I Hate Dialysis Message Board

Dialysis Discussion => Dialysis: Transplant Discussion => Topic started by: Chris on July 09, 2008, 01:41:22 AM

Title: Sleeping Pills post transplant
Post by: Chris on July 09, 2008, 01:41:22 AM
Anyone using sleeping pills post transplant?

I just can't fall asleep at night until after 5 am then just sleep for a couple hours, mostly due to needing to get things done or go somewhere. A couple months post transplant I didn't fall asleep at all for 5 days and the center put me on  Ambien. Not sure if it was from caffeine withdrawls, but it didn't work that well and switched to something else I can't remember. They gave me something in the hospital recently, but forgot to ask what it was and for a prescription.

So what do you use or have used and what is your experience with sleeping pills? I know that they are a short term solution till the body adjust, but also thinking I am a natural night person. It's 3:41 am and I am wide awake, if I lie down, I will be fidgity
Title: Re: Sleeping Pills post transplant
Post by: Romona on July 09, 2008, 04:49:00 AM
I tried Sonata and didn't have good results. Ativan worked ok.  Since I was diagnosed with narcolepsy and was given something to keep me alert during the day, I was sleeping better at night. This week I have had trouble. It is like someone is randomly poking me with a pin.
Title: Re: Sleeping Pills post transplant
Post by: Chris on July 09, 2008, 05:09:44 AM
I haven't been to sleep yet and now I can't. Was going to get my monthly labs done, but forgot what time I took my pills. I haven't tried Ativan, but no idea if I can take that due to med reaction.
Title: Re: Sleeping Pills post transplant
Post by: pelagia on July 09, 2008, 06:00:44 AM
You might be a night person. My husband doesn't seem to need all that much sleep - gets by on 6 hours a night just fine.  He always has trouble getting back into any kind of a sleep routine after he's been in the hospital. He took ambien for a short time after the transplant, but I don't think he's taken any in a few of weeks now.

Are you doing the things they typically recommend for enhancing ability to sleep?  No caffeine in afternoon/evening; get some exercise, but not strenuous late in the day; don't watch TV in bed; have a routine
Title: Re: Sleeping Pills post transplant
Post by: keith on July 09, 2008, 06:06:30 AM
i was told by my transplant team that i can take Tylenol pm
Title: Re: Sleeping Pills post transplant
Post by: rsood2004 on July 09, 2008, 06:36:11 AM
I'm pre-transplant and never knew not sleeping was a side effect of dialysis! I used to be able to fall asleep at the drop of a hat anywhere(got into trouble for that a time or two) :shy; My doc gave ambien 5mg and it works for the most part. Now that I am not working I figure I will just sleep during the day tomorrow cuz all the 80's shows are on at 1-5 am! Fresh Prince, Home Improvement, Golden Girls, Roseanne etc. Love that crap no thinking needed. Ha ha tee hee
Title: Re: Sleeping Pills post transplant
Post by: stauffenberg on July 09, 2008, 11:32:05 AM
Chris, what is your prednisone dose?  A continuing high dose of prednisone is the most likely cause of your difficulty sleeping.
Title: Re: Sleeping Pills post transplant
Post by: Chris on July 09, 2008, 06:28:04 PM
I'm not on Prednisone and never was. Have been on CellCept and Prograf all this time.

I didn't go to sleep yet today, but maybe I will later due to frustration. Some idiot (cleanest word I can think of) hit my vehicle and took off without leaving a not or anything. So my pride and joy now has a dent in an odd area and scratches from right rear passenger door to about half way of the pick up bed. I'm so pist off about this. Now I have to come up with my deductable to get my vehicle fixed and so far I may have to use a portion of my student loan to do that. I would like to keep my vehicle nice looking for more than one year, but I swear this blue color attracts people to hit me. It is now my bad luck color if I get another vehicle.
I don't feel tired yet either, feel like punching someone for their ..........looking for a word that fits well   :rant; :boxing; : :banghead; :banghead; boxing; :Kit n Stik; :Kit n Stik; :Kit n Stik;

EDITED:Fixed smiley tag errors-kitkatz,moderator
Title: Re: Sleeping Pills post transplant
Post by: stauffenberg on July 10, 2008, 11:23:58 AM
There was a study once conducted which showed that green cars are involved in accidents at a higher rate than any other color of car.  The theory was that since green is a soothing color, it lulls other drivers into ignoring it.  My car is red.

Something to keep in mind regarding sleeping pills post-transplant is to avoid the over-the-counter herbal remedy, St. John's Wort.  It was found some years ago to cause the immunosuppression in transplant recipients to fail, with disastrous consequences for their graft.
Title: Re: Sleeping Pills post transplant
Post by: paris on July 10, 2008, 12:00:36 PM
Chris, I am sorry about the hit and run.  Some people have no integrity!   We had a red car and I felt it was like waving a red flag in front of a bull---everyone aimed straight for it.  We even had horses "nibble" on it while in the Smoky Mountains.  Horses teeth leave big scratches!  Did they think it was an apple? :rofl;   No more red cars for me.

I hate that you can't sleep. It is hard not to envy those who just fall asleep and then wake hours later.  I started taking Ambien a couple of years ago; just occasionally.  Now, it doesn't help. Dr. says to increase the dosage.  I sleep a couple of hours and then watch tv -- Oprah is on at 3 am.  I am finding interesting programs on at odd hours.  Any one else hooked on "Deadliest Catch" and " Ice Roads"?   :rofl;   I hope you find some solution. :grouphug;
Title: Re: Sleeping Pills post transplant
Post by: rsood2004 on July 10, 2008, 12:09:56 PM
Paris, Deadliest catch and ice roads r two of my favs! We don't even leave the house on the nite's they r on!
Title: Re: Sleeping Pills post transplant
Post by: angela515 on July 10, 2008, 12:47:18 PM
I take Ambien 10mg. However, I have been taking them for like 5 years, so now my body is kind of becoming used to the dose, so sometimes I have to take more than 10mg, I am waiting for Ambien CR to be approved by my insurance.

Ambien has worked wonderfully for the last 5 years and I love it. I have tried Lunesta before, that don't work for me, and even if it did I would not take it because of the side effect of a wierd metallic taste in your mouth that lasts the whole next day so nothing tastes good at all.

Title: Re: Sleeping Pills post transplant
Post by: Chris on July 10, 2008, 09:16:59 PM
I forgot to ask for something with the internal doc I saw at my tx center due to going over all the test performed last week, going over what  the bone specialist doctor told me, being referrred to a cardiologist due to caratoid artery scan and to get an ok for knee surgery, but did get something for pain. Luickily I got a sameday appt with the cardiologist there, who ordered more test and a monitoring device. Then went to neurologist and mentioned that I forgot to ask my internal doc for something, so he prescribed something that I haven't looked at yet. However he didn't know if it was tolerable with my meds and told me to ask my pharmacist. Not much confidence there about this prescription. So I call my internal doc back to ask her. I was told to comeback up and wait till a nurse could talk to her after she saw her patient. Get up there and no one talked to the nurse and the nurse comes out to ask what I was looking for. She eventually comes back to tell me the doc won't prescribe anymore meds to me due o all the new ones I have been given today and that the pain killer would help. Problem, neve went to the pharmacy on way home. It was getting dark and it was about to down pour, which it did a few minutes after walking inside. Wish I had it though because I woke up in more pain today and I don't know what I did to cause it since I did my usually exercises at physical therapy. Skipping physical therapy sounds like a good idea right now so I can get my meds.
Title: Re: Sleeping Pills post transplant
Post by: Robby712 on July 12, 2008, 04:56:19 PM
I've been taking 10mg Ambien for a year or two now.  Problem is, when I take them more than a couple nights in a row it doesn't really work and I become more hyper than tired.  (also I've experienced the full range of effects from increased appetite & extroversion to Hallucinations & insomnia rebound)...waiting for CR to be approved myself...don't pop the pill to much anymore and when I do it's usually one and a half or two.

Otherwise I usually don't fight it.  If I lay there for 30 minutes and know I'm not going to go to sleep I usually get up and read a book or watch TV or play around on the internet until I get tired...sometimes it takes FOREVER.  I'm a teacher and in the summer I don't have anything to do so it's not like I'm wearing myself out at work anymore...so the 5am-12pm thing happens quite often.

Title: Re: Sleeping Pills post transplant
Post by: Chris on July 12, 2008, 09:04:16 PM
I was prescribed Prosom for insomnia and Norco for pain. Trying them both together tonight. Norco didn't start to help till 5 am this morning when I took it at 10 pm the night before, Friday. Couldn't sleep much, just gave me a  buzzed feeling like I had a couple beers or something. Although that feeling wasn't bad especially throughout the day today, just laid in bed after having more lab work done thru the morning.
Title: Re: Sleeping Pills post transplant
Post by: angela515 on July 14, 2008, 07:15:49 PM
I've been taking 10mg Ambien for a year or two now.  Problem is, when I take them more than a couple nights in a row it doesn't really work and I become more hyper than tired.  (also I've experienced the full range of effects from increased appetite & extroversion to Hallucinations & insomnia rebound)...waiting for CR to be approved myself...don't pop the pill to much anymore and when I do it's usually one and a half or two.

Otherwise I usually don't fight it.  If I lay there for 30 minutes and know I'm not going to go to sleep I usually get up and read a book or watch TV or play around on the internet until I get tired...sometimes it takes FOREVER.  I'm a teacher and in the summer I don't have anything to do so it's not like I'm wearing myself out at work anymore...so the 5am-12pm thing happens quite often.

I have experienced all it's side effects as well. For me I experienced them all from day one, all the way to now. I get the increased appetite, which sucks now because my immunosuppresives both also increase my appetite... which then in turn really makes losing weight for me an impossible to reach goal. I get hallucinations but not very often at all. I also get insomnia rebound... which sucks since I take more than the dose on the bottle nowadays so it's not like I can just get it refilled and not have to rebound.. I have to go weeks before I can refill and once I run out, I already know the next few days to a week I won't be sleeping. I am a single mommy and so I am hating summer when I run out of my pills because I can't just chill and do nothing, I have to be full alert and run around all day. :(

I also experience amnesia. If I am on the phone with someone before my Ambien kicks in, I will wake up with the phone either in my hand or in my bed somewhere, the TV on and lamp on, glasses on... and whoever I was talking to will tell me I started talking funny and not making sense, but I don't ever remember doing that. A few month's ago on a Saturday morning/afternoon I didn't just forget what happened while talking to someone, I woke up to go shopping at Walmart as me and my mom do every Saturday and I slept all the way to the store, went my own way and shopped as I always do, slept all the way home.. then asked my mother to please watch my kids because I needed to lay down and I woke up at 5:00pm. When I woke up at 5 I did not remember waking up that morning, I didn't remember going to Walmart or sleeping in the car, and I didn't remember what I bought or how much I spent and had to find my receipt and see what I bought and what I spent. That was bad, but it was my own fault because the night before I took more than I usually do because I hadn't been able to sleep but a few hours the 3 days before that since I didn't take my Ambien for those 3 nights because I needed to get up very early and went to bed very late due to stuff going on and you can't take your Ambien if your going to be getting a few hours sleep. So, I learned my lesson not to take how many I did again.

Title: Re: Sleeping Pills post transplant
Post by: Robby712 on July 14, 2008, 10:35:01 PM
Yep Angela, after experiencing the effects of ambien I've often wondered how the heck it is actually legal/safe to take.  I wonder if 50 years from now we'll look back and say 'Wow, remember when everybody took that?  We were crazy!"  Much like when you used to be able to obtain opium over the counter or when Coca-Cola used to have trace amounts of actual cocaine in it (I still think it was a mistake changing the recipe)

Oh well.  As long the profit from selling it far outweighs the price paid in lawsuits from accidents it'll be available for all to enjoy!
Title: Re: Sleeping Pills post transplant
Post by: Chris on July 15, 2008, 05:39:44 PM
Well taking the sleeping pill and pain killer definitely now makes me sleep. Problem is it makes me sleep pretty much the next day too. I have been sleeping till 1 pm and when I do get up I am still tired and fall asleep if I sit down. Pain killer doesn't make the pain go totally away either. I tried staggering the pills by taking the sleeping pill earlier than the pain killer, but still was sleeping till 2 pm. Thinking about taking pain med sooner and then the sleeping pill. I took the sleeping pill and I get drowsy within 30 minutes. So it is good and bad that I am taking these two meds. Just get my knee surgery done and over with and stop screwing around with all these darn test! >:( :rant;
Title: Re: Sleeping Pills post transplant
Post by: angela515 on July 19, 2008, 04:33:37 PM
Love my pain killers and love my sleeping pills....  :bow; To all who invented them.  :beer1;
Title: Re: Sleeping Pills post transplant
Post by: Chris on July 19, 2008, 05:06:53 PM
I should have taken them last night. I was up till 4 am lying in bed. The computer was off too!
Title: Re: Sleeping Pills post transplant
Post by: Romona on July 19, 2008, 07:16:58 PM
Can you split the pill? Some of the stuff I took they told me to try half if a whole one was too much. Some pills can't be cut because of the way it is absorbed.
Title: Re: Sleeping Pills post transplant
Post by: Chris on July 19, 2008, 07:47:10 PM
Can you split the pill? Some of the stuff I took they told me to try half if a whole one was too much. Some pills can't be cut because of the way it is absorbed.

Unfortunately no on the sleeping pills. They are only 1mg and very small. They are like a mini sweet tart candy shape. My pain killers could be easily split in half since it has a break line.
Title: Re: Sleeping Pills post transplant
Post by: Romona on July 20, 2008, 07:34:42 AM
I hope you find a happy medium. It stinks to be tired.
Title: Re: Sleeping Pills post transplant
Post by: Robby712 on July 20, 2008, 12:32:50 PM
I need to pester my neph to get some of these pain pills you speak of.  I've been having lower back pain lately (better since the chiro, but still not gone) and it keeps me awake at nights even if I do take an ambien...

Title: Re: Sleeping Pills post transplant
Post by: Chris on July 20, 2008, 04:18:22 PM
Well I complained to my local gp doc about my back pain who then ordered an MRI. It showed I have 2 herniated disk and a stress fracture in the lower vertabrae. Had other test done and found out I have osteomalacia, which also doesn't help for pain. Bu last night I forgot to take my sleeping pill and even with the pain med, I still stayed up to 5 am. The 2 together knock me out all night and part of the day long. If the pain has been there for more than 2 weeks tell the doc to have test done, MRI's, bone scan, and orgot what else they did seperate from my knee problem.
Title: Re: Sleeping Pills post transplant
Post by: MIbarra on July 20, 2008, 09:31:31 PM
 :-\  I'm up till 5 some nights too! Sometimes I sleep for only 2 hours a night 3-4 days straight. Then I sleep all night and almost all day it feels for several days. Ugh!
Title: Re: Sleeping Pills post transplant
Post by: okarol on July 20, 2008, 09:37:26 PM
:-\  I'm till 5 some nights too! Sometimes I sleep for only 2 hours a night 3-4 days straight. Then I sleep all night and almost all day it feels for several days. Ugh!

That was Jenna's pattern on dialysis, and it is still the same after transplant. She seems tired after 3 am. Sometimes wakes after a few hours, then sleeps for a day. It's so bizarre.
Title: Re: Sleeping Pills post transplant
Post by: Chris on July 21, 2008, 11:14:04 AM
I only took the sleping pill last night and didn't kick in till after 11:30 pm. Then woke up at 4 am due to cat begging for trats, UGHHH! Finally fell back to sleep after 5 am, then  one of my alarms goes off at 6 am, turned that off and then the next round of alarms  start going off at 8 am. I put those on snooze, but accidentally turned the important one off to get up and going to get my blood test done. Next 2 alarms (watch and cell phone) went off at 10 and I thought it was only around 9, but watch going off is a dead give away that it wasn't, so I had to hurry up and get in the shower and get to my local hospital. Hopefully these labs are bettereven though it was 38 minutes after the 12 hour mark for the trough level for my Prograf level. I should have tried to take just half of the pain killer and the sleeping pill so I wouldn't wake up in the wee hours of the day.
Title: Re: Sleeping Pills post transplant
Post by: angela515 on July 21, 2008, 11:47:00 AM
38 minutes isn't going to mess your labs up.
Title: Re: Sleeping Pills post transplant
Post by: Chris on July 21, 2008, 11:54:41 AM
I'm a stickler for having them on time incase they ask when I took my pills last and when the labs where taken. Easier for my bad memory
Title: Re: Sleeping Pills post transplant
Post by: angela515 on July 21, 2008, 11:56:26 AM
I totally understand, I am as well. :)
Title: Re: Sleeping Pills post transplant
Post by: MIbarra on July 21, 2008, 07:49:04 PM
Chris, how often do you get labs done now?
Title: Re: Sleeping Pills post transplant
Post by: Chris on July 21, 2008, 07:52:57 PM
Last 3 months it has been every other week or every week depending on results or  new test added. Starting to wish I had a catheter for blood draws.
Title: Re: Sleeping Pills post transplant
Post by: MIbarra on July 21, 2008, 08:03:57 PM
I know! I still have the bruise and lump in my right arm from last week's blood draw. I'm only doing once a month or every 2 now though.
Title: Re: Sleeping Pills post transplant
Post by: Chris on July 21, 2008, 08:25:12 PM
I only get a bruise when I let the trainee have a stab, which then leaves a hematoma also. I think it's just that my veins have so much scar tissue for the two sites they only use in my right arm.

Forgot to take sleeping pill and to late to take it now, crude :(
Title: Re: Sleeping Pills post transplant
Post by: angela515 on July 21, 2008, 10:29:40 PM
I have hated getting my blood drawn since forever because they made my viens die. I only get poked once if the tech is lucky, otherwise I have to get poked at least twice, sometimes more.

I haven't taken my sleeping pill yet ad I gotta get up at 6-7, I will take it when I am done watching tv tho, hehe.
Title: Re: Sleeping Pills post transplant
Post by: Chris on July 21, 2008, 10:33:29 PM
I worry if I take them now/late, I won't be able to get up when I need to in the morning. Took pain killer though, but not making me tired.
This will bemy last post for tonight though, I hope/trying ;D
Title: Re: Sleeping Pills post transplant
Post by: angela515 on July 21, 2008, 10:43:20 PM
They don't work for me much anymore, so i can still get up if I just take one.. but if I take like 3, then that sucks for me getting up, lol.

Goodnight Chris :)
Title: Re: Sleeping Pills post transplant
Post by: Chris on July 22, 2008, 12:00:53 PM
This time I hope to remember to take them. I stayed up till 5 am then got back up at 7:25 am. Then forgot to stop at the hospital to pick up my lab results. Not wasting gas to go back today. I really do not want to be needing a to do list everytime I go out so I don't forget! :banghead;
Title: Re: Sleeping Pills post transplant
Post by: pelagia on July 22, 2008, 06:18:35 PM
Is this a common thing for transplant recipients to be insomniacs?  The same thing has happened to my husband.
Title: Re: Sleeping Pills post transplant
Post by: Chris on July 22, 2008, 06:34:18 PM
I don't know, I never asked my transplant center. Never saw anything on the manufactures website either of the immunosuppressants. I had it real bad after my transplant though, but have always gone to bed late even before I was a full blown teenager.
Title: Re: Sleeping Pills post transplant
Post by: angela515 on July 23, 2008, 09:10:26 PM
I have had insomnia before both of my transplants.
Title: Re: Sleeping Pills post transplant
Post by: Chris on July 23, 2008, 09:16:42 PM
Can't take them tonight, have to be up at 3:45 am to get ready and get to the train station for early morning test and doc visits in Chicago. Whoopee!
I need to try two pills, 1 barely did anything last night.
Title: Re: Sleeping Pills post transplant
Post by: angela515 on July 23, 2008, 09:24:01 PM
You go to the dr alot..
Title: Re: Sleeping Pills post transplant
Post by: Chris on July 23, 2008, 09:27:23 PM
And again on monday to Chicago for another test, transplant doc, and I was suppose to see some nutritionist, but have to cancel. Can't afford the $120 they want to bill me. They said medicare won't cover it, but I have a paper that say's they will, so screw them. Think I have another test on Monday too. I know I have 2 tomorrow and two docs. Hopefully get something done with my knee.
Title: Re: Sleeping Pills post transplant
Post by: angela515 on July 24, 2008, 08:23:26 PM
Come out here and drive me to all my appts I am *supposed* to have but cancel or move to months later due to no ride.  :bow;
Title: Re: Sleeping Pills post transplant
Post by: Chris on July 24, 2008, 08:40:08 PM
Wanna do some of my test for me? :rofl;
Today was a fun filled day there. Can't have knee surgery due to osteomalacia, but possibly in December. Also said I will need a knee replacement, but will hold off due to age. He will only do surgery before I see him in October for follow up if pain gets so bad the risk will necessitate ?(not sure I am using the right word) the need for surgery. He sees me having up to 3 orthoscope procedures on my left knee before replacement. Right knee is starting to show the same ill affects of the left. Both have bone spurs on the knee caps, whooppee!

Then   I had one blood test and the guy had a hard time getting blood and said the vein blew as he started to get blood. He said he wasn't going to stick me again though because I was to cold and shivering.

Got home, listened to voice mail and stupid transplant center called about my labs. These morons never learn to call my cell phone, it is the first number listed to get a hold of me, not my home number and I was just there in the fricken building on the same floor. I'm not going in tomorrow though, I'll call, but I'm not going in.

Well now I have a script for physical therapy in the water, a new pain med for the daytime, and I don't feel like taking my sleeping pill even though I should. I had one hours sleep today, between 2:30 am and 3:45 am when I got up. I need something to just knock my butt out! :Kit n Stik;
Title: Re: Sleeping Pills post transplant
Post by: angela515 on July 24, 2008, 08:48:14 PM
No, thanks. I got my own probs. :lol;

With yours and mine combined we would be unable to leave a bed no matter what. Thats no good. :lol;
Title: Re: Sleeping Pills post transplant
Post by: Chris on July 24, 2008, 09:07:14 PM
I'll have to pick up new prescription tomorrow. Take pill, wait for new side effects, fall flat on face sums it up.
Title: Re: Sleeping Pills post transplant
Post by: MIbarra on July 24, 2008, 09:29:51 PM
unable to leave a bed no matter what. Thats no good. :lol;

This can be good at times. hee hee   >:D
Title: Re: Sleeping Pills post transplant
Post by: Chris on July 24, 2008, 10:17:08 PM
No, thanks. I got my own probs. :lol;

With yours and mine combined we would be unable to leave a bed no matter what. Thats no good. :lol;
Ozzy Osbournes song Zoombie Zoo comes to mind :rofl; :rofl;
Title: Re: Sleeping Pills post transplant
Post by: angela515 on July 25, 2008, 07:34:50 PM
Title: Re: Sleeping Pills post transplant
Post by: MyRenalRomance on July 27, 2008, 10:27:02 AM
Is this a common thing for transplant recipients to be insomniacs?  The same thing has happened to my husband.

I currently take Ambien CR 12.5 mg and Valium 5 mg.  Have been on sleeping meds (of various varirities) since the 80s due to side effects of scleroderma/hypertension meds, and most currently due to dialysis.

I had a kidney transplant 5 weeks ago, and my neph just mentioned, last week, that I probably shouldn't need the sleep meds now that I have a new kidney.  He said he could understand that I was on them during dialysis, but I think he would like me to stop.  A good night's sleep is worth its weight in gold, so I'm hesitant to stop.  Some nights I'm tired by 10 pm, and other nights I could stay up all night!
Title: Re: Sleeping Pills post transplant
Post by: Chris on July 27, 2008, 02:14:22 PM
Not sure wha to do there. The only concern if there was one would be the interactions with you anti-rejection meds or any other med. Less pills is always nice, but sometimes are necessary. You could either try his suggestion for a bit to see what happens, or keeping taking them as long as you have a doctor prescribe them and knows your current meds. In the end, you gotta do what is best for you.

I just need to remember to take my sleeping pills. I keep forgetting to take them till it is 12 am or 4 am. :banghead; :oops;
Title: Re: Sleeping Pills post transplant
Post by: MyRenalRomance on July 27, 2008, 03:03:14 PM
^  Yes, all my doctors know all my meds.  The transplant team let me take the sleeping meds in the hospital during my transplant, and know I'm still taking them, so I'm quite sure the docs would have told me if there was going to be any conflicting reactions with the anti-rejection meds.  I have two nephrologists - my original who I see on a regular basis, and my neph from my transplant center.  Both are aware of my sleeping meds RXs.

Yes, less meds are always nice.  I bet I could stop if I needed to.  I have no trouble falling asleep during the day for naps when I'm really tired (sorry to mention that considering all you're going through with your insomnia, Chris).

I guess I have the same question as Pelagia . . . "Is this a common thing for transplant recipients to be insomniacs?"  Sounds like the answer is "yes" from some of the posts in this thread (even tho my transplant center neph doesn't seem to be under that impression!)

Title: Re: Sleeping Pills post transplant
Post by: Chris on July 27, 2008, 03:35:46 PM
I figured as much that they already knew your meds.

In my case, I see my local neph more than I do my transplant neph. Along with local gp. Going all the way to the city for all these different doctors is a pain in the royal  :sir ken;
So unless it's bad, which it has been, then I see the doctors at my transplant center and now I have to many up there for each different problem I have. >:(
Title: Re: Sleeping Pills post transplant
Post by: angela515 on July 27, 2008, 08:25:00 PM
^  Yes, all my doctors know all my meds.  The transplant team let me take the sleeping meds in the hospital during my transplant, and know I'm still taking them, so I'm quite sure the docs would have told me if there was going to be any conflicting reactions with the anti-rejection meds.  I have two nephrologists - my original who I see on a regular basis, and my neph from my transplant center.  Both are aware of my sleeping meds RXs.

Yes, less meds are always nice.  I bet I could stop if I needed to.  I have no trouble falling asleep during the day for naps when I'm really tired (sorry to mention that considering all you're going through with your insomnia, Chris).

I guess I have the same question as Pelagia . . . "Is this a common thing for transplant recipients to be insomniacs?"  Sounds like the answer is "yes" from some of the posts in this thread (even tho my transplant center neph doesn't seem to be under that impression!)

Some people with NO medical problems just have different internal clocks and sleep on a different pattern then the "norm". Not everything is related to ESRD or transplant, even if your problems start after that.. As for if this is "common" for transplant recipients, it's *normal* for ESRD patients, and that is what you are with a transplant or without. I personally don't think it's related to the transplant due to personal experience and everyone in my clinic.. but it is *normal* for ESRD patients. However, I am not an M.D. so maybe I am talking out of my ass.  :rant;
Title: Re: Sleeping Pills post transplant
Post by: Chris on July 27, 2008, 08:42:07 PM
However, I am not an M.D. so maybe I am talking out of my ass.  :rant;

Well then you would be Ace Ventura - pet Detective if you did :rofl;

With me and dialysis, I didn't have the insomnia problem, so I am not normal, oh well. But also had other medical issues.
"Igor, who's brain did you take?"
"Why it's Abby, Abby Normal sir"

OK, tomorrow I will try my sleep med. I should have taken it earlier tonight, but I have to be up at 3 am and well I might be screwed if I take it now. I need to try 2 mg instead of 1 mg.Maybe I need an alarm to take that med?
Title: Re: Sleeping Pills post transplant
Post by: angela515 on July 27, 2008, 08:49:43 PM
What sleep med do you take?

Ace Ventura was my mentor. ;)

Title: Re: Sleeping Pills post transplant
Post by: Chris on July 27, 2008, 08:55:34 PM
Estazolam, generic for s? something, have it saved on my medication list.
Title: Re: Sleeping Pills post transplant
Post by: angela515 on July 27, 2008, 08:57:38 PM
How long have you been on it? Are you supposed to be on it long term?

I looked it up online, it says for "short-term" treatment of insomnia.
Title: Re: Sleeping Pills post transplant
Post by: Chris on July 27, 2008, 09:05:27 PM
Neurologist gave it to me July 10, well that's the fill date. It has 6 refills of 30 pills. Problem is I forge to take them lately
Title: Re: Sleeping Pills post transplant
Post by: Ken Shelmerdine on July 28, 2008, 05:24:42 AM
Since taking Zopiclone and clonazopam I've not had too many problems sleeping. The biggest problem is the time it takes to actually get off to sleep. (Usually between 1 1/2 to 2 hours. Once I get to sleep, if I wake up again I can just drop off again no problem.

Can somebody tell me why it takes me so long to get to sleep at night when, if I take an afternoon nap (no sleeping pills) I drop off almost instantaneously?
Title: Re: Sleeping Pills post transplant
Post by: bolta72 on July 28, 2008, 05:29:34 AM
I have the same problem, easier during the day than at night.
Title: Re: Sleeping Pills post transplant
Post by: pelagia on July 28, 2008, 06:36:25 AM
estazolam is related to xanax according to this website:


I have been told that xanax can be addicting. 
Title: Re: Sleeping Pills post transplant
Post by: Chris on July 29, 2008, 12:56:06 PM
Finally took sleeping pills last night, well I took two instead of one and I was out in an hour. Only problem is I didn't wake up till 2:30 pm which led me to take my pills very late. It was a good sleep though, never woke up, not even if the cats did try to like they usually do. I think I'll try 1 and a half pill tonight.
Title: Re: Sleeping Pills post transplant
Post by: MyRenalRomance on July 30, 2008, 11:41:17 PM

"Igor, who's brain did you take?"
"Why it's Abby, Abby Normal sir"

OK, tomorrow I will try my sleep med. I should have taken it earlier tonight, but I have to be up at 3 am and well I might be screwed if I take it now. I need to try 2 mg instead of 1 mg.Maybe I need an alarm to take that med?

 :lol;  "Abby Normal"!  Love it!!!

I realize you're nearly 8 years post transplant (I'm only 6 weeks out).  Prior to being discharged, my meds coordinator highly recommended purchasing a watch w/ alarm settings so I'd remember to take my meds on time. I do wear one, since 10 am and 10 pm can sneak up on me without my realizing it.  Would wearing a watch like that help you to remember to take your sleep med?  Or you could pm me w/ your cell phone # and I would just play the song "Meds" by the band Placebo when you answered . . . "Did you forget to take your meds?" . . . LOL  Oh yeah - you have a cell phone - they have alarm features, don't they?  I think mine does!  Good luck "Igor"!

EDITED" Fixed quote tag error-kitkatz,moderator
Title: Re: Sleeping Pills post transplant
Post by: Chris on July 31, 2008, 06:06:17 AM

"Igor, who's brain did you take?"
"Why it's Abby, Abby Normal sir"

OK, tomorrow I will try my sleep med. I should have taken it earlier tonight, but I have to be up at 3 am and well I might be screwed if I take it now. I need to try 2 mg instead of 1 mg.Maybe I need an alarm to take that med?

 :lol;  "Abby Normal"!  Love it!!!

I realize you're nearly 8 years post transplant (I'm only 6 weeks out).  Prior to being discharged, my meds coordinator highly recommended purchasing a watch w/ alarm settings so I'd remember to take my meds on time. I do wear one, since 10 am and 10 pm can sneak up on me without my realizing it.  Would wearing a watch like that help you to remember to take your sleep med?  Or you could pm me w/ your cell phone # and I would just play the song "Meds" by the band Placebo when you answered . . . "Did you forget to take your meds?" . . . LOL  Oh yeah - you have a cell phone - they have alarm features, don't they?  I think mine does!  Good luck "Igor"!

Well I do have a talking alarm watch, but  it is no set to go off at night due to it being load along with my cell phone. I use all the available time slots for reminders during the day, but at night I don't want to wake up or annoy parents. Last night Karol sent me a test message at 12 am my time, ohh crap that was a suprise and then finding the phone to shut off the message notifier, it is set to a song from the Rocky Horror Picture Show, Time Warp.

And no, I didn't take my sleeping pills last night, just my regular meds. I was to busy posting last night to take them. I'll have to look up Placebo for that song, I don't think I have heard it off hand.
Title: Re: Sleeping Pills post transplant
Post by: MyRenalRomance on July 31, 2008, 12:54:12 PM
^   :waving;  Chris,
You have great taste in movies:  "Young Frankenstein" and "Rocky Horror Picture Show"!  :clap;
Two of my faves (and, yes I can do the Time Warp!).

How'd you sleep, last night w/out your meds?

Most of the "Meds" lyrics (by Placebo) probably aren't applicable in this situation, but that chorus is just darn catchy:  "Baby, did you forget to take your meds?"  Saw Placebo last summer at Projekt Revolution. They were pretty awesome.  I had heard of Placebo, but had never heard any of their music until that day.

That was really nice of Karol to send you a text message! This is such a great commnity!  :2thumbsup;
Title: Re: Sleeping Pills post transplant
Post by: Chris on July 31, 2008, 01:16:22 PM
I went to bed around 5 am, sometime during George Carlins last show and woke up at 6 am since 2 of my alarms went off. So I took some time to prepare to fix my bedroom closet light. Had to take stuff out of the closet, then had trouble seeing since the flashlight in my mouth did not correspond to where I wanted it while I am moving. I might take the pill tonight or a pain pill depending on how physical therapy goes tonight. If I take the sleeping pill tonight and take 2  for it to work, I better take it at 8 pm tonight.
Title: Re: Sleeping Pills post transplant
Post by: MyRenalRomance on July 31, 2008, 06:29:05 PM

. . . "Did you forget to take your meds?" . . .  

Title: Re: Sleeping Pills post transplant
Post by: Chris on July 31, 2008, 07:23:17 PM
I didn't exactly forget them, they're just not in my sight ;D
Title: Re: Sleeping Pills post transplant
Post by: Chris on August 03, 2008, 02:53:43 AM
Didn't take pills Friday or Saturday night due to getting home late. Now it is past 4:56 am. No rest Sunday. Need meds.
Title: Re: Sleeping Pills post transplant
Post by: MyRenalRomance on August 04, 2008, 07:51:23 PM
^  4:56 am?!!  Do you ever sleep, Chris?  How do you function?  What's your secret?

Got home late Friday and Saturday? - hope you were out late having some fun!
Title: Re: Sleeping Pills post transplant
Post by: Chris on August 04, 2008, 08:03:45 PM
^  4:56 am?!!  Do you ever sleep, Chris?  How do you function?  What's your secret?

Got home late Friday and Saturday? - hope you were out late having some fun!
I went to bed at 7 am Sunday morning and slept till 2:30, but I didn't feel rested as I do when I take the sleeping pills, 2 of them, not the reccommended 1 pill.
I was at the IHD meeting Friday and Saturday and got home late on those two days. Left around 2 am Sunday morning after we went to Chicago. At the dinner I was presented with a 7 day 4 event pill container with alarms. Taking sleeping pills tonight though. Which reminds me I need to refill other med.
Title: Re: Sleeping Pills post transplant
Post by: Chris on August 04, 2008, 11:25:09 PM
Finally pills are kicking in at 1:24 am. Time to log off.
Title: Re: Sleeping Pills post transplant
Post by: okarol on August 05, 2008, 12:02:41 AM
Finally pills are kicking in at 1:24 am. Time to log off.

Good night!  :waving;
Title: Re: Sleeping Pills post transplant
Post by: MyRenalRomance on August 05, 2008, 12:37:21 AM
Finally pills are kicking in at 1:24 am. Time to log off.

So glad you remembered your meds, tonight!   :clap;

Oh - you were having fun over the weekend - duh . . . I, completely, was in the dark about the Chicago IHD meet-up!  Glad you were able to go!   :yahoo;

Good night and pleasant dreams!
Title: Re: Sleeping Pills post transplant
Post by: Chris on August 05, 2008, 11:27:17 PM
And here is what I was presented with at the Chicago meeting :pics;
It talks, beeps, or it is visual (haven't tried that yet, I prefer voice)
Title: Re: Sleeping Pills post transplant
Post by: MyRenalRomance on August 06, 2008, 12:08:31 AM

That is the perfect gift for you - don't you think?  :2thumbsup;

So,   ;musicalnote; "Did you forget to take your meds?"  ;musicalnote;   :lol;

Let me know if that's beginning to annoy you!  I won't be offended!
Title: Re: Sleeping Pills post transplant
Post by: Chris on August 06, 2008, 08:41:18 AM
I didn't take sleeping pills, I was working on several things. Had to scan and fax some documents, read and try to understand all new wireless router setup with new security features that still  puzzle me. Darn new wireless router project is something I come home to as a project to do and figure out how to do from my dad, but I have no idea what the settings he has on the old one and he didn't print that out. Just gave me the password to get into his computer. :rant;

Well at least I have two women who talk to me in the morning now :rofl; One says good morning, the other say It is 10 am, time to take your pills. Now if I get my Mandy of my GPS unit out of the mental health center, I would have 3 women, but one would be arguing all the time :rofl; :rofl;

I plan to take the sleeping meds tonight, I set a reminder on the pill container.
Title: Re: Sleeping Pills post transplant
Post by: pelagia on August 29, 2008, 08:29:10 PM
My husband seems to be over his insomnia, finally (3+months post transplant).   He's asleep now and I'm sitting here feeding my IHD addiction.  Better than carbs when on the South Beach diet  :rofl;
Title: Re: Sleeping Pills post transplant
Post by: Jess21 on August 29, 2008, 08:44:44 PM
I have occasional sleep problems, but not enough to take anything for it.  Actually it's 10:45 my time right now and I'm exhausted from a week of class (i'm back in full time! :yahoo;)
But anyway, Benedryl in the hospital knocked me OUT.  I always wondered why about 5 minutes into plasmapherisis I'd be asleep, when I finally asked, the nurse says that's what nurses take when they want to sleep.  Hehe a syringe full of Benedryl makes plasma go by quick!  By the time you wake up, it's almost over! :cheer: