I feel traditional America means going to church and respecting what God put into place. The change of "up yours" started in the 60's and I am fine with equal rights for all but Marriage is between one man and one woman. Not one man and 3 woman, not one man and his cousin, and not same sex marriage. WA passed same sex marriage and I'm just heartsick. God will turn his back on this nation and it has probably started already. He won't turn His back on individuals but as a Nation the "up Yours" He has heard loud and clear. People of this nation have turned their back on God. No question. So, traditional America is gone.I can't even pray for this country or its leaders because their hearts are hard. Just like ancient Israel and look what happened to them.
Bill's comment about "traditional" America refers to a U.S. where the vast majority of citizens didn't look upon government to solve their problems from cradle to grave. A more independent populace. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0nj9e3JLGkA
I feel traditional America means going to church and respecting what God put into place. God will turn his back on this nation and it has probably started already. He won't turn His back on individuals but as a Nation the "up Yours" He has heard loud and clear. People of this nation have turned their back on God. No question. So, traditional America is gone.
"God will turn his back on this nation." How dare you state what God will do. You have no idea. My God is a loving, caring, forgiving God who gave us free will.
I feel traditional America means going to church and respecting what God put into place. The change of "up yours" started in the 60's and I am fine with equal rights for all but Marriage is between one man and one woman. Not one man and 3 woman, not one man and his cousin, and not same sex marriage. WA passed same sex marriage and I'm just heartsick.
Sadly, we are moving from Leave it to Beaver going onto Sodom and Gomorrah just as the Bible stated it would 2000 years ago.
That which is good will be called bad and God will no longer be at the heart of this nation.
But this was exactly what slaveowners were saying after the Civil War. Those people claimed that God intended that black people not have a soul.
Bill's comment about "traditional" America refers to a U.S. where the vast majority of citizens didn't look upon government to solve their problems from cradle to grave. A more independent populace.
And, until the last 10-15 years, America was 70% Caucasian. Nothing racist about that - just fact.
Nice one Cariad. Couldn't have said it any better than that.
My friends at the Heritage Foundation recently put out this video:http://heritageaction.com/
So tell me why a man cannot have 3 wives or the other way around. Why can't you marry your cousin? It is none of the government's beeswax.... right? Why is child pornography against the law.... it doesn't hurt anyone to look. Why can't we smoke pot legally.... oh forgot.. we can and same sex marriage.... who created Marriage? Man or God.... I hope we all get what we believe. If someone robs your house don't be mad they probably needed those things more than you did and you can go to work and get it again. Right? Just leave God out of it there is no right or wrong except murder of course.... when human life begins