Sorry cant help you with the travel questions but , going without PD for 24 hrs while not the best answer wont kill you! Is there no where you can do any exchanges? even one would be better than none. Also do you use Extraneal ? If there is no way you can do an exchange for 24hrs then you would probably be better off leaving extraneal in during that time. The worst outcome is that your weight/fluid is obviously going to go up and you might feel a bit crappy with the toxins. If you cant do an exchange that day then i would do some extra the next day , just to pull off the extra fluid . I have missed a day before now when i was feeling really rough and didnt really notice that much effect ..and irrc someone on here used to miss whole weekends but i cant remember who!
George, when do you leave? I ask, because my husband works at RDU, been with the airlines for 35 years. Get the note from your clinic. I will be glad to give you my husbands name and number, so you can have back up help at the airport. He is now with the Airport Authority and would be glad to help in any way. PM me if we can help.
George40,Just an addition to my previous comment... What type of solution do you do? You may want to ask your Neph about using Icodextrin solution (7.25% Purple Cap). Ico solution are good for up to 12-16 hours. When I was on PD, I did 2 exchanges per day. I use the Icodextrin from 7am-11pm.
I have travelled a lot and often take spare bags with me. As long as you have your letter you'll be fine. Over here (New Zealand) we are encouraged to have a 'day off' once a month where we don't dialyse. I usually try to time these days off when I'm travelling somewhere. Ask your nurses about it - I'd love to know what they think.
The problem with airport security is their pay scale and training. They make about the same as a fast food employee and never get enough training. And security differs from one airport to another. A little bit of authority can, unfortunately, go to some heads. Other than the two who didn't know, how did the rest of the trip go? Did it ease your concern about traveling? I hope your family is dealing with their lose.