Hello to all of you wonderful friends. I just read all of your kind words and they mean alot. First John is still here--I don't know what keeps him going but he's def a strong man. He is getting alot of fluid in his lungs now and coughing alot. This just started yesterday. He's also very swollen. But he's not in any pain other than sore from coughing. I'm sorry I wasn't on here in a while but first we moved again and took a while to get Internet back on. Second I've been trying to do odd jobs to get us through since I can't work outside the home because of John. I lifted a heavy transmission yesterday and back is def out today!! It's amazing what you can do when you have to. I pressire washed a house down the street last week and it went pretty well other than bleach burning my skin up. (Next time ill use gloves!!) anyways just trying to make ends meet so John doesn't worry about me and the girls. I found out ill be having a new grand daughter in December. My first granddaughter. I hope johns around to meet her but with this fluid and horrible cough I'm afraid he may not.I loved reading all the messages and appreciate all the prayers and thoughts. They mean alot to us!Thank you all and I will try to not wait so long for the next update. I think it's been 12-13 weeks now. Somewhere in there.
Actually he was most def esrd. His GFR was 5% when they started and it was 3% last check. He's just a stubborn country boy!!! It takes alot to get him down. The doctors and hospital both didn't think he would last 2 weeks. I think he vomits so much and often that its keeping just enough fluid off to survive but not to really help in any way.He had a real bad night last night--thrower up 9-10 times, no sleep, and pain, I don't know how he does it.Thank you to you all and hugs to everybody;)