I dont agree..... I think that you should take your lasix and try to get lots of exercise..... I too get water build up and swollen ankles and sometimes fluid in my lungs..... but not bad.... When I take the lasix this allows alot of the fluid to me removed.....as long as the lasix is working and you are going to the bathroom then you will be removing water..... I dont take my lasix every day..but watch my weight and the swelling and take some when I need to..... I have done very well in controlling my water and swelling with the lasix...... Dont panic...... keep your salt down to nothing and doing more exericise really does help with the water too..... sometime if I find my self sitting too much for too long my feet ,ankles will swell more than if I am up and about.....so give a few days and I bet you will have better water control.... The down side of the water removal is I often would get leg cramps at night .... but when I do I know that my water is really low..... Thats my two cents worth....
I agree about taking 'water tablets' but i dont really agree with the exercise bit , as all you are doing is circulating the fluid round your body !