Jr. Member
Posts: 85
our community
« on: November 16, 2009, 04:13:50 PM » |
Tucked in this small corner of our expansive country of Canada, we who live in the province of Nova Scotia - a province of "olf families" - tend to "look after our own". Those who move into communities are labeled as "from away" and find it difficult to intergrate into a population with an attitude that prevails for years. This idea of "looking after our own" has come into play when a community family experiences a medical dilemma that requires attention out- of-province. They work hard as a community to gather funds required for treatment regardless what it is and where it is. This is exactly what is occuring with families who are faced with a loved one struggling end-stage renal failure and express a desire to receive stem cell therapy. I so hope, that in some way, communities in the United States come together and support their neighbours so that they too can be privileged to a quality of life that is available to them. In Kinship: Everlasting