It was decided that I would try Nocturnal, in clinic hemo. for me, this was a step forward, I started feeling much better during the day, I would go in at about 10.30pm, do my 5hrs. disconnect and back to sleep, tea and toast at 7.30, quick shower and away!On a recent visit to the renal unit in Edinburgh, I saw their night time area, each patient had their own room (glass front for supervision) a TV, and, also they controlled the lights in the room.Unfortunately, in Aberdeen the renal unit is so busy, that new patients are only offered a night time spot. This is fine for young and active people, but some older people find this very hard to cop with, we have an old lady in the unit, who said, "I don't like dialysis, but it's the only time I get out of the house to meet people" a night time spot for her would be an absolute nightmare
As soon as I move to Spokane I'll be doing In-Center Nocturnal, if my insurance will go for it.
I just love the sound of nocturnal haemo. I spoke with some of our nurses about it, and I don't think they like the idea. One told me yesterday that if it was started, she would leave the unit and go back to ordinary nursing, even if it mean night shifts! Couldn't figure that one out!