I did a search of this chat system before posting this and found no reference yet it sound amazing.
The website at
http://dialysaid.com says;
You can feel good again!
If you are being treated by dialysis, you know that tremendous feeling
of fatigue that arrives near the end of dialysis and which may require
you to retreat to your home for a 3-4 hour rest period. Some of you
get so tired that you really can’t do anything. Some just need to
rest. But for nearly all of you, going to work when you finish your
dialysis is just too much to think about.
You have what is called dialysis syndrome or dialysis washout or
dialysis hangover – whatever, you’re just tired.
We have read the medical literature and searched the internet and we
found that there was just nothing out there to help you in the most
difficult experience in your life.
The literature tells us that up to 94% of you have this fatigue.
Wikipedia says it’s one of the expected side effects of dialysis.
There are websites called, “I hate dialysis.” This life saving
invention, dialysis, has the horrible side effect of fatigue. With
the proper timing of taking this food, you can feel normal.
One bad day – dialysis – and then one good day – no dialysis. But
then you have to repeat the cycle.
We have discovered a way to improve the bad day! It’s simply a matter
of taking a serving of our essential amino acid formula at the right
time. Why didn’t we think of this before? We really didn’t believe
it could be that simple – and neither did the multitude of
nephrologists who have worked with dialysis patients. One serving
will normally get you up and going, but a second serving gets most
folks back to work. That’s right – back to work.
Have you ever thought about going for a walk after you got back home
for dialysis – a dream you say – amazingly this simple treatment will
get you going – feeling well.
“DialysAid is the best invention since water!” - A recent customer
This proprietary blend of nutritional essentials has patent pending
and is revolutionizing the world of dialysis patients across the
Imagine having the energy to play with your children on your treatment
Imagine having the energy to exercise again.
Imagine keeping your full time job while on dialysis!
All these things have been reported by our clients.
Get your life back today!