Oh damn things seem to be going down hill again for Angie. Here's the latest:Creatinine has been steadily going up the last 3 days. My hemoglobin is dropping again. My magnesium is too low so the nurse brought me 2 packets of peanutbutter to eat (What? No bread? Sheesh! lol) and they are saying they want me to do another dialysis tomorrow as the kidney is only removing mainly fluid and not the toxins like it should. They said the biopsy revealed no rejection but did reveal that there is damage to the kidney. Or was it the ultrasound that revealed that last part? I am not sure but they did both the last few days. Still waiting for all results. I am so weak today. After my shower I had to have a nap .. and yet they want me out of here to free up my room for a new patient? I live alone and in the last apartment in a very long hall way so I am worried about how I will manage! I am a little worried. Please keep me in your prayers! - Angie
When they sent me home after my transplant, I was assigned a home health care nurse. It amazes me still how each center works differently.Best of Health to You Angie!