I Hate Dialysis Message Board

Dialysis Discussion => Dialysis: General Discussion => Topic started by: Epoman on June 30, 2006, 03:27:58 PM

Title: Email I received from a member. LIST THE THINGS YOU LOVE ABOUT DIALYSIS.
Post by: Epoman on June 30, 2006, 03:27:58 PM
Here is a email I received the other day from one of our members:
Hey Epoman,  Hope your day is going well and your filling up on them Tito's Tacos that you love so much.   I have a question for you,,  i want to start a new thread but i am not sure where to start it at,  i am sure i am going to get alot of heat for it but i am sure there are others out there that might appreciate it,  my thread is......
Happiness is.....
and we would all add GOOD things about dialysis such as,  not having to go pee during a movie or a long trip
or a
good lab report
i am sure there will be some good ones,  ohh, like handicapped parking,  thats probably my favorite,  me loves me V.I.P PASS,   lol
can you please let me know what you think,   thank you

I replied:
Well I hate the idea but it is up to you to post what you want, that is why I built this site to allow members to have a voice. Just start the thread in General Discussion. But honestly I am going to be one of the people giving you heat. For example I would GLADLY walk 100 yards and give up my placard if I could walk again. OR I would NEVER watch a movie again if I could pee again. But threads like this is what makes this site interesting.
- Epoman

She replied:

I replied:
NO! did you EVEN read what I said? or just read between the lines? make the thread THAT IS WHY THIS SITE IS HERE to give you a VOICE. I will be pissed if you don't do it now. This is not just my site it is YOUR site, and from now on I wish you would not ask me and just post it, you do not need my permission. You are not going to offend me. So please post it or I will, and say it was your idea but were to chicken to do it.
- Epoman

She replied:
nah, its cool,  i didnt like the feeling i got from your little reply so i know i wont like what the others have to say,  it took alot for me to get over their first reactions when i posted my positive shit....i am sorry i came to you first but do you know how frustrating it is to think your posting something in the right place and it still gets moved,  not only mines but others too,  but anyways,  thanks for your opinion

So we went back and forth for several more emails, her not wanting to make the thread afterall, but I felt bad because if she wanted to make a new thread, she should just have done it and not ask me. This site is here to give members a voice, and I was giving her my opinion, but she kept refusing so I told here either you do it or I will do it and credit her. So we exchanged more emails and I decided to not include her name but I told her I would post it and I have.

So here is the post:

List the good things about dialysis such as not having to go pee during a movie or a long trip or a good lab report. So list the things you love about being on dialysis, or having kidney disease.

There it is folks do you agree or disagree with the member? Do you look for the good things like not having to pee during a movie? Or being lucky enough to actuallly need a handicap pass, so you don't have to walk far?

Say what ever you want, if you can find positive things about being on dialysis, more power to you. List them.
I think you all know what I think.  >:D

The moral of this post is that I want my members to be able to post what ever they want, without worrying about others or me, If you want to be positive fine, if you want to be negative fine, as long as you have a voice. All I ask is that you don't try to change a member, to make it your mission to get that member to be positive or vice versa.

- Epoman
Title: Re: Email I received from a member. LIST THE THINGS YOU LOVE ABOUT DIALYSIS.
Post by: Epoman on June 30, 2006, 03:29:08 PM
Ok, I'll go first here is a list of things I love about having Kidney Failure:


- Epoman
Title: Re: Email I received from a member. LIST THE THINGS YOU LOVE ABOUT DIALYSIS.
Post by: hyperlite on June 30, 2006, 07:30:08 PM
I have to admit, not peeing is sometimes a bonus...I mean yeah the results of not peeing really suck (ie: fluid restriction...etc) but just the not peeing part is pretty decent. I mean I never have to stop doing something I'm enjoying to take a leak. I can drive anywhere without stopping...etc etc.

ummm thats about it hahaha

well theres the free coffee at the clinic, but i mean i can get free coffee at my house (paid for by my parents  ;D)

yeah thats definately the only upside to dialysis (besides the staying alive part...) that I can think of...and really I'd much rather have to stop at a reststop everynow and then, then have to pull all that fluid off every couple days
Title: Re: Email I received from a member. LIST THE THINGS YOU LOVE ABOUT DIALYSIS.
Post by: Epoman on June 30, 2006, 08:50:56 PM
I have to admit, not peeing is sometimes a bonus...I mean yeah the results of not peeing really suck (ie: fluid restriction...etc) but just the not peeing part is pretty decent. I mean I never have to stop doing something I'm enjoying to take a leak. I can drive anywhere without stopping...etc etc.

ummm thats about it hahaha

well theres the free coffee at the clinic, but i mean i can get free coffee at my house (paid for by my parents  ;D)

yeah thats definately the only upside to dialysis (besides the staying alive part...) that I can think of...and really I'd much rather have to stop at a reststop everynow and then, then have to pull all that fluid off every couple days

True, there are times when I am glad I don't have to go pee, certain situations. But on the flip side I feel sad when I see my friends go take a piss and then be able to come back and drink as much as they want. When I have to watch my intake.

I guess I could also say It's great having a seat where ever I go (wheelchair) but then I get sad when I see my friends stand up and stretch or see dads play with their son (running, jumping, sports, etc.)

- Epoman
Title: Re: Email I received from a member. LIST THE THINGS YOU LOVE ABOUT DIALYSIS.
Post by: kitkatz on June 30, 2006, 08:56:32 PM
My favorite things about dialysis.....hmmmm.
I have met some pretty nice people.
I am on the web site Ihatedialysis.com regularly and have a support system from this group.
I can excuse myself from almost anything I do not want to do, because I am tired or do not feel well. (LOL)
After movies I do not have to rush to the bathroom anymore (darn it!)
Ice instead of a 32 oz coke
Ooops. Starting to complain here.

Title: Re: Email I received from a member. LIST THE THINGS YOU LOVE ABOUT DIALYSIS.
Post by: Panda_9 on July 01, 2006, 01:29:33 AM
I see some good things about it too. After all theres nothing we can do to change the fact that we have ESRD, so I think its important to see the positive side about it too. I have been slammed for being positive on this site before but I don't care, I'm not going to change my attitude to suit others. Of course I would do just about anything to have my own normal kidneys back, but thats not going to happen. Heres my list....

You don't need to pee during the night
Treatment is available, its not a terminal illness
I too have met some lovely people
Having ESRD makes you more aware of your health, and how to look after it, not just renal, but every other aspect

OK so its not a long list, but I tried  :)
Title: Re: Email I received from a member. LIST THE THINGS YOU LOVE ABOUT DIALYSIS.
Post by: Epoman on July 01, 2006, 01:31:09 AM
I see some good things about it too. After all theres nothing we can do to change the fact that we have ESRD, so I think its important to see the positive side about it too. I have been slammed for being positive on this site before but I don't care, I'm not going to change my attitude to suit others. Of course I would do just about anything to have my own normal kidneys back, but thats not going to happen. Heres my list....

You don't need to pee during the night
Treatment is available, its not a terminal illness
I too have met some lovely people
Having ESRD makes you more aware of your health, and how to look after it, not just renal, but every other aspect

OK so its not a long list, but I tried  :)

Good for you.  :)
Title: Re: Email I received from a member. LIST THE THINGS YOU LOVE ABOUT DIALYSIS.
Post by: dialysta on July 01, 2006, 09:52:34 AM
Girl's like me more because I never leave the seat up.
Title: Re: Email I received from a member. LIST THE THINGS YOU LOVE ABOUT DIALYSIS.
Post by: kevno on July 01, 2006, 10:28:33 AM
Well after so long on dialysis. I have made a lot of friends on dialysis. The only trouble is most of them have died now.

No change in the NEEDLES >:(

The Machine same size

The Fx6 kidney is about a tenth the size as the old keele kidney :-\

The one good thing about haemodialysis is the free days without dialysis, that is if you feel well enough to enjoy them  :-\

Don't worry give me a few months, then I might think of something I like about dialysis, don't know what ???

Title: Re: Email I received from a member. LIST THE THINGS YOU LOVE ABOUT DIALYSIS.
Post by: hephziba on July 01, 2006, 06:30:42 PM
Im on Capd so my list should be bigger. on haemo.

nope their were no good points to haemo.

oh it kept me alive. yey the life thing..


freedom to travel, take holidays visit friends who live far away.

I can eat more.

the peeing thing doesnt count for me, I did stop peeing altogether on haemo and then a friend prayed for me and now I pee 2 litres in 24 hours and have no fluid restriction any more.

I get to smile at my wife and chat to her while I exchange this is a blessing I really missed on haemo I hated leaving my wife.......

yep thats my input. ;D
Title: Re: Email I received from a member. LIST THE THINGS YOU LOVE ABOUT DIALYSIS.
Post by: kitkatz on July 01, 2006, 09:02:51 PM
Things I like about dialysis

YOU nice people!
My hubby's support and love.
Getting to see my children grow through their teen-age years and become hard working successful adults.
Talking to an angel and making a choice. (I am not crazy! Really!)


Title: Re: Email I received from a member. LIST THE THINGS YOU LOVE ABOUT DIALYSIS.
Post by: Bajanne on July 02, 2006, 12:43:37 AM
Talking to an angel and making a choice. (I am not crazy! Really!)
Now, Kitkats, you know we can't leave this one alone!  You have peaked my curiousity.  Please explain. [In a PM, if you prefer]
Now to my say on what I like about dialysis.  I suppose it is the same as most of you guys.
I appreciate my off-dialysis days much more.
I am grateful for life and the chance to see my grandson grow up.
Title: Re: Email I received from a member. LIST THE THINGS YOU LOVE ABOUT DIALYSIS.
Post by: goofynina on July 02, 2006, 06:34:04 AM
I too love the fact that if i dont want to do something or go somewhere, i pull out my "i dont feel well card"  and people just leave me alone.   I stopped using that card so much cuz i noticed i wasnt getting invited to so many functions anymore, lol,  but at least they know i have a reason for not feeling well.   
I love the outlook it (ESRD) gives me on life,  so many things i took for granted when i was well, whether it is a flower, a nice breeze, to seeing my great-niece eat (wear) chocolate pudding,  aye yi yi,  i cherish even the most littlest things now.   
I dont mind if people come over and my house isnt tidy,  before i wouldnt answer the door or i would be pissed off, but now i know they came to see me, not inspect my house. 
But (and i know i am probably going to hear it for this)  I love the fact that God gave me this disease instead of taking me "Home"  i would hate to have missed all the beautiful things i've seen while i've been sick.  BUT THAT IS MY PERSONAL OPINION and remember, we are all entitled to our own opinion, well, that is mine and i am proud to say it :):):)

You go Hephzibia, that brought me to tears when you said you can smile at your wife while doing your exchanges, what a beautiful thing to say, I sure hope she reads that!!!!   I thank God each and every day for giving me my hubby,  we are getting ready to celebrate our 20 years togetheron the 18th of this month,  just celebrated 9 years married (i drive him nuts with all my anniversaries)  I dont care,  I am celebrating anything and everything dammit,,  he is lucky i dont remember when is the first time he farted in front of me cuz, by golly, that would be an anniversary too  :P     
Title: Re: Email I received from a member. LIST THE THINGS YOU LOVE ABOUT DIALYSIS.
Post by: deej on July 03, 2006, 11:09:55 AM
I can´t say I love doing dialysis but I am watching more movies since I take my mobil DVD player to the clinic three times a week. And I don´t have to work as much as before; I´m teaching less and enjoying life a bit more. All I can think of at the moment.
Title: Re: Email I received from a member. LIST THE THINGS YOU LOVE ABOUT DIALYSIS.
Post by: meadowlandsnj on July 03, 2006, 01:11:44 PM
Okay............lety me think a minute here.  Good things about dialysis..........how about these:

When I'm on dialysis I can just go and zone out for a few hours and not think about things that stress me out. 
I watch the other patients and sometimes get a good laugh out of some of the funny things that happen sometimes.
I met a few really nice people who are on dialysis on my shift so it's been a plus socially.

When you think about it dialysis is better than going to chemo or radiation.  I watched my beloved uncle die from cancer and he had to go to both every day of the week, plus he couldn't eat at all--he had esophageal cancer.  He had a feeding tube.  And this man loved to eat and drink--he was a great cook, a partier, very social.  That disease knocked him down and he never got back up  And the last 6 months of his life he had to eat through a feeding tube.  I know he's still with me and when I get discouraged I think of him and he's with me. 
Title: Re: Email I received from a member. LIST THE THINGS YOU LOVE ABOUT DIALYSIS.
Post by: Rerun on July 04, 2006, 12:19:43 AM
I can't think of anything "good" about getting every drop of blood sucked out of my body and washed and shoved back in 3 times a week for three hours each time.  But, here goes....

I'm skinny for once!

Yeah, I like the parking thing.

I guess I'm going to get paid for staying home.

Title: Re: Email I received from a member. LIST THE THINGS YOU LOVE ABOUT DIALYSIS.
Post by: Joe Paul on July 04, 2006, 01:01:47 AM
The doctor comes to see me, instead of me going to see the doctor  8)
The good looking nurses & techs who work at the clinic
Being the youngest at my clinic (well, sorta takes the older peoples minds off themselves)
Still having a sense of humor
Title: Re: Email I received from a member. LIST THE THINGS YOU LOVE ABOUT DIALYSIS.
Post by: kitkatz on July 04, 2006, 12:29:12 PM
Oh yeah!
That sense of humor that has not deserted me through all of this!
Title: Re: Email I received from a member. LIST THE THINGS YOU LOVE ABOUT DIALYSIS.
Post by: okarol on March 25, 2007, 11:38:11 PM
I can't think of things I LOVED for Jenna on dialysis -
but maybe good things? short list...
more naps
it's not cancer
she lived through it
Title: Re: Email I received from a member. LIST THE THINGS YOU LOVE ABOUT DIALYSIS.
Post by: goofynina on March 26, 2007, 01:04:37 AM
In case you all didnt know, it was me who wanted to start this thread and who wrote Epoman the letters in the first post.  Just wanted to thank all those who posted here.  I know even though what we are going through is bad, i just wanted to see if anyone out there saw anything good about dialysis like i did, and i am so glad to know that you didn't hesitate to share them.  Much love to you all...  :grouphug;

Title: Re: Email I received from a member. LIST THE THINGS YOU LOVE ABOUT DIALYSIS.
Post by: ILOVEFLUID on March 26, 2007, 05:28:34 AM
Okay, this is  hard one but i will try.

I do love not having to dodge bears going to the bathroom while camping.
My illness brought me closer to my parents.  They insist on accompanying me to every dialysis shift so it is 18hrs a week I spend with them that i may not have if i was not on dialysis.
It has made me a much stronger person.
It has elevated my sense of humour. though dark at times.
It actually influenced my fiance to marry me.  I know, weird.  I met him while my transplant was working.  After about a year, he was diagnosed with Bipolar disorder.  I stuck by his side, even though we broke up because if it.  I helped him get through it, get to the hospital and get regulated with meds.  Afterwards we moved away and lived together as friends.  Because he felt I was a caregiver to him, we did not resume our relationship until my transplant failed.  He needed to feel needed and once I started hemo again, I needed him.  He proposed 3 months later.  Now we are caregivers to each other.

And, yes I will admit, I can get out of things by claiming I do not feel well.
Title: Re: Email I received from a member. LIST THE THINGS YOU LOVE ABOUT DIALYSIS.
Post by: kimcanada on March 26, 2007, 06:07:56 AM

Geez, I guess I have become a very good driver because of dialysis, (2 hours each way)

I am the star of the party with my buzzing arm.

That's all for now but if something else comes to me I will add :)

Title: Re: Email I received from a member. LIST THE THINGS YOU LOVE ABOUT DIALYSIS.
Post by: Zach on March 26, 2007, 06:10:36 AM
Because of dialysis, I started my documentary production company and have been producing television specials ever since.
Title: Re: Email I received from a member. LIST THE THINGS YOU LOVE ABOUT DIALYSIS.
Post by: Sluff on March 26, 2007, 08:17:06 AM
It is great that when faced with something like kidney disease and dialysis some of you can find the positive points and not allow this disease to overtake every aspect of life.  Kudos to all who have posted in this thread.
Title: Re: Email I received from a member. LIST THE THINGS YOU LOVE ABOUT DIALYSIS.
Post by: Zach on March 26, 2007, 09:46:19 AM
In case you all didnt know, it was me who wanted to start this thread and who wrote Epoman the letters in the first post.  Just wanted to thank all those who posted here.  I know even though what we are going through is bad, i just wanted to see if anyone out there saw anything good about dialysis like i did, and i am so glad to know that you didn't hesitate to share them.  Much love to you all...  :grouphug;


Thank you for seeing that something good that can come from something bad.
Title: Re: Email I received from a member. LIST THE THINGS YOU LOVE ABOUT DIALYSIS.
Post by: thegrammalady on March 26, 2007, 10:29:46 AM
i just found this thread....two things my mother always said (besides "oh susan") that have driven me completely loony all my life are, "you can always find someone else worse off than you are" and "can't never did anything". the day i said that to one of my kids i was so shocked i shut up and walked out of the room. (yes, they know their mother is certifiable) However over the years i have learned that my mother is right. there isn't anything i can't do. there are however many things i don't want to do. If i want to become a brain surgeon, (which i don't) i can go back to school and do it. no reason why not. i have a disabled child. i'm very grateful i'm not the mother who's son's shortest seizure ever was 20 minutes long. 20 minutes was how long it took to get to a hospital to have it stopped medically. my youngest daughter doesn't quite understand me. she says i ignore the large pink elephant in the livingroom. i don't ignore him, as long as he behaves himself i'm willing to share my space. ok, what i like about dialysis..........

the government pays me not to work
i can take all the naps i want
i get to play with my grandchildren
i can make blankets for babies who have nothing
i have to watch what i eat, so i'm loosing more weight
i have time to read, the library and i are good friends.........i probably could keep going, but i'll spare you the gorey details :)
Title: Re: Email I received from a member. LIST THE THINGS YOU LOVE ABOUT DIALYSIS.
Post by: George Jung on March 26, 2007, 02:06:43 PM
Well, I guess I am thankful for treatments being available (dialysis + transplant) , but I will never say ,I like, much less, love, anything about them.  Never.  I would give just about anything to be healthy again.  Not to say there aren't things I can find that are good about it, respectively speaking (you always have the power to find the good in the bad).
Title: Re: Email I received from a member. LIST THE THINGS YOU LOVE ABOUT DIALYSIS.
Post by: kitkatz on March 26, 2007, 09:23:42 PM
The health issues in my house have brought hubby and I closer together.
Title: Re: Email I received from a member. LIST THE THINGS YOU LOVE ABOUT DIALYSIS.
Post by: angela515 on March 27, 2007, 09:54:15 AM
I know I am not "healthy" but with transplant, I feel like a normal healthy person. So therefore, I *LOVE* transplants. Yes, I take a few pills a day, but then again, the most healthy of people sometimes take a pill for whatever reason (i.e, headache or something..).

Title: Re: Email I received from a member. LIST THE THINGS YOU LOVE ABOUT DIALYSIS.
Post by: lamillinger913 on March 27, 2007, 12:57:26 PM
It may be stretching things to say that I love dialysis, but like Zach said, hate takes too much energy. And dialysis is a damn sight better than carrying around 20 lbs. of fluid and having congestive heart failure at age 49.

I have met some great people.
My nurse practitioner always makes me laugh.
The doctor sees me once a month, whether I make an appointment or not.
I discovered Rachael Ray.
It forces me to slow my life down.
It gives me time to read, if I want to.
Title: Re: Email I received from a member. LIST THE THINGS YOU LOVE ABOUT DIALYSIS.
Post by: angela515 on March 27, 2007, 01:09:56 PM
It may be stretching things to say that I love dialysis, but like Zach said, hate takes too much energy. And dialysis is a damn sight better than carrying around 20 lbs. of fluid and having congestive heart failure at age 49.

I have met some great people.
My nurse practitioner always makes me laugh.
The doctor sees me once a month, whether I make an appointment or not.
I discovered Rachael Ray.
It forces me to slow my life down.
It gives me time to read, if I want to.

Very positive way of looking at dialysis and I like to believe I looked at it that way also when I was moping around trying to be negative! I also know there's a great chance, since i'm so young, that I will need to return to dialysis again someday... and I need to look at the positives of it, or your life just turns into a depressing waste of space.  :P  Great positive attitude lamillinger!

EDITED: Fixed  :P Icon Error - Sluff, Administrator
Title: Re: Email I received from a member. LIST THE THINGS YOU LOVE ABOUT DIALYSIS.
Post by: CW on June 20, 2008, 01:01:21 AM
This is a challenge, but for Goofynina and Epo I will make a genuine effort

hmmm. Lets see for Hemo

Get to catch up on tv
Tasty crunchy (but not to dense) ice
I have a much different perspective on life
Meeting decent people on IHD
Believing I can accomplish anything (strangest thing I truly believe this..am I crazy  :urcrazy; )

ok PD

Freedom and control of my own care
Able to travel without too much trouble

For my Kidney brothers and sisters who have left this world - you are not forgotten!
Title: Re: Email I received from a member. LIST THE THINGS YOU LOVE ABOUT DIALYSIS.
Post by: kitkatz on June 20, 2008, 08:57:14 PM
I love the act of sitting down in a chair after being on my feet all day teaching.
Title: Re: Email I received from a member. LIST THE THINGS YOU LOVE ABOUT DIALYSIS.
Post by: petey on June 22, 2008, 06:18:22 AM
It's been said before and I know it sounds kind of corny, but here's what Marvin and I like about dialysis...


...dialysis (now 6 x week -- home hemo) gives Marvin a good chance (not guaranteed, but extremely possible) shot at a tomorrow (a tomorrow that may not be great but is better than none).  For us, that's enough to make us happy.
Title: Re: Email I received from a member. LIST THE THINGS YOU LOVE ABOUT DIALYSIS.
Post by: twirl on June 22, 2008, 06:49:20 AM
list of things I have learned at dialysis          Twirl's Laws of Dialysis

1. if you hold your bottom together and pray like hell, you will not have an accident before you are let off to go to potty
2. if your butt is numb for three hours, after the first hour, you will not fall flat on your face when you stand up
3. if you vomit, techs and nurses scramble to get gum for themselves to chew
4. if you screw up your lab reports for that week, it is the mean doctor's turn to do rounds
5. if you bring a most wonderful snack, you are looking forward to eating, you will drop it
6. if you join IHD, you will have friends who will seem like family
Title: Re: Email I received from a member. LIST THE THINGS YOU LOVE ABOUT DIALYSIS.
Post by: kevno on June 23, 2008, 01:35:43 AM
Nearly 2 years since i was on this thread.

Still can not say much what I like about dialysis, I did keep my leg which is a positive. Like the beep to finish dialysis for that day  :-\ The walking off the unit to freedom :thumbup; well that is until I have to walk back onto the unit  :thumbdown;

Time to stop, starting to hate it again ;D

Title: Re: Email I received from a member. LIST THE THINGS YOU LOVE ABOUT DIALYSIS.
Post by: Neo on June 30, 2008, 12:16:51 PM
I love BENADRYL INJECTIONS while on the machine!!!!
Title: Re: Email I received from a member. LIST THE THINGS YOU LOVE ABOUT DIALYSIS.
Post by: twirl on June 30, 2008, 01:51:33 PM
really   why do you get the injections

Neo, in your photo, what is that in the back seat behind you------ can of a strange looking character ------ to the side of your face
Title: Re: Email I received from a member. LIST THE THINGS YOU LOVE ABOUT DIALYSIS.
Post by: flip on June 30, 2008, 02:13:40 PM
I like the way the nurse blows in my ear before she takes my temperature.  :guitar:
Title: Re: Email I received from a member. LIST THE THINGS YOU LOVE ABOUT DIALYSIS.
Post by: twirl on June 30, 2008, 04:49:28 PM
Flip    you do go to a friendly unit
Title: Re: Email I received from a member. LIST THE THINGS YOU LOVE ABOUT DIALYSIS.
Post by: flip on June 30, 2008, 04:59:22 PM
well, it does keep my b/p up (no other comments please)
Title: Re: Email I received from a member. LIST THE THINGS YOU LOVE ABOUT DIALYSIS.
Post by: lola on July 01, 2008, 01:32:04 PM
Only thing so far we have found is our air went out last night and we can't get someone here till Thursday pm but I called today because Otto is dying he's so hot and they said sorry, so I said OK but then explained Otto is a D pt and just like that they are coming at any time because he's a medical priority she said :yahoo; :yahoo;
Title: Re: Email I received from a member. LIST THE THINGS YOU LOVE ABOUT DIALYSIS.
Post by: flip on July 01, 2008, 02:47:55 PM
Medical patients do get priority. You should notify utility companies also. Around here they can't disconnect you (even for nonpayment) if you are a medical patient. If there is a storm outage, patients get priority.
Title: Re: Email I received from a member. LIST THE THINGS YOU LOVE ABOUT DIALYSIS.
Post by: lola on July 01, 2008, 03:27:38 PM
 :bandance; :bandance; :yahoo; :yahoo; WE HAVE AIR AGAIN :yahoo; :yahoo; :bandance; :bandance;
Title: Re: Email I received from a member. LIST THE THINGS YOU LOVE ABOUT DIALYSIS.
Post by: monrein on July 01, 2008, 03:37:56 PM
There is ONE and only ONE thing I love about dialysis.           I feel much much better than NOT dialyzing.

Oh yeah, there is another thing.  Walking out the door at the end of my run.
Title: Re: Email I received from a member. LIST THE THINGS YOU LOVE ABOUT DIALYSIS.
Post by: flip on July 01, 2008, 04:24:14 PM
I usually do a little dance and click my heels....kinda like Mr. Bojangles
Title: Re: Email I received from a member. LIST THE THINGS YOU LOVE ABOUT DIALYSIS.
Post by: twirl on July 05, 2008, 05:21:23 PM
I usually do a little dance and click my heels....kinda like Mr. Bojangles
I'd like to see that.
I love trying to determine which of your belongings will fall off that little bitty tray thing you get for all your stuff.
Title: Re: Email I received from a member. LIST THE THINGS YOU LOVE ABOUT DIALYSIS.
Post by: okarol on July 05, 2008, 05:26:52 PM

I love that Jenna felt better after her rapid decline right before beginning dialysis.  :bow;
I love that dialysis bought us time until a living donor could be found.  :2thumbsup;
I love dialysis because it introduced me to some of the best folks in the world!  :grouphug;
Title: Re: Email I received from a member. LIST THE THINGS YOU LOVE ABOUT DIALYSIS.
Post by: flip on July 05, 2008, 06:07:15 PM
I actually take in my own lap tray and a large shoulder bag with all my stuff.
Title: Re: Email I received from a member. LIST THE THINGS YOU LOVE ABOUT DIALYSIS.
Post by: kitkatz on July 08, 2008, 03:04:33 AM
I love it when the hard back book I bring to read goes whammo on the floor during the quietest part of the evening run!
Title: Re: Email I received from a member. LIST THE THINGS YOU LOVE ABOUT DIALYSIS.
Post by: monrein on July 08, 2008, 12:33:58 PM
At the self-care unit I go to, there is a Phillipina tech (only nurses do needles here, techs clean the machines and do supplies etc.) who comes around mid-run with tea or coffee for patients.  She makes a great cup of tea and has a good sense of humour so I really look forward to her "rounds" while I'm too tied up to make my own darned tea.