I Hate Dialysis Message Board

Dialysis Discussion => Dialysis: General Discussion => Topic started by: Ohio Buckeye on October 07, 2006, 11:24:21 AM

Title: anyone else cold?
Post by: Ohio Buckeye on October 07, 2006, 11:24:21 AM
Here it is the first week in October and I am already freezing cold.
Have furnace running, sweater on, candles burning and I am freezing.
How I dread winter coming on.  Is anyone else cold?  Anything you can
do for it other than just bundling up?  Wonder what makes me cold
all the time.
Title: Re: anyone else cold?
Post by: Riki on October 07, 2006, 12:23:23 PM
Low iron and low hemoglobin... and yes.. I'm always cold... I always have sweaters, slippers, and blankets on hand all year long.... and I live with my mom, who's going through the change... so we've got both extremes.. I'm freezing, she's sweating.. *LOL*
Title: Re: anyone else cold?
Post by: SpeedFleX on October 07, 2006, 01:06:20 PM
when it's snowing I for some reason still run around in a tshirt.

It's 50 here at the moment way to warm for my taste...
Title: Re: anyone else cold?
Post by: goofynina on October 07, 2006, 01:31:29 PM
I am always cold too, shivering cold, totally opposite the way i used to be, i used to sleep with the doors open and the fan on in mid-winter but not anymore and even with being all bundled up, i am still shivering  :-\
Title: Re: anyone else cold?
Post by: BigSky on October 07, 2006, 04:05:47 PM
Cold only bothers me when it get in the 20-30 below.

Title: Re: anyone else cold?
Post by: Rerun on October 07, 2006, 06:46:13 PM
I don't know anymore.  I'm cold sometimes and then HOT.  So, I think that change thing is hitting me too.  But if you are COLD I suggest you get some white rice and fill a white tube sock half full and tie a knot in the end.  Throw it in the microwave for a couple of minutes and go snuggle with it and a blanket.  It is so warm and you can use it over and over again.
Title: Re: anyone else cold?
Post by: charee on October 07, 2006, 06:58:37 PM
Iam not yet on dialysis but feel the cold heaps more than i used to I have been told its low iron also I get a shot of epo every 2 weeks hoping that will improve that .
Title: Re: anyone else cold?
Post by: Zach on October 07, 2006, 09:11:09 PM
I tend to be hot, rather than cold on dialysis.  I turn down the machine temp. to 36 C.
Title: Re: anyone else cold?
Post by: Panda_9 on October 08, 2006, 01:12:16 AM
I'll swap you, it is hot here and is going to be one hell of a summer. So not looking forward to it!
Title: Re: anyone else cold?
Post by: babi68 on October 08, 2006, 02:07:56 AM
I agree Amber79. Allready starting to drink too much. I feel cold while doing dialysis, but warm up once outside in the sun. Have a pool and won't be going in that until its at least 30 degrees, hubby has it set on 26 and thats too cool for me...Liz :P
Title: Re: anyone else cold?
Post by: kitkatz on October 08, 2006, 03:26:00 AM
I am so cold in air conditioning I will go outside in the 100 degree heat to warm up.  I am also cold on a consistent basis.  I think it has to do with anemia.  I also think some bodies just adjust to cold better and worse than others.  Mine says cold, cold, cold.  I use a microwave warmer thingy that I bought at the mall a few years ago.  I love it. Sometimes I will take it to work in the winter and keep warm all day with it on my shoulders.  How spoiled I can be sometimes.
Title: Re: anyone else cold?
Post by: Sluff on October 08, 2006, 06:26:52 AM
I'm in Northern Wiscomsin it's getting cold here but I wait until until the last minute to turn the heat on, just another dang bill..I'm starting to wear warmer clothes which sucks.
Title: Re: anyone else cold?
Post by: Bajanne on October 09, 2006, 11:35:42 PM
Well, send some cold my way, please!   I am in the Caribbean where it is NEVER cold, and I love cold.  Even with the A/C in our unit, sometimes I still feel hot.  I am looking forward to December when it gets a bit cooler.
Title: Re: anyone else cold?
Post by: angieskidney on October 10, 2006, 03:12:08 AM
I hate winters as my fingers turn white and numb so easily and so do my toes (even before the fistula so it isn't steals syndrome).

I also hate it because I only have a bicycle to get to work :(
Title: Re: anyone else cold?
Post by: nkviking75 on October 10, 2006, 05:41:37 AM
Here it is the first week in October and I am already freezing cold.
Have furnace running, sweater on, candles burning and I am freezing.
How I dread winter coming on.  Is anyone else cold?  Anything you can
do for it other than just bundling up?  Wonder what makes me cold
all the time.


I gather you're talking about how you feel in general, as opposed to during treatment.  My biggest problem with comfort is the other members of my family!!!  If I can control the thermostat, I have no great problem with comfort.  During treatment, I generally refuse the blanket.  But when it's cold in the unit, I expect to see a side of beef hanging from the ceiling.  I tend to get colder as treatment wears on, but most days it's not much colder.  At rinse back when they squeeze a saline bag to start returning my blood to me, sometimes it feels as though the saline has been on ice.
Title: Re: anyone else cold?
Post by: angieskidney on October 11, 2006, 02:55:23 AM
At rinse back when they squeeze a saline bag to start returning my blood to me, sometimes it feels as though the saline has been on ice.
I heard it is bad to squeeze the bad. I mean, when they did that with me they later learned I had a narrowing that a fistulogram was needed to fix it.
Title: Re: anyone else cold?
Post by: kitkatz on October 11, 2006, 08:38:20 AM
I heard it is bad to squeeze the bad.

But I want the BAD squeezed. It feels so good. :beer1;

EDITED:  Fixed quote tag - Goofynina/Moderator
Title: Re: anyone else cold?
Post by: nkviking75 on October 11, 2006, 12:24:41 PM
At rinse back when they squeeze a saline bag to start returning my blood to me, sometimes it feels as though the saline has been on ice.
I heard it is bad to squeeze the bad. I mean, when they did that with me they later learned I had a narrowing that a fistulogram was needed to fix it.
I hadn't heard that.  My veins are so small that both my fistulas weren't all that great anyway.  I have a graft now, and relatively speaking, for me it's almost paradise.
Title: Re: anyone else cold?
Post by: tubes on October 11, 2006, 07:04:56 PM
I'm cold, but I love it.  Hate summer, heat just drains me so fast.  Today it was around 50 degrees and probably much colder when I left for dialysis at 5 am.  I was in a tshirt, shorts and flip flops. I'd rather be cold then hot.  If it is cold you can always put more clothes on.  If you are hot, you can only take so much off.  LMFAO   :D ! ! !
Title: Re: anyone else cold?
Post by: glitter on October 11, 2006, 08:10:37 PM
I don't know anymore.  I'm cold sometimes and then HOT.  So, I think that change thing is hitting me too.  But if you are COLD I suggest you get some white rice and fill a white tube sock half full and tie a knot in the end.  Throw it in the microwave for a couple of minutes and go snuggle with it and a blanket.  It is so warm and you can use it over and over again.

that is a great idea!!!
Title: Re: anyone else cold?
Post by: angieskidney on October 12, 2006, 02:33:58 AM
I'm cold, but I love it.  Hate summer, heat just drains me so fast.  Today it was around 50 degrees and probably much colder when I left for dialysis at 5 am.  I was in a tshirt, shorts and flip flops. I'd rather be cold then hot.  If it is cold you can always put more clothes on.  If you are hot, you can only take so much off.  LMFAO   :D ! ! !
When I am on HEmo I can't take clothes off. My arms are kinda tied up and mobility limited. It is easier to cover up with a blanket. So I guess I should prefer the cold. But I hate the humidity when it is sweltering. I wasn't allowed to swim for years! Now that I finally got my catheter out I will be able to ... next summer ...  ::)

I hate bone chilling cold. I hate for my fingers to lose all feeling. I also hate being all sweaty and my back being itchy and me not being able to scratch it. I get both in dialysis at different times.

I just want to be comfortable!
Title: Re: anyone else cold?
Post by: Ohio Buckeye on October 12, 2006, 11:22:25 AM
I'm on PD.  The cold that I feel is just being cold all the time. 
Didn't use to be that way.  Set electric blanket on high.  Always
bundled up. sit in front of the fireplace in winter to keep warm.
shivering cold.  burrrrrrrr  cold here today.
Title: Re: anyone else cold?
Post by: waitlisted on October 12, 2006, 08:03:24 PM
I am not yet in dialysis and my hemoglobin is still over 11, so I am not diagnosed kidney anemic either and not getting EPO (yet). I am also feeling cold lot of times, especially at work in airconditioning I am having gooseflesh most of the time, when having short sleeves. Also my hands are often very cold. This has definitely changed for me, while as younger I was always hot.

One nephrologist told me that kidney disease affects to the body's temperature feeling/handling mechanism.
Title: Re: anyone else cold?
Post by: Ohio Buckeye on October 12, 2006, 08:22:12 PM
Yes, it is as if our bodies doesn't have a thermostat or if
we do it is not working properly.  I remember in the summer when I
would get off work and get in my car when anyone
else would think it was unbearably hot, it would
feel so good to me to get warm again.
Title: Re: anyone else cold?
Post by: angieskidney on October 13, 2006, 07:33:40 AM
shivering cold.  burrrrrrrr  cold here today.

Oh that is right! You are affected by the SAME weather I am experiencing right now eh?

Damn it is cold! Below freezing and they say it might snow!! Crap! ANd I have to ride my bicycle to work through this :( (Yesterday was pure hell .. and windy to boot!!)
Title: Re: anyone else cold?
Post by: mallory on October 17, 2006, 01:51:42 PM
I can hardly stand the cold, and it'd getting colder every day here in Utah.  I sit at my desk and shiver all day, it's freezing in my office.  So then I put on my coat and everyone thinks I'm going home.  My fingers are so cold and numb and the ends of my fingers turn all purplish (is that a word, purplish?). 

It's going to be a long winter!
Title: Re: anyone else cold?
Post by: RhondaQ on October 17, 2006, 04:17:27 PM
Boy, can we ever relate to the "cold issue" around here.  My dad is always complaining that he's freezing and i'm going thru menopause, so sweating most of the time.  He'll turn the heat up to where our house is in the 80's all the time, then I turn it down...back and forth, back and forth.  He also wears a sweater every day and I've piled blankets on and he's still COLD!!  Any suggestions?  LOL?
Title: Re: anyone else cold?
Post by: Panda_9 on October 17, 2006, 05:16:23 PM
We need to swap countries, because this summer is going to be awful!
Title: Re: anyone else cold?
Post by: Joe Paul on October 19, 2006, 06:11:08 AM
Well, send some cold my way, please!   I am in the Caribbean where it is NEVER cold, and I love cold.  Even with the A/C in our unit, sometimes I still feel hot.  I am looking forward to December when it gets a bit cooler.
I think we all need to move to Bajanne's.
Title: Re: anyone else cold?
Post by: nkviking75 on October 19, 2006, 06:23:07 AM
Boy, can we ever relate to the "cold issue" around here.  My dad is always complaining that he's freezing and i'm going thru menopause, so sweating most of the time.  He'll turn the heat up to where our house is in the 80's all the time, then I turn it down...back and forth, back and forth.  He also wears a sweater every day and I've piled blankets on and he's still COLD!!  Any suggestions?  LOL?
Short of patricide, no. (kidding)
Title: Re: anyone else cold?
Post by: lakrimn on October 19, 2006, 06:39:50 AM
If I'm cold at the unit I usually only have to wait a half hour then the a/c freezes up then we all start sweating together.(bliss/joy)
Title: Re: anyone else cold?
Post by: pigsty1953 on October 27, 2006, 03:12:16 PM
Hi, everyone,
You really ought to try FL.
Everywhere is FREEZING cold with the AC's set to about 50.

The dialysis unit I go to is the same.  I have to bring a blanket to keep from freezing.

It was great when I was younger, I could handle very cold weather in a tee shirt
but not now.

Take care,
Randy in Clearwater, FL
Title: Re: anyone else cold?
Post by: mallory on October 27, 2006, 03:20:14 PM
Randy, That's the weirdest thing.  I travel for business to Ft. Lauderdale and to Phoenix (from Utah).  I swear that the hotter the temperature is in a city, the colder they keep the air conditioning in the buildings.  I go to meetings at hotels or at our business and the rooms are about 50 degrees.  Then you step outside (especially in Phoenix in about July...) and it's 120.  It's awful!  I don't know how you stand it!  I'd have to dress in a lot of layers so I could put clothes on and take them off as I went in and out of the buildings.
Title: Re: anyone else cold?
Post by: Panda_9 on October 28, 2006, 01:40:13 AM
PLEEEEEEEEEEASE send some cold over here!!! OMG it was soo hot today, and its not even summer yet! I am dreading the temperatures that are to come. Any hotter than today and I will probably collapse. Spend half the day in bed and on the lounge. Just couldnt move. Looks like its time to get the swimmers out and hit the pool.....ALL DAY!!!
Title: Re: anyone else cold?
Post by: angieskidney on October 29, 2006, 02:21:45 AM
PLEEEEEEEEEEASE send some cold over here!!! OMG it was soo hot today, and its not even summer yet! I am dreading the temperatures that are to come. Any hotter than today and I will probably collapse. Spend half the day in bed and on the lounge. Just couldnt move. Looks like its time to get the swimmers out and hit the pool.....ALL DAY!!!
Ah to live on the other side  :P It is just about winter here (feels like it but it is just fall) .. freezing temps are coming :( Just come here ;) lol
Title: Re: anyone else cold?
Post by: tubes on October 29, 2006, 04:40:23 PM
 Ahhhhhhh! ! ! !
 Where has the cold gone.  It was like 80 today.  I'm glad I didn't wear my hoody to work.  bleh......heat......Its been so hot in my unit.  They've had to turn the a.c. back on.  For awhile it was the heat.  I'm back to wearing flip flops, shorts and tshirts to dialysis. 


Title: Re: anyone else cold?
Post by: goofynina on October 29, 2006, 05:24:16 PM



Tubes,  Jack Frfrfrost is here with me and he is nipping at more than just my nose ;)  i am frfrfreeeeezing
Title: Re: anyone else cold?
Post by: Ohio Buckeye on October 29, 2006, 06:31:23 PM
Yeah, he's been in Ohio too.
Has been so cold and soooooooo windy.
Supposed to be up to 60 next couple days and that
sounds wonderful.

Title: Re: anyone else cold?
Post by: angieskidney on October 29, 2006, 08:18:55 PM
 It has been 34°...60°F here.. Right now it is 43°F It has warmed up a bit! Yay!!  :2thumbsup;
Title: Re: anyone else cold?
Post by: Panda_9 on October 30, 2006, 01:54:54 AM
Ahhhhhhh! ! ! !
 Where has the cold gone.  It was like 80 today.  I'm glad I didn't wear my hoody to work.  bleh......heat......Its been so hot in my unit.  They've had to turn the a.c. back on.  For awhile it was the heat.  I'm back to wearing flip flops, shorts and tshirts to dialysis. 



Are you kidding me!!! Dont complain about 80...come over here coz in summer it gets to 105 and beyond!!!
Title: Re: anyone else cold?
Post by: angieskidney on October 30, 2006, 03:28:42 AM
here when it is summer it gets so unbearably humid :P I can handle the heat since the hottest it's ever been was 104°F (That was rare) but usually no higher than 96°F .. it is the humidity that I can't stand :P
Title: Re: anyone else cold?
Post by: jbeany on November 02, 2006, 05:29:30 PM
Cold inside, outside, under the covers, it doesn't matter, I'm always cold.  I know part of it is the anemia and the kidney failure, but part of it is just genetic.  My sister is the same way, and my mother used to crank up the woodstove until the house was 85 degrees.

I'm sitting in front of an electric ceramic heater right now, while I'm typing this.  I have one in the kitchen, the craft room, and the bathroom.  I'd get some for the bedroom and the living room, but I've got electric blankets for those rooms instead.
Title: Re: anyone else cold?
Post by: angieskidney on November 03, 2006, 12:20:33 AM
Ya I have my electric heater on right now too as today it actually SNOWED!!

The only problem is the other electric heater I had I can't use because it keeps blowing a fuse in this smaller apartment I was forced to move to 4 months ago :(
Title: Re: anyone else cold?
Post by: Panda_9 on November 03, 2006, 04:30:57 AM
Thankfully it has been pleasant this week and it just started to rain, well sort of anyway. Knew I should of put the washing under the patio LOL
Title: Re: anyone else cold?
Post by: Sluff on November 03, 2006, 04:49:19 AM
I used to like the colder weather but for some reason I'm extremely cold especially my feet and hands. I have been using a heating pad on my feet all week. I don't know if it's my circulation or what, I have never shivered before as I do now. I'm turning into a wimp. :(
Title: Re: anyone else cold?
Post by: kitkatz on November 03, 2006, 07:05:37 AM
Ya I have my electric heater on right now too as today it actually SNOWED!!

The only problem is the other electric heater I had I can't use because it keeps blowing a fuse in this smaller apartment I was forced to move to 4 months ago :(

Have you tried putting the other heater on a surge protector. It might just be blowing fuses because it over powers your electrical system.  This way when it shuts out you just have to push a button.   (I think this might work)
Title: Re: anyone else cold?
Post by: goofynina on November 03, 2006, 10:22:29 AM
I used to like the colder weather but for some reason I'm extremely cold especially my feet and hands. I have been using a heating pad on my feet all week. I don't know if it's my circulation or what, I have never shivered before as I do now. I'm turning into a wimp. :(

Wimp?? Wimp??  if that is the case, your the coolest and most generous "wimp" i know ;) (other than Epoman that is) :)   and the same here, i USED to love the cold, now i shiver so much my body gets sore,  i hate it!!! :banghead;
Title: Re: anyone else cold?
Post by: kitkatz on November 03, 2006, 12:10:35 PM
Being cold makes me sore ,too. I hate it.  The winter months are upon us now.  Brrr! And I live in sunny California and have no reason to gripe!
Title: Re: anyone else cold?
Post by: angieskidney on November 04, 2006, 01:24:58 AM
Being cold makes me sore ,too. I hate it.  The winter months are upon us now.  Brrr! And I live in sunny California and have no reason to gripe!
try 28°F :P
Title: Re: anyone else cold?
Post by: kitkatz on November 04, 2006, 10:30:07 AM
Being cold makes me sore ,too. I hate it.  The winter months are upon us now.  Brrr! And I live in sunny California and have no reason to gripe!
try 28°F :P

No thanks.  I am cold enough already. My daughter, who is in college, in Wisconsin, says she does not want to hear about it when I say I am cold.  She says the wind chill factor makes it really chilly over there.
Title: Re: anyone else cold?
Post by: Sluff on November 04, 2006, 03:36:33 PM
Wow I just received a heating blanket today, and took a 2 hour nap and actually fell asleep about an hour of that whew hoo.. did that feel good.  Holy heating blanket Batman.

Never had one before. It's the best thing since sliced bread. lol
Title: Re: anyone else cold?
Post by: tubes on November 11, 2006, 05:50:17 PM
Like I said b4... COLD.....Love It ! ! !
Now that winter has kinda hit (somedays not so bad) I'm cold at my unit.  Ku-Razy  :urcrazy;

We get so damn cold becuz we CAN'T move.  Stuck in the freaking chair for 3 hrs, not able to move.  Those chairs need to have heated seats.  Can you imagine? ? Everyone having the heated seat on and the unit becoming unbearably hot.   :lol;
Anyways, I welcome the cold.  :welcomesign;  The other day the temp got into the high 80's to low 90's.  WTF ! ! !  It's November.... in Kansas ! !  !   :banghead;

I dont have a heating blanket.  I did when I was a teen and slept in the basement at parents house.  I would turn the blanket on to get it nice and warm. Then take a very hot shower.  Then I would go to bed and I'd be SO nice and toasty.  ;) :D ;D
Title: Re: anyone else cold?
Post by: Ohio Buckeye on November 11, 2006, 05:56:15 PM
I got an electric blanket for a gift and I absolutely love it. 
I always have it set on high.

Title: Re: anyone else cold?
Post by: kitkatz on November 11, 2006, 06:40:25 PM
I have an electric throw blanket that I am going to keep on my recliner in my den/office so I can be war while I watch DVDS on my DVD player this winter.  I have been tempted to take it to dialysis and plug it in just to make a statement about the cold!
Title: Re: anyone else cold?
Post by: nkviking75 on November 12, 2006, 08:21:38 AM

Those chairs need to have heated seats.  Can you imagine? ? Everyone having the heated seat on and the unit becoming unbearably hot.   :lol;

You laugh, but there are days when I feel the heat leaching out of my body into the cold chair.  I need a blanket behind my back to keep the chair from chilling me.
Title: Re: anyone else cold?
Post by: Kitty Cat on November 12, 2006, 04:45:58 PM
I'm too relieved to see this discussion!! My husband, who along with some of you, B.D. (before dialysis) would have the air conditioning on so high we'd have frost on the windows is now soooo cold that in the summer we bicker over the air even being on. We finally came to a great compromise and now that winter is creeping around he wants the heat on most of the time when normally we wouldn't even discuss it. We've had a little taste of early fall here in the northeast this weekend so it's been a happy reprieve. I'm really liking the sound of these electric blankets & throws. I think I need to get one for him a.s.a.p.!!  ;D
Title: Re: anyone else cold?
Post by: goofynina on November 12, 2006, 06:43:11 PM
I broke down and kicked on the heater today, tomorrow i will go to Home Depot to see if i can find one that i can take room to room with me,  damn, it's going to be a long winter  :-\
Title: Re: anyone else cold?
Post by: mallory on November 16, 2006, 11:09:00 AM
I have an electric throw blanket that I am going to keep on my recliner in my den/office so I can be war while I watch DVDS on my DVD player this winter. I have been tempted to take it to dialysis and plug it in just to make a statement about the cold!

I have one of the electric throw blankets, too, it's really nice.  I used to turn up the heat in my house, but I was driving my sister crazy.  So now I use the blanket and I'm warm without making her miserable.

I know you weren't serious about taking the blanket to dialysis, but could you?  I don't know how you stand it sitting for three hours in the cold.  If you really could take one of those electric throw blankets, it would be so much more comfortable for you.
Title: Re: anyone else cold?
Post by: kitkatz on November 16, 2006, 12:07:58 PM
I have a feeling I would get laughed out of the dialysis unit with my plug in and blanket. They would look like this... :rofl; :rofl; :rofl;     I would love to bring it, but I think plugging in too many things for the patients would blow the fuses on the place!
Title: Re: anyone else cold?
Post by: Mr. Ho Ho Ho on November 16, 2006, 04:06:50 PM

Title: Re: anyone else cold?
Post by: Mr. Ho Ho Ho on November 16, 2006, 04:13:17 PM

If you are cold all the time - I would have my thyroid checked - I was cold all the time and found out its came from my thyroid not working correctly - now I take a pill a day and I am not cold anymore. Just a idea - hope it helps.

Title: Re: anyone else cold?
Post by: tubes on November 18, 2006, 03:12:18 PM

I know you weren't serious about taking the blanket to dialysis, but could you? I don't know how you stand it sitting for three hours in the cold. If you really could take one of those electric throw blankets, it would be so much more comfortable for you.

I know at my unit we cant have electric blankets.  I think they said it is a fire hazzard.
Too bad they dont make an electric blanket that runs on D batteries.   ;D  :lol;
Title: Re: anyone else cold?
Post by: angieskidney on November 20, 2006, 03:28:58 AM

I know you weren't serious about taking the blanket to dialysis, but could you? I don't know how you stand it sitting for three hours in the cold. If you really could take one of those electric throw blankets, it would be so much more comfortable for you.

I know at my unit we cant have electric blankets.  I think they said it is a fire hazzard.
Too bad they dont make an electric blanket that runs on D batteries.   ;D  :lol;
I always wondered why they don't .... I have wondered that for years thinking it would be a great idea!!

I didn't know the dialysis unit would think it was a fire hazzard! I was thinking of getting one and have asked for it as a Christmas gift from my family .. but I never thought to ask my unit if there was any problem with bringing one in :(
Title: Re: anyone else cold?
Post by: jbeany on November 26, 2006, 06:23:27 PM

I know you weren't serious about taking the blanket to dialysis, but could you? I don't know how you stand it sitting for three hours in the cold. If you really could take one of those electric throw blankets, it would be so much more comfortable for you.

I know at my unit we cant have electric blankets.  I think they said it is a fire hazard.
Too bad they don't make an electric blanket that runs on D batteries.   ;D  :lol;
I always wondered why they don't .... I have wondered that for years thinking it would be a great idea!!

I didn't know the dialysis unit would think it was a fire hazzard! I was thinking of getting one and have asked for it as a Christmas gift from my family .. but I never thought to ask my unit if there was any problem with bringing one in :(

here's an idea -

Search for cargo pants.  They have rechargeable battery operated heating elements in the pockets and at the small of your back.  They also have a heated vest.  Too expensive for me, but I want some anyhow!
Title: Re: anyone else cold?
Post by: kitkatz on November 26, 2006, 06:29:25 PM
I want the heated fleece jacket.  I would probably wear it out in one winter!
Title: Re: anyone else cold?
Post by: angieskidney on November 27, 2006, 03:26:00 AM
ooh can I have this chair in dialysis :P http://www.brookstone.com/store/product.asp?pid=512467&wid=100&cid=59&sid=21012&search_type=subcategory&prodtemp=t2
Title: Re: anyone else cold?
Post by: Panda_9 on November 27, 2006, 04:07:55 AM
The leg part on that chair look awful. Might be alright to sit in for a short time, but not for hours!
Title: Re: anyone else cold?
Post by: angieskidney on November 27, 2006, 04:13:28 AM
The leg part on that chair look awful. Might be alright to sit in for a short time, but not for hours!
The legs massage!! Woohoo!  :2thumbsup;
Title: Re: anyone else cold?
Post by: Ohio Buckeye on December 21, 2006, 06:33:24 PM
my being cold is getting worse.
I'm absolutely freezing all the time.
can't stop shivering.
I will sit 6" in front of space heater with heat blowing on me and still be shivering.
feel like I'm going to die of hypothermiia.
it is awful to be so cold all the time.
seems like there'd be some way to get and stay warm.

Title: Re: anyone else cold?
Post by: Sluff on December 21, 2006, 06:47:08 PM
OB I am colder this year than I ever have been, but for me I think it's my blood pressure meds. I'm not positive but it's not as bad when I skip my meds for a couple of  days.

Hope you get warmer soon.
Title: Re: anyone else cold?
Post by: stauffenberg on December 22, 2006, 11:00:42 AM
High levels of creatinine cause narrowing of the arteries, which in turn causes diminished circulation, and this results in dialysis patients feeling cold.  Anemia, which also affects dialysis patients, plus hypothyroidism, which is widespread among renal patients, also make people cold. Finally, there is uremic neurotoxicity which can also contribute to poor circulation and further coldness.
Title: Re: anyone else cold?
Post by: Joe Paul on December 22, 2006, 11:51:56 AM
I think if the workers would leave the a/c alone, we wouldn't be so cold  :twocents;
Title: Re: anyone else cold?
Post by: Zach on December 22, 2006, 07:09:59 PM
Sorry guys, I'm almost always too warm.  I like the fresh air, even in the winter.
Title: Re: anyone else cold?
Post by: mallory on January 02, 2007, 10:16:48 AM
my being cold is getting worse.
I'm absolutely freezing all the time.
can't stop shivering.
I will sit 6" in front of space heater with heat blowing on me and still be shivering.
feel like I'm going to die of hypothermiia.
it is awful to be so cold all the time.
seems like there'd be some way to get and stay warm.


Ohio Buckeye, I know what you mean.  I wear the slippers Rerun gave me for Christmas, have a heating pad behind me on the sofa, and a double fleece blanket over me and I'm still cold.  Have you tried using one of those electric throw blankets?  They're like an electric blanket but they're smaller.  I have one of those and it really does help, I need to get it out and use it this winter.

I hope you can find something, it is hard.  I have to go out and start my car 20 minutes before I have to go to work so I can stand it, or I shiver so much it's hard to drive.  It's awful!