Lucinda our healthcare or lack thereof here in the States is driven by one Policies and procedures are driven by profit. Centers are ranked by results, meeting goals can mean a lot when it comes to pay and bonuses. With Federal reimbursements dropping centers are edgy about making or as they claim losing money.I find the same ignorance when it comes to diabetes. Most nurses are clueless. I don't know how many times I have been told to have a specific blood sugar reading. No not 110, it should be 105. Really? And how do we do that? One unit of insulin will lower by blood sugar by between 40-60 points. How does one get accurate to 5 counts when you can't be that precise? Yet I hear it over and over. I need to lower my readings by 5 or 10 counts. Grr!
We want an NX stage machine but that's like asking for the moon with our people. They are appearing in other parts of the UK now but everything is
[quote sugarlumpWe want an NX stage machine but that's like asking for the moon with our people. They are appearing in other parts of the UK now but everything is
Sugar, I just checked where Suffolk (that's where you live, right?) is in the UK and as I now know that its next to Cambridgeshire, and Essex I would just ring the university hospitals there, ask for the dialysis units, and ask for Nxstage there. They might want to train you, or offer to help you in your county to get it. You can also try than to ask your own Local Health Authority why you can't get it as the Health Department wants 15% D people on Home D.Good luck, and that's how I started my 2 year 'getting Nxstage Project'Love, Cas
Definitely!!!I am in the UK and "choice" over here is non existent.You get allocated a center, not necessarily the most convenient, you get allocated a time again not for your benefit, and as for home dialysis, we have been trying for two years. Obstacle after obstacle.We want an NX stage machine but that's like asking for the moon with our people. They are appearing in other parts of the UK now but everything is such a battle.Sometimes, I feel like I could walk away from dialysis,with all the hassle you get... OK rant over