. They insist we do, they have to protect themselves against us as well. I like your apple analogy. It works the other way too, a ugly looking fruit that turns out to be really sweet. I have considered using online dating sites, still mulling it over.

LifeOnHold, honey, you're entitled to your opinion, but I know if you had a penis and you were in my shoes, you would do exactly the same thing.   
Title: Re: What do you think of dialysis patients that uses the services of prostitutes?
Post by: Rerun on October 02, 2005, 01:52:27 PM
Jesus!  Just go hire someone fast so we don't have to read this crap.  Just go F' someone! Just go get a blow up doll and then you will have your stupid girlfriend or whatever and it is a one time cost no condom or anything!  Don't they jack off in England?  You know the "going blind" is a bunch of crap!   :o 8)
Title: Re: What do you think of dialysis patients that uses the services of prostitutes?
Post by: CAPD on October 02, 2005, 05:19:41 PM
Rerun, you are being facetious.  >:(
Title: Re: What do you think of dialysis patients that uses the services of prostitutes?
Post by: Rerun on October 02, 2005, 08:03:09 PM
Hey, CAPD (Cat After Possible date)  why don't you go introduce yourself like the rest of us, so we know about your "kidney" or  "dialysis" history instead of your perverted sexual whims.  This is ihatedialysis.com not   idon'tgetanysexondialysis.com   >:D
Title: Re: What do you think of dialysis patients that uses the services of prostitutes?
Post by: Epoman on October 02, 2005, 10:47:03 PM
Hey, CAPD (Cat After Possible date)  why don't you go introduce yourself like the rest of us, so we know about your "kidney" or  "dialysis" history instead of your perverted sexual whims.  This is ihatedialysis.com not   idon'tgetanysexondialysis.com   >:D

Good advice, I ask that all member who post here please create a new post in the "Introduce Yourself" section. So that way we can understand the person behind the posts.
Title: Re: What do you think of dialysis patients that uses the services of prostitutes?
Post by: ohhmygolly on October 02, 2005, 10:57:38 PM
 i do not feel that anyone should use sex for sell --but is it a sin -- i will let god do his job and pass whatever blessing or judgement he wants  
the part i think is sad is a lot of patients are on some kind of goverment hand out so are we talking about my tax dollars going for this ??
Title: Re: What do you think of dialysis patients that uses the services of prostitutes?
Post by: Epoman on October 03, 2005, 09:29:33 AM
i do not feel that anyone should use sex for sell --but is it a sin -- i will let god do his job and pass whatever blessing or judgement he wants  
the part i think is sad is a lot of patients are on some kind of goverment hand out so are we talking about my tax dollars going for this ??

I hope your not referring to collecting "Social Security Disability" that is NOT a "hand out". I had money taken out of my paycheck to cover me in case I got chronically ill as all workers in the USA do. Granted I did not pay into the system as long as most people. However I did have enough credits to deserve it, according to the Social Security Administration. And some people die before they even get to use it themselves so it all works out in the end.

I will personally be offended if you were revering to Social Security benefits as a "hand out"
Title: Social security disability
Post by: LifeOnHold on October 03, 2005, 09:59:50 AM
I only just made the 'quarters'-- if I hadn't started working at the factory at age 18, I'd have never qualified for disability.

I worked in a sweatshop factory 10 hours a day to get my quarters-- I would hardly classify that as a 'handout.'

When I went to Social Security after I started dialysis, I got ALL kinds of attitude from the worker-- a prejudiced black woman who seemed personally offended that a white girl was daring to ask for help.  She was further ticked off because I knew that Medicare coverage was guaranteed because I had ESRD-- she kept saying, "Well, you might not get it!"  Finally I said, "People with End Stage Renal Disease are automatically covered-- how could I not get it?"  Oh boy, was she pissed that I knew that!  Medicaid depends on your income, but the Medicare doesn't-- that depends on how many quarters you've worked, and I knew that I had them... apparently, this worker was still confusing Medicare with Medicaid!  Scary thought, that people like that are in charge of determining eligibility!
Title: Re: What do you think of dialysis patients that uses the services of prostitutes?
Post by: CAPD on October 03, 2005, 11:24:42 AM
If you're entitled, you're entitled; if you're not, you're not -- these social security personel need to cool it with the attitude. It makes my blood boil. LifeOnHold, you should have given that black bitch a piece of your mind and then write a letter of complaint.

Epoman, do you get dirty looks and/or attitude when you go and pickup your benefits?
Title: Re: What do you think of dialysis patients that uses the services of prostitutes?
Post by: Epoman on October 03, 2005, 02:37:32 PM
If you're entitled, you're entitled; if you're not, you're not -- these social security personel need to cool it with the attitude. It makes my blood boil. LifeOnHold, you should have given that black bitch a piece of your mind and then write a letter of complaint.

Epoman, do you get dirty looks and/or attitude when you go and pickup your benefits?

I don't have to deal with it, I get direct deposit.
Title: Re: What do you think of dialysis patients that uses the services of prostitutes?
Post by: ohhmygolly on October 03, 2005, 08:25:24 PM
i am so sorry  -  i was not talking about social security or medicare-----being from a border state that has more than 200 people on dialysis from other countrys that never paid taxs or anything else into this country. many are here illegal that is the people i was talking about
 i'm sorry i did not make that plane i will try to do better in the future
Title: Re: What do you think of dialysis patients that uses the services of prostitutes?
Post by: Epoman on October 03, 2005, 08:51:51 PM
i am so sorry  -  i was not talking about social security or medicare-----being from a border state that has more than 200 people on dialysis from other countrys that never paid taxs or anything else into this country. many are here illegal that is the people i was talking about
 i'm sorry i did not make that plane i will try to do better in the future

No problem, I understand. I was just shocked for a moment.
Title: Re: What do you think of dialysis patients that uses the services of prostitutes?
Post by: Wizard on October 06, 2005, 11:42:58 AM
I beleive in the government keeping out of people's bedroom. And before the flaming begins, yes I do go to church on Sunday if I am not home sick in bed. If a man or woman feels he needs a service for the bedroom then PLEASE use a condom.
Title: Re: What do you think of dialysis patients that uses the services of prostitutes
Post by: Jaybird on June 15, 2007, 09:39:16 PM
Wow this is an old thread.
I just thought I'd leave my 2 cents on it though.

I've been to many countries where prostitution is legal, and some where its not.
But even when its not legal, there's still a crap load of people doing it and paying for it. Its one of the oldest "professions" in the world.

Side note. My grandma told me how hookers got their names. In the American civil war, General Hooker had allot of "camp followers", and they became known as hookers. I guess the name stuck.

Anyway, its a pretty dirty profession but I think its your body, you do what you want to with it. Just don't be surprised if you get the gift that keeps on giving though. (Babies or disease). :-X Same goes for people payin.

Not quite sure I made the point I was thinking about. Anyway, its my 2 cents. :twocents;
Title: Re: What do you think of dialysis patients that uses the services of prostitutes?
Post by: st789 on June 15, 2007, 11:42:42 PM
JayBird, were you in the navy before?

A friend of my was in the Navy for 6 yrs, he also had the same perspective like you.

He stationed in Japan, Korea and Hong Kong.
Title: Re: What do you think of dialysis patients that uses the services of prostitutes?
Post by: keefer51 on June 16, 2007, 06:47:22 AM
I never paid for sex. Wait a minute i was married three times! i guess it has something to do with my age and blood pressure meds and being on dialysis doesn't help either. My Doc has given me a script for Viagra. I am on social security and have medicare a&b. I am on state renal too. But neither one will help pay for it. I guess they figure if you on disabilty you don't deserve to have any sex.
Title: Re: What do you think of dialysis patients that uses the services of prostitutes
Post by: Jaybird on June 16, 2007, 07:12:22 AM
Hahah, thats funny keefer. I figure I've paid for sex everytime I've had it if I look at in that perspective. My wife wouldn't like to think of it like that though =).

And St789, I was in the navy for 5 years and stationed in Japan. When I went to Thailand, prostitution was thrown in my face at every corner, and when I went to Australia we went to a "club" and didn't know it was a front for prostitution. In Singapore it was like that too, but I'm not sure if it was legal there. I didn't partake, but I had many friends who did. The atmosphere in which they worked was a bar, and they got there "patrons" nice and drunk before soliciting. Alotta guys didn't need to be drunk, but it helped for those with moral delimmas's. Basically after I found out how those places worked, I got the "buddy system".  The buddy system was just making sure that I went out with married or guys that had girlfriends back home and we stuck together and kept each other from making mistakes. I had to pull my friends outa bars more than once to keep them from doing something they would regret later.

In Thailand, I liked going to those bars, because they also put the fight arena in them. Alcohol, violence and sex all sell and I liked to partake in 2/3 so I always went.

My 2 more cents.

Title: Re: What do you think of dialysis patients that uses the services of prostitutes
Post by: tweetykiss on June 16, 2007, 07:48:24 AM
I say let God be the judge of it all since I am not qualified in the least and it is his job anyway....lol.....
Title: Re: What do you think of dialysis patients that uses the services of prostitutes?
Post by: st789 on June 16, 2007, 07:54:06 AM
Being married 3 times, I think Keefer have plenty of sex in a life time already, heeee.  Talk about high blood pressure and take Viagra for sex, Wow for kidney patients.....Too much isn't it?

Jaybird, I heard many unreal and easy accessible to the services especially in Thailand.  Just that you have to be 100% sure you know what you are getting into because there are many freaky stuffs that can surprised you in Thailand.

Sometimes, I wish I could enlist in the service so I get to travel to different places to see a whole new world if it was not for this damn kidney thing.  Oh, well......
Title: Re: What do you think of dialysis patients that uses the services of prostitutes
Post by: larry781 on June 16, 2007, 08:50:17 AM
If I may add my two pennies to this:
I feel the same way about disabled people using prostitutes the same way I feel about the general population using them: unless you are in that one small area of the country where it is legal (the outskirts of Las Vegas NV, I think), it is wrong.

Most prostitutes are in that "profession" either because they are indentured to the people who illegally brought them into the country, or are supporting a drug addiction. Many prostitutes were victims of molestation while younger. Anyway, anyone who engages a prostitute is helping perpetuate one of the worst human situations in this country.
Title: Re: What do you think of dialysis patients that uses the services of prostitutes
Post by: glitter on June 16, 2007, 12:43:56 PM
If I may add my two pennies to this:
I feel the same way about disabled people using prostitutes the same way I feel about the general population using them: unless you are in that one small area of the country where it is legal (the outskirts of Las Vegas NV, I think), it is wrong.

Most prostitutes are in that "profession" either because they are indentured to the people who illegally brought them into the country, or are supporting a drug addiction. Many prostitutes were victims of molestation while younger. Anyway, anyone who engages a prostitute is helping perpetuate one of the worst human situations in this country.

I think there are more willing participants then you would think- I used to waitress third shift, and when the dancers came in after the topless clubs closed- many a truck driver paid them for sex in their trucks. We even had one enterprising young lady who would park her motorhome in the empty parkinglot and advertise on the CB- I used to get really busy with fellas waiting thier turn and eating breakfast 'after'. I do think its a dirty profession, just because how clean can you stay serviceing dif. men all night...its all about choices for some people- there are alot of people molested as children who do not turn to that kind of life. And clearly there seems to be a need for the service.
Title: Re: What do you think of dialysis patients that uses the services of prostitutes
Post by: Jaybird on June 16, 2007, 01:34:41 PM
I agree with some of what you said larry, but I don't think it matters at all if its legal or not. If you think its wrong then its wrong regardless of legality. Laws are just rules that others impose upon us. Just because in one place you can smoke weed and pay for sex and its legal, doesn't make it ok if your think its morally objectionable. Its just like a speed limit. I follow them because if I dont I'll get in trouble, but I would go faster if I wouldn't get in trouble for it. I happen to agree with many of the laws in my society, but not all of them. And if your religious, then you know the only laws that count are those of your religion, because those are the laws that are going to follow you into your next life.


Also, I'm surprised at how many people are replying to this. heh I didn't mean to revive this topic, but I guess everyone has there opinion.
Title: Re: What do you think of dialysis patients that uses the services of prostitutes
Post by: tweetykiss on June 16, 2007, 02:24:20 PM
I also use to waitress graveyard shift and bartend evening way into the night shifts so I saw some of this as well.  I will agree there are a lot of willing participants who pay and those who sell and those who run it as well....all of these kinds came into the bar (I will say all kinds of people came into the bar)......this is not something I support and I agree it is illegal but I still will not be the judge of it even though it is against my faith......also no matter how strict the laws are on this, some will still be a part of this kind of life if they are determined so the only thing I can say is that the cycle has to be broken somewhere but then the question is where and who should break this cycle?
Title: Re: What do you think of dialysis patients that uses the services of prostitutes?
Post by: RichardMEL on June 17, 2007, 06:19:47 AM
Well my 2 cents on this... frankly I don't think it's any one else's business if a person (dialysis patient or not) wants to pay for sex well that's up to them. It's not something I'd do (and so I have gone without for quite some time! LOL) but it's totally up to them.

Perhaps it is a way when you feel you have little control over your body and perhaps find it hard to find a relationship with someone that might lead to sex... well paying for it may well seem like one way to get some sort of "relief" in their life.

It's one way to cope I guess... but not for me.
Title: Re: What do you think of dialysis patients that uses the services of prostitutes?
Post by: st789 on June 17, 2007, 06:59:43 AM
If you are in a healthy and stable relationship, there is no need for the service.

When you are secure about yourself and know who you are.

But when there are distress and hopeless in your life, I can see people looking for services perhap for companionship and solitude.

My 1 cent.
Title: Re: What do you think of dialysis patients that uses the services of prostitutes?
Post by: glitter on June 17, 2007, 12:12:09 PM
instead of it being a deep dark deed-done because of desperation, lack of self-esteem, etc.....

couldn't it just possibly be a fair exchange for a bit of fun?  That seems to offend peoples sensibilities.

I see so many guys go through the motions (they dont mean)for a little tail- prostitution seems more honest.

Title: Re: What do you think of dialysis patients that uses the services of prostitutes?
Post by: George Jung on June 17, 2007, 01:33:06 PM
Sometimes you just need to get "centered" and "let it go".  It is always better when someone does it for you and if you have to pay.....well then I guess you just have to pay.  I worry about myself, not about what others do, so if someone wants to pay for sex, I would wish them a nice healthy bank account!

p.s. I can't believe I am replying to this thread, I must be "bored"!!!   ;)
Title: Re: What do you think of dialysis patients that uses the services of prostitutes
Post by: Jaybird on June 17, 2007, 03:27:33 PM
Glitter, I hear ya.

I know lotsa people that spend LOADS of money on women etc, just because they want to have sex with them. They don't say that, they might not even be thinking that. But I know it's what they are basically doing sometimes. It'd be cheaper and quicker if they just talked about it up front. And I'm not saying the women in this are innocents. They know what the guy is doing most of the time. Sometimes they can be fooled, but I know women aren't stupid. (At least from my experience with them, they know what I'm trying to do before i do most of the time. DAMN MIND READERS!  :o)

Title: Re: What do you think of dialysis patients that uses the services of prostitutes?
Post by: Ang on June 17, 2007, 04:41:14 PM
going  back  to  the  original  question

no  on  i  don't  think  we  can  pass  judgement  on  anyone,as  we  all  probably  have  /  will  do  some  thing  that  the  rest  of  the  world  considers  to  be  immoral  or  whatever.an  opinion  is   your  right.
Title: Re: What do you think of dialysis patients that uses the services of prostitutes?
Post by: meadowlandsnj on June 17, 2007, 05:00:39 PM
I beleive in the government keeping out of people's bedroom. And before the flaming begins, yes I do go to church on Sunday if I am not home sick in bed. If a man or woman feels he needs a service for the bedroom then PLEASE use a condom.

It is between two consenting adults so whatever floats yer boat I suppose.  I don't go to church every Sunday, BTW so I'm in no position to pass judgement on anyone.  I just try to do the right thing in life and I do believe in God but not in organized religion anymore.  I was raised a Catholic but I have found in life that you have to follow your own path and try to be a good person.  I know of too many church going hypocrites who wouldn't give you the time of day if you were asking for a glass of water.  That can't be what it's all about. 
So wear protection and be safe if you must use these services.   :bandance; :bandance; :bandance;

Title: Re: What do you think of dialysis patients that uses the services of prostitutes?
Post by: Chicken Little on June 17, 2007, 08:05:55 PM
I think it's none of my business. 

I admire their energy though.  I don't have to go looking for it and I still don't have the energy. 
Title: Re: What do you think of dialysis patients that uses the services of prostitutes?
Post by: st789 on June 18, 2007, 08:19:02 AM
Individual choice and lifestyle to pursuit his or her pleasure if you can afford it.

I try to live within my mean limit.

Whether it is moral or immoral, who care.  Let Gods do the judgements.

Title: Re: What do you think of dialysis patients that uses the services of prostitutes
Post by: tweetykiss on June 25, 2007, 07:34:28 AM
Ditto on this st789.......it is God's job to be the judge and certainly not mine so I am not going to say whether it is wrong or not.......all I will say is that precautions should be taken   because of AIDS and many do not want unwanted pregnancies.......
Title: Re: What do you think of dialysis patients that uses the services of prostitutes?
Post by: stauffenberg on June 25, 2007, 01:33:20 PM
In the 1980s there was a major study done of AIDS among prositutes in Glasgow, and out of the 1000 women tested, not one single case of AIDS was found.  Despite all the fear mongering about AIDS by the media, it is not a normally transmissable sexual disease like gonorrhea or syphilis, neither of which ever focused just on one part of the world rather than another, or on one type of sexual practice rather than another.  AIDS was first identified in the Western world in a sailor in Liverpool in 1959, and if AIDS were a normal sexual disease, nearly the whole world would have had it by now, just as syphiliis engulfed nearly the entire European population after Columbus' crew brought it back to the Mediterranean ports from the New World. As long as people have only conventional sex and only in the Western world, their chances of getting AIDS from a sexual encounter are less than of getting killed in a traffic accident en route to that encounter. Biology will not enforce your morality for you.

Since there are Hindu temples in India which have temple prostitutes, and it is considered an act of religious piety both for the women and their customers to have paid sex in these temples, prostitution is obviously not immoral in any clear, transcultural way.  There is also no clear way to distinguish prostitution from gold-digging, and if a woman marries mainly for the man's money, why does the fact that the commercial interest is limited to one large, permanent exchange make it any more moral than many small-scale, temporary exchanges of the same sort.  Prostitution does not exist in primitive societies where there is marriage, so it has to be regarded as the price to be paid for the artificial shortage of sex partners needlesslly created by prudery and marriage in 'civilized' society.
Title: Re: What do you think of dialysis patients that uses the services of prostitutes?
Post by: whitehorse on July 01, 2007, 09:12:11 PM
I think it's criminal for people on disability to use public money to pay for hookers.
It would save money if they jacked off  while watching the dialysis nurses bending over. :bow;
Title: Re: What do you think of dialysis patients that uses the services of prostitutes?
Post by: Sluff on July 02, 2007, 04:09:28 AM
I don't think of disability as public money. I think everyone who has ever worked in their lifetime earned the disability check if they are unfortunate enough to draw disability.

It's their money they can spend it on anything they want. If they want to spend it all on prostitutes then let them. I bought a few houses for my ex-wives, looking back a prostitute would have been cheaper.  J/K Now the moral issue might be different.
Title: Re: What do you think of dialysis patients that uses the services of prostitutes?
Post by: glitter on July 02, 2007, 11:16:42 AM
I think it's criminal for people on disability to use public money to pay for hookers.
It would save money if they jacked off  while watching the dialysis nurses bending over. :bow;

People on disability EARNED the check -it IS NOT a public handout like welfare is.  And you should be able to spend money you earned any way you please.

your other comment is just disgusting...
Title: Re: What do you think of dialysis patients that uses the services of prostitutes?
Post by: LightLizard on July 02, 2007, 11:33:16 AM
I think it's criminal for people on disability to use public money to pay for hookers.
It would save money if they jacked off  while watching the dialysis nurses bending over. :bow;

People on disability EARNED the check -it IS NOT a public handout like welfare is.  And you should be able to spend money you earned any way you please.

your other comment is just disgusting...

i agree glitter. anyone who would make such a statement is just looking for attention, really.
the suggestion is far more disgusting than employing a hooker could ever be.

nothin wrong with going to a hooker, really, no matter where the money comes from.
civilised places like amsterdam and paris treat it more intelligently.
but we've only been here for a couple of hundred years, so we have a lot to learn, still.

Title: Re: What do you think of dialysis patients that uses the services of prostitutes?
Post by: livecam on July 02, 2007, 12:53:57 PM
I think it is time to lock or delete this thread and be done with it.  This is one of the all time dumbest and most  irrelevant threads I've ever seen on this site.

How bout it admins?  Please get rid of this.
Title: Re: What do you think of dialysis patients that uses the services of prostitutes?
Post by: LightLizard on July 02, 2007, 01:05:32 PM
I think it is time to lock or delete this thread and be done with it.  This is one of the all time dumbest and most  irrelevant threads I've ever seen on this site.

How bout it admins?  Please get rid of this.

so, you don't find the topic worthy of discussion so it should be removed?
why not just stay away from it then?
what do you want to talk about, 'american idol' or 'survivor'? something
worthy of your deep, caring mind?

*SHEESH* :urcrazy;
Title: Re: What do you think of dialysis patients that uses the services of prostitutes?
Post by: Sluff on July 02, 2007, 01:06:54 PM

I think it is time to lock or delete this thread and be done with it.  This is one of the all time dumbest and most  irrelevant threads I've ever seen on this site.

How bout it admins? Please get rid of this.

Uh oh here's one of those touchy topics that can drive members away from a forum depending on the replies. So instead of locking or deleting this thread which is against what this site is all about. Here goes, I would say it all depends on a number of factors. The first being what are your morals? I won't even begin to discuss the legalities of it because the laws of prostitution vary from country to country, and if your in the U.S.A. well then you could drive to Nevada, but even then only 1 or 2 cities in Nevada allow prostitution. But back to morals what do you believe is right? is it OK to pay a woman for sex? That is something you need to figure out. Second, how old are you? if your young then I say you should try harder to get out and meet people there are many women on dialysis BUT you do not have to limit yourself to female dialysis patients just because you are on dialysis. I say young because you say "Two lonely old men" well what is your definition of old? 40's,50's,60's,70's or 80+ one persons definition of old is young to another. If you are late 60's or late 70's then I understand it is harder to meet people and I understand a man has needs (as do women) even at that age. Another factor you need to consider is diseases, you already have "Chronic Kidney Failure" do you really want to possibly add "Herpes", "Gonorrhea" or maybe even "HIV/AIDS"? Condoms are not foolproof and prostitutes sleep with a lot of men and you never know what they may be carrying. To give you an analogy a beautiful apple may look delicious and tasty on the outside but it can have worms and be rotten in the inside. I hope no one takes offense to that analogy. I would say don't be a follower just because they take the easy road, have you even tried to go on dates and court women? There are many places to meet new people of any age group. When you get out and meet people I would be honest with them and let them know soon after meeting them your situation. It could actually work in your favor, it could be a great conversation starter. Have you ever considered some of the online dating services like eHarmony.com? Unless all you want and care about is sex with no gratifying relationship, after the prostitute leaves you are all alone again until you call her again. Having sex is great and fun but have a lasting relationship with someone that you can laugh, cry, have good times and bad times, and of course have sex with is much more rewarding and fulfilling not only to you but the person you meet. I know this really didn't answer your question but I hope it gives you something to think about.

The Boss has already addressed those concerns. My suggestion for those that find this thread inappropriate to not even read this thread. The title should make known the content of this thread.

Sluff/ Admin
Title: Re: What do you think of dialysis patients that uses the services of prostitutes
Post by: KICKSTART on July 02, 2007, 01:16:15 PM
Tbh i dont think this question has anything to do with the fact someone is on dialysis. The question of using 'hookers' could be applied to a lot of shall we say , able bodied people. What it has to do with being on dialysis is really irrelevant isnt it ? Plenty of people without an illness/disability must use them , so is it ok for them ? What i do find funny is ,it is guys who ,when having problems (or not) use hookers. Women just suffer in silence !!!
Title: Re: What do you think of dialysis patients that uses the services of prostitutes?
Post by: LightLizard on July 02, 2007, 02:06:54 PM
'silence'? what's that?


Title: Re: What do you think of dialysis patients that uses the services of prostitutes
Post by: KICKSTART on July 02, 2007, 02:20:14 PM
oi ... :rofl;
Title: Re: What do you think of dialysis patients that uses the services of prostitutes?
Post by: lola on July 02, 2007, 03:20:26 PM
:rofl; This thread cracks me up, really who cares if someone pays for sex. hmmmmm wait I don't leave the house to work but I sleep with this really good looking guy everynight who gives me money when i want it..... Do i have to start filling for taxes????? HEHEHE
Title: Re: What do you think of dialysis patients that uses the services of prostitutes?
Post by: stauffenberg on July 02, 2007, 03:35:36 PM
In some European countries, such as Britain and the Netherlands, the government health service pays for profoundly disabled people, who would otherwise never find anyone to have sex with, to have sex with prostitutes.  The prostitutes used are specially trained to deal only with disabled clients and so they know how to address the special mobility, tactile, and erectile difficulties these patients may have.  These countries regard such government-paid services as addressing a fundamental human need and right.
Title: Re: What do you think of dialysis patients that uses the services of prostitutes?
Post by: LightLizard on July 02, 2007, 03:51:17 PM
ya mean a guy's gotta move to the netherlands for his nether-regions? :o
Title: Re: What do you think of dialysis patients that uses the services of prostitutes
Post by: glitter on July 02, 2007, 08:37:13 PM
Tbh i dont think this question has anything to do with the fact someone is on dialysis. The question of using 'hookers' could be applied to a lot of shall we say , able bodied people. What it has to do with being on dialysis is really irrelevant isnt it ? Plenty of people without an illness/disability must use them , so is it ok for them ? What i do find funny is ,it is guys who ,when having problems (or not) use hookers. Women just suffer in silence !!!

yeah what about all the poor women- I support more male hookers!!!!  :2thumbsup;   JKidding kidding..........  :angel;
Title: Re: What do you think of dialysis patients that uses the services of prostitutes?
Post by: bdpoe on July 02, 2007, 08:56:15 PM
I don't know enough about these individuals to make any kind of moral judgement.

Epoman and Sluff mentioned the posibility of contracting STDs.

How about getting robbed or getting busted?
Title: Re: What do you think of dialysis patients that uses the services of prostitutes?
Post by: Lucinda on July 03, 2007, 12:55:05 AM
When I was a journalist I did a story with a number of prostitutes and it broke my heart that these young, very young, 12 years and up had such an ugly life on the streets.  They are the ones who are disabled - not those with renal disease.  I don't think this thread is at all appropriate and I find it in extremely poor taste but I respect that this site was set up to give everyone a voice. I think a servere case of laryngitis is called for. 
Title: Re: What do you think of dialysis patients that uses the services of prostitutes?
Post by: keefer51 on July 03, 2007, 06:11:39 AM
When i first read this thread the impression i got was this; Lets say a man finds out his kidneys fails. So he goes to the hospital and get these tubes sticking out of his chest. His wife of many years finds a healthy man without the tubes. After thinking about what to do she decides to take the healthy man. So tube man finds himself without a wife. As time goes by lets say about a year tube man gets lonely. A buddy tells him about a "lady of the evening" who would be his "friend" for a couple of hours. All of what he was taught tells him he is doing wrong. But he feels his chances of finding the right one down the road is farther then he can wait. So he decides to go for it. It will cost him some money. But he lost everything anyway. This scenario is one that i find to be one where i can't blame him. I guess we have to look at the whole picture.
Title: Re: What do you think of dialysis patients that uses the services of prostitutes?
Post by: glitter on July 03, 2007, 10:07:46 AM
I know this is not considered a 'nice' subject...too bad. The fact remains that there are alot of disabled people who would very much benefit from sexual activity- I think it would help alot of depressed people- I know the lack of sex can be very depressing and demoralizing all by itself without adding renal disease and tubes and fatigue. Is prostitution the answer- maybe not the best one, but what is the best alternative? Self-gratifacation is not enough. and if you say celibacy- then maybe thats right for you...or maybe its  moral judgement.

When I was a journalist I did a story with a number of prostitutes and it broke my heart that these young, very young, 12 years and up had such an ugly life on the streets.  They are the ones who are disabled - not those with renal disease.  I don't think this thread is at all appropriate and I find it in extremely poor taste but I respect that this site was set up to give everyone a voice. I think a servere case of laryngitis is called for. 

I do not think children should be used either- but what adults do is a direct reflection of their choices. And not all hookers are diseased crack whores.

and if you find this thread so distaseful-why read it? Some people here obviously do not mind having a dialog about this subject- I find it interesting that so many people are quick to judge. 

What if your ugly as hell, sweet person but no-one will ever shag you without monetary exchange?

Title: Re: What do you think of dialysis patients that uses the services of prostitutes?
Post by: Sluff on July 03, 2007, 10:29:07 AM

What if your ugly as hell, sweet person but no-one will ever shag you without monetary exchange?

Like me?   :lol;
Title: Re: What do you think of dialysis patients that uses the services of prostitutes?
Post by: glitter on July 03, 2007, 08:11:16 PM
If I was single I'd shag you in a minute you sweet man!!
Title: Re: What do you think of dialysis patients that uses the services of prostitutes?
Post by: Sluff on July 03, 2007, 08:18:48 PM
If I was single I'd shag you in a minute you sweet man!!

awwww  shucks!! why thank you. :lol;
Title: Re: What do you think of dialysis patients that uses the services of prostitutes?
Post by: st789 on July 03, 2007, 09:27:19 PM
Are we all children of God and we are all beautiful.

I think in some ways we all (especially single people) here hope to find that special someone who would understand us and accept us the way we are and willingly go through the up and down.
Title: Re: What do you think of dialysis patients that uses the services of prostitutes?
Post by: stauffenberg on July 04, 2007, 03:26:34 PM
Dr. Wilhelm Reich, the great follower of Sigmund Freud, was a psychiatrist as well as a social reformer.  He wrote that there are naturally enough people attracted to every particular type of person on Earth, and enough people who share the same sexual intersts, that everyone could have his sexual desires perfectly satisfied every minute of his entire life.  But society, by the arbitrary social barriers of prudery, religious taboos, monogamy, and marriage that it chooses to set up, creates an artificial shortage of sexual partners. As a result, there is widespread sexual starvation, out of which arises a massive amount of unnecessary human suffering, much of it ultimately leading to severe mental illness. If prostitution is created as a by-product of the pathological way society is designed to cause an aritificial shortage of sexual partners, then I see nothing wrong in dialysis patients having recourse to that service as a kind of preventative medicine to keep from being made insane by a sick society.
Title: Re: What do you think of dialysis patients that uses the services of prostitutes?
Post by: George Jung on July 05, 2007, 12:55:37 PM
I could care less really, about this thread, but the fact that some wish to have it locked is bothersome to me.  The freedom in which we (collectively) enjoy is the soul of this web site, its essence, and the basis for which it was created.  It is that characteristic I respect ever so much and has kept me here at IHD.  The minute that is taken away, part of me will be taken away also.  I am very grateful for IHD (thanks epoman) and I will always credit it for certain things, however, if ever the day comes to get rid of the freedom I will have to go along with it.

BTW, why do you think I am going to Vegas in October?  For an IHD annual meet?

 :secret;  SEX, PROSTITUTION, CALL GIRLS, AND SEX   :secret;

Maybe we could get a group rate?
Title: Re: What do you think of dialysis patients that uses the services of prostitutes?
Post by: goofynina on July 05, 2007, 01:03:24 PM
I could care less really, about this thread, but the fact that some wish to have it locked is bothersome to me. The freedom in which we (collectively) enjoy is the soul of this web site, its essence, and the basis for which it was created. It is that characteristic I respect ever so much and has kept me here at IHD. The minute that is taken away, part of me will be taken away also. I am very grateful for IHD (thanks epoman) and I will always credit it for certain things, however, if ever the day comes to get rid of the freedom I will have to go along with it.

Good for you George, i appreciate your honesty my friend, thank you for always speaking your mind (even if some don't agree)  Epoman made this site for just that reason.  He always loved a good "debate"  :boxing; :boxing;  No matter what the topic was on.  I miss you Boss  :banghead;


and if that is what is awaiting me in Vegas? COUNT ME BACK IN BABY  :bandance; :bandance;
(oh how i wish) :P :P
Title: Re: What do you think of dialysis patients that uses the services of prostitutes?
Post by: glitter on July 05, 2007, 08:46:18 PM
I could care less really, about this thread, but the fact that some wish to have it locked is bothersome to me.  The freedom in which we (collectively) enjoy is the soul of this web site, its essence, and the basis for which it was created.  It is that characteristic I respect ever so much and has kept me here at IHD.  The minute that is taken away, part of me will be taken away also.  I am very grateful for IHD (thanks epoman) and I will always credit it for certain things, however, if ever the day comes to get rid of the freedom I will have to go along with it.

BTW, why do you think I am going to Vegas in October?  For an IHD annual meet?

 :secret;  SEX, PROSTITUTION, CALL GIRLS, AND SEX   :secret;

Maybe we could get a group rate?

I agree with you in entirety   :bandance; :bandance;
Title: Re: What do you think of dialysis patients that uses the services of prostitutes
Post by: okarol on July 05, 2007, 10:54:59 PM
Interesting perspective from Heidi Fleiss http://www.legalaffairs.org/issues/September-October-2003/feature_fleiss_sepoct03.msp