Zach,I'm curious to know why you take PhosLo and Renagel. When I was on dialysis, I started off with Renagel and then when it didn't help, they put me on PhosLo -- never mixed the two. PhosLo never worked either. Does this mix work better?
MMMM hot and sour soup mmmmmmmmmm with rice in it.mmmmmmmI am coming to your house Twirl tonight!
yeah everyone come to my house for hot and sour with rice but will David 13 stop smiling long enough to eat and I just cleaned the pool----- it is sparkling clean ----------- and our pet shark--- is out of town
Smilely Boy, keep smiling not with your smile we have hope
Today I am going to surprise my family and cook dinner lol. I am going to make this penne pasta dish- Penne pasta with diced up chicken breasts, Broccoli, snow peas, onions, red and yellow pepper, cooked with olive oil in a big stir fry pan. It is so good!