I Hate Dialysis Message Board

Dialysis Discussion => Dialysis: Centers => Topic started by: Kitsune on October 09, 2007, 12:30:39 PM

Title: Patients who suck up to dialysis center staff
Post by: Kitsune on October 09, 2007, 12:30:39 PM
I know this hasn't been addressed here before, but I've got to vent!  First, I'd like to tell you about this guy Homer that rides in the van to dialysis with me. Homer goes to a different center than I do, and has been on  the transplant list for 7 years (or so he says). Howevcer, this is not about Homer's list staus, this is about his being a brown-nose. My friend Patty and I were talking in the van abo ut the renal diet and hoow it is killing this older man at our center and how we don't follow it (Her, because she is ineligible for a transplant, and I because I make a  good amount of urine and the only thing wrong with me is my creatinine is too high) Anyway, 'ol Homer butts in and says smugly, "Oh, I always follow that diet", and so I loo k back at him, and say, "Good for you if that's what you want to do, Homer." So he starts up with some crap like, "Oh, if you don't follow the diet, they can kick you out of the center because you're being disrespectful to the technicians by not following the det, they know what's best for you." and goes on to say he doesn't miss eating the "forbidden" foods. All this, while dressing to the tens to go and dialyze when he knows he can get blood all over himself. If you met this guy you would see what a brown-nose he is. He acts like the van driver is God, he never questions anything his techs say to him, etc.. This doesn't get him anywhere except loathed by other patients because no one likes a suck-up.

My next beef is with a woman named Angie who goes to my center. She's the female version of Homer, except she tattles on people like a 6 year old when she's doing the exact same thing they are. She hangs around for about 15 minutes after they tell her she can leave and she sits and talks to the dialysis techs and her battle cry is "*****! *****!  So-and-so is doing this-or-that and they're not supposed to!" She does this so that the techs think she's some sweet angel who is just so worried about other patients.  But she isn't, because she's the same freak who claims she doesn't want a kidney because it could reject, but that it's good that I'm on the list, because mine probably won't, and she says it in such a snide way that I know she doesn't really mean a word of it, and she hopes my kidney will reject so I can sit there in Hell forever just like her. Also she comments on other people's diets but she sits there and orders two large pizzas and eats them both at once. Her sucking-up also gets nowhere except alone on a Friday night because no one wants to date her or be her friend, due to her constant tattling and brown-nosing.
Title: Re: Patients who suck up to dialysis center staff
Post by: Adam_W on October 09, 2007, 01:41:30 PM
Sorry about those two @$$es, Kitsume. They will eventually learn the hard way when their potassium and phosphorous shoots to the moon. That reminds me of a lady at a centre that I dialyzed at in another town before I got my NxStage machine. This lady would whine and moan about anything and everything, treatment related or not. I found out from the nurses that she would get piss drunk every night, would eat and drink till she was near bursting, then wonder why her treatments went so bad when she would come in 15 to 20 kilos over her dry weight. My friend who I was visiting was in the waiting room and we were talking "through the wall" on our cell phones, and he said that he was relieved when she got called back to do her treatment because she was in the waiting room on her cell phone yelling and cussing about anything and everything. Normally I don't wish bad things on anyone, but I found myself relieved when they tried to stick her and her graft was clotted, and she had to go to the hospital to have it declotted. Dialysis is bad enough as it is, but rude, disgusting hypocritical patients just make it pure hell. I'm glad I do home dialysis now. I can relate to what you're dealing with. Fortunately not all patients are like this, but the ones who are just make me want to shoot someone (well, not really).

Title: Re: Patients who suck up to dialysis center staff
Post by: Bill Peckham on October 09, 2007, 05:17:44 PM
Stage five chronic kidney disease is an equal opportunity disease - any sort of person can be on dialysis. Usually societal conventions or our own actions can screen out the truly difficult personalities so we don't have to deal with them. Not at dialysis, at dialysis you have to deal with them; no doubt, it can be a challenge. Suffer, adapt or go home seem to be your options.

Ipods work well as a screening device.
Title: Re: Patients who suck up to dialysis center staff
Post by: George Jung on October 09, 2007, 05:19:38 PM
Even Homer has some good quality that you could learn from and focus on rather than ranting and getting pissed off about what you dislike.  It is difficult at times to show compassion but you can use Homer as an opportunity to become a better person yourself.  It is evident that you carry this negativity with you to some degree if you are posting it here, negativity that only hurts you, Homer doesn't even know about it.

We all need to practice being more compassionate and focusing on the good in people, which everyone has.  It is a negative mind set that only brings ourselves pain.
Title: Re: Patients who suck up to dialysis center staff
Post by: angela515 on October 09, 2007, 07:08:58 PM
Sorry about those two @$$es, Kitsume. They will eventually learn the hard way when their potassium and phosphorous shoots to the moon.

Kitsume is the one not followig the renal diet... not "Homer".
Title: Re: Patients who suck up to dialysis center staff
Post by: glitter on October 09, 2007, 07:56:09 PM
But it is nice to vent when you need to isn't it?  >:D  Thankfully this is a safe place to gripe when you just feel the need, sometimes its just not possible to always be the compassionate, forgiving one. And sometimes a day goes by where you have 'learned enough' and need to expell some of the BS that gets thrust at you.
Title: Re: Patients who suck up to dialysis center staff
Post by: Chris on October 09, 2007, 08:03:13 PM
Even though someone is not following the diet, a brown noser is a brown noser no matter how you slice it. As suggested earlier, an IPod is a good screening device or a phone. If you don't like them, don't pay attention to them, don't even talk to them.
Title: Re: Patients who suck up to dialysis center staff
Post by: angela515 on October 09, 2007, 08:25:53 PM
From what I read I don't see how this Homer person is a brown noser.
Title: Re: Patients who suck up to dialysis center staff
Post by: Chris on October 09, 2007, 08:37:51 PM
Not Homer, the lady telling on everyone. That to me is a brown noser. Homer just needs to not butt in..lol
Title: Re: Patients who suck up to dialysis center staff
Post by: George Jung on October 09, 2007, 08:41:26 PM
But it is nice to vent when you need to isn't it?  >:D  Thankfully this is a safe place to gripe when you just feel the need, sometimes its just not possible to always be the compassionate, forgiving one. And sometimes a day goes by where you have 'learned enough' and need to expell some of the BS that gets thrust at you.

Fair enough.  Sometimes we need to be reminded what it means to be compassionate.  A rant is cool when it is affecting you and you are in a seemingly helpless position (ie. Adam's graft) but over something like this I think we need to search within ourselves to be understanding.  We are all dealing with a horrible reality and we each have our own way of dealing with it so who are we to fault Homer.  I'm just saying ignore it or offer compassion but is it really worth being upset about.
Title: Re: Patients who suck up to dialysis center staff
Post by: kitkatz on October 09, 2007, 08:55:16 PM
I think a real good device is a pair of really good noise blocker headphones, and lots of patience.
Title: Re: Patients who suck up to dialysis center staff
Post by: Chris on October 09, 2007, 08:59:30 PM
Or a big dose of Xanax... :lol;
Title: Re: Patients who suck up to dialysis center staff
Post by: Kitsune on October 10, 2007, 03:12:43 AM
But the thing is, my doctor tells me that I am on no restrictions, so how the hell would Homer know what my doctor wants and what he doesn't want? And the reason I said he is a brown-nose is because he walks around acting like he's so good, and saying he doesn't miss eating "forbidden" foods, yada yada yada. Also since my healthcare is between my doctor and myself, and my doctor says I'm doing well, I really don't think it's any of his business what my doctor tells me to do or doesn't tell me to do. So I amend my statement,

Homer is not only a brown-nose but he is also a busybody who really really needs to get a life. Also he's a hypocrite because he yellls and yells about taking care of oneself but then he doesn 't brush his teeth or have a reliable means to be contacted by when and if (and this is a big if because he uses his brother's cellphone as his only phone number, and it hardly ever works) because he is too cheap to get one of those dinky little $18 prepaids from Best Buy or something and put $20 on it, so maybe if he wants to yammer about taking care of  yourself, he should practice what he preaches
Title: Re: Patients who suck up to dialysis center staff
Post by: RichardMEL on October 10, 2007, 10:22:33 AM
From what you've written Homer does have one valid point - that if you don't follow what the staff (techs, dieticians say) then you WILL be considered uncompliant to treatment (because it does include all that stuff like diets etc) and that will go against you in a transplant evaluation - I am not sure how much though. In a way I can understand him suggesting it is a good idea to stick by the diet.. but I think what I would be saying if I was him more that you should follow the advice given by the staff because it may go against you if you're considered to be non-compliant.

Kitsune, it's great you have no stated restrictions (I am envious :) ) but I am concerned your venting shows you're spending a significant amount of emotional energy on worrying about what "Homer" or the other woman in your clinc is like and so on. Frankly if they want to "brown nose" or be annoying... that'sup to them... You might be better off for your own good to get an ipod or something and tune it up loud enough so you don't have to hear these people. It may seem rude, but it may also be more helpful for your own sanity not to worry about them.

One other though... I don't know this "homer" person and perhaps you don't really.. maybe he is in financial difficulty and HAS to rely on his brother's cell phone for contact. Yes - it might appear that he could do better, but that's also up to him.. what's it your business what he's doing? Now if his personal hygene is so questionable (and yeah it doesn't sound too good) then in the same spirit of "giving advice" as you don't like from him, perhaps you could suggest to him a tube of Colgate wouldn't go astray.

Personally though I tend to ignore such people. I reckon karma will come back at some stage. I try to do the best I can for me... so I watch my fluids and my diet and all that and am very compliant.. that may make me a brown-nose in your book, but frankly I reckon if I do the "pain" now I will so gain when my turn for a life changing kidney transplant comes along (please be soon! please be soon! Hey you.. up there.. are you listening??? I'm being REALLY good!! Just ask Santa!! :) oh well yeah I did have that coke today... oops!)...

just my thoughts for what little it's worth.
Title: Re: Patients who suck up to dialysis center staff
Post by: George Jung on October 10, 2007, 12:05:13 PM
But the thing is, my doctor tells me that I am on no restrictions, so how the hell would Homer know what my doctor wants and what he doesn't want? And the reason I said he is a brown-nose is because he walks around acting like he's so good, and saying he doesn't miss eating "forbidden" foods, yada yada yada. Also since my healthcare is between my doctor and myself, and my doctor says I'm doing well, I really don't think it's any of his business what my doctor tells me to do or doesn't tell me to do. So I amend my statement,

Homer is not only a brown-nose but he is also a busybody who really really needs to get a life. Also he's a hypocrite because he yellls and yells about taking care of oneself but then he doesn 't brush his teeth or have a reliable means to be contacted by when and if (and this is a big if because he uses his brother's cellphone as his only phone number, and it hardly ever works) because he is too cheap to get one of those dinky little $18 prepaids from Best Buy or something and put $20 on it, so maybe if he wants to yammer about taking care of yourself, he should practice what he preaches

WHO ARE YOU MAN.  MAYBE SOMEONE SHOULD FIND FAULT IN YOU AND GRIPE ABOUT IT.  It sound to me like you are the one that should get a life and quit worrying so much about Homer and worry more about yourself.   :twocents;  Nobody is perfect, get over it. 
Title: Re: Patients who suck up to dialysis center staff
Post by: George Jung on October 10, 2007, 12:07:01 PM
I know this hasn't been addressed here before,

There is a reason for that.
Title: Re: Patients who suck up to dialysis center staff
Post by: goofynina on October 10, 2007, 12:12:17 PM

WHO ARE YOU MAN. MAYBE SOMEONE SHOULD FIND FAULT IN YOU AND GRIPE ABOUT IT. It sound to me like you are the one that should get a life and quit worrying so much about Homer and worry more about yourself. :twocents; Nobody is perfect, get over it.

Sounds to me like the ol' George is back  ::) 
I know this hasn't been addressed here before,

There is a reason for that.

Anyone can rant about anything at anytime, that is the whole reason Epoman created this awesome site  :2thumbsup;  miss you Boss  :angel;
Title: Re: Patients who suck up to dialysis center staff
Post by: Zach on October 10, 2007, 03:44:40 PM
Some patients may say I'm a "suck up."  And some staff persons may say I'm intimidating.
So I would say that I must be doing it just about right.
Title: Re: Patients who suck up to dialysis center staff
Post by: Bill Peckham on October 10, 2007, 04:05:30 PM
Some patients may say I'm a "suck up."  And some staff persons may say I'm intimidating.
So I would say that I must be doing it just about right.

You're just being renalistic.
Title: Re: Patients who suck up to dialysis center staff
Post by: Zach on October 10, 2007, 08:48:41 PM
You're just being renalistic.

How true.
Title: Re: Patients who suck up to dialysis center staff
Post by: KT0930 on October 11, 2007, 05:35:00 AM
I don't see being compliant as being a suck-up. I see it as keeping myself feeling as best I can under very trying circumstances, and keeping myself as healthy as I can so that when my turn comes, I don't have to turn down a kidney because I'm not a suitable candidate for a very difficult surgery.
Title: Re: Patients who suck up to dialysis center staff
Post by: angela515 on October 11, 2007, 05:50:11 AM
But the thing is, my doctor tells me that I am on no restrictions, so how the hell would Homer know what my doctor wants and what he doesn't want? And the reason I said he is a brown-nose is because he walks around acting like he's so good, and saying he doesn't miss eating "forbidden" foods, yada yada yada. Also since my healthcare is between my doctor and myself, and my doctor says I'm doing well, I really don't think it's any of his business what my doctor tells me to do or doesn't tell me to do. So I amend my statement,

Homer is not only a brown-nose but he is also a busybody who really really needs to get a life. Also he's a hypocrite because he yellls and yells about taking care of oneself but then he doesn 't brush his teeth or have a reliable means to be contacted by when and if (and this is a big if because he uses his brother's cellphone as his only phone number, and it hardly ever works) because he is too cheap to get one of those dinky little $18 prepaids from Best Buy or something and put $20 on it, so maybe if he wants to yammer about taking care of yourself, he should practice what he preaches

WHO ARE YOU MAN.  MAYBE SOMEONE SHOULD FIND FAULT IN YOU AND GRIPE ABOUT IT.  It sound to me like you are the one that should get a life and quit worrying so much about Homer and worry more about yourself.   :twocents;  Nobody is perfect, get over it. 

I have lots of faults, and I feel free to share them... nobody is perfect is my motto. I don't know this Homoer personal at all, but I was replying to what was being said, you know, joining in the convo :)
Title: Re: Patients who suck up to dialysis center staff
Post by: paddbear0000 on October 11, 2007, 11:27:57 AM
Even Homer has some good quality that you could learn from and focus on rather than ranting and getting pissed off about what you dislike.  It is difficult at times to show compassion but you can use Homer as an opportunity to become a better person yourself.  It is evident that you carry this negativity with you to some degree if you are posting it here, negativity that only hurts you, Homer doesn't even know about it.

We all need to practice being more compassionate and focusing on the good in people, which everyone has.  It is a negative mind set that only brings ourselves pain.

Ummm...does anyone else besides me remember the soda tirade? George, you've had your moments of not practicing compassion too.
Title: Re: Patients who suck up to dialysis center staff
Post by: glitter on October 11, 2007, 05:08:38 PM
Georges soda rant was because he was being treated like a child, he wasn't nitpicking the techs personality, he was pissed about a dumb rule- I do not think you can compare this rant with that one- they are two dif. animals.

Title: Re: Patients who suck up to dialysis center staff
Post by: George Jung on October 11, 2007, 05:16:18 PM
Ummm...does anyone else besides me remember the soda tirade? George, you've had your moments of not practicing compassion too.

Do you mean this.....  
How are the two similar?  

I know I am not perfect and I know we all have our moments that we need to just let out a bit if steam, I have that understanding.  Also, I am compassionate toward this particular topic too and Kitsune, although I feel what I said was warrented.  Usually my moments of weakness are when others are treated wrongly (bashing Homer and other patients without taking their situations into consideration) and I want to stand up for them, this is when it is most difficult for me to be compassionate.  I do however practice patience, understanding, finding the positives and basic goodness of life everyday.
Title: Re: Patients who suck up to dialysis center staff
Post by: George Jung on October 11, 2007, 05:21:25 PM
Kitsune is the Japanese word for fox. Foxes are a common subject of Japanese folklore. Stories depict them as intelligent beings and as possessing magical abilities that increase with their age and wisdom. Foremost among these is the ability to assume human form. While some folktales speak of kitsune employing this ability to trick others — as foxes in folklore often do — others portray them as faithful guardians, friends, lovers, and wives.

Title: Re: Patients who suck up to dialysis center staff
Post by: skyedogrocks on October 11, 2007, 05:22:32 PM
I think I understand Kitsune's point.  There are just some people who are annoying.  Even though Homer is doing the right thing he seems to be pushing it in people's faces.  Kudos to Homer for following the renal rules, I know it is very hard for my husband to do it, but he does.  Still, there are just some people who come off a tad annoying when they are doing the right thing.  I have worked with people like that!

Also, Kitsune isn't being wrong in what he said, it's his feelings.  I don't see any rudeness or disrespectfullness here.

Title: Re: Patients who suck up to dialysis center staff
Post by: Rerun on October 11, 2007, 06:31:35 PM
The techs don't know shit!  Sorry, but they are not renal patients and they have not gone to school to learn about end stage renal disease.  The nurses know "some."  The Nephs know but don't care.  You can usually smell BBQ potato chips on the dietiation and the Socal Worker is a basket case.

The only place to come is IHD.

Title: Re: Patients who suck up to dialysis center staff
Post by: Chris on October 11, 2007, 09:12:21 PM
The techs don't know shit!  Sorry, but they are not renal patients and they have not gone to school to learn about end stage renal disease.  The nurses know "some."  The Nephs know but don't care.  You can usually smell BBQ potato chips on the dietiation and the Socal Worker is a basket case.

The only place to come is IHD.

Yep, my center had 2 basket cases, the social worker and the dietician :rofl;  It was fun to piss them off.
Title: Re: Patients who suck up to dialysis center staff
Post by: RichardMEL on October 12, 2007, 10:42:13 AM
I think I understand Kitsune's point.  There are just some people who are annoying.  Even though Homer is doing the right thing he seems to be pushing it in people's faces.  Kudos to Homer for following the renal rules, I know it is very hard for my husband to do it, but he does.  Still, there are just some people who come off a tad annoying when they are doing the right thing.  I have worked with people like that!

Also, Kitsune isn't being wrong in what he said, it's his feelings.  I don't see any rudeness or disrespectfullness here.

I think you got the point to a tee... "Homer" is pushing his ideas on other people. He may see it as trying to be helpful, but if it's not apprieciated then it comes over like preaching, and some don't like that.

In the end everyone's lives come down to their own decisions and choices and thus responsibility for what occurs. I try to follow the advice I'm given becaause I honestly believe the long term outcome will be the best for me than if I blow it all now by doing silly stuff like going way over my fluid quota and putting extra stress on my heart and lungs, or overdosing on potassium and pushing all my labs over the edge and so on... that is just going to affect ME.. but if someone else wants to do that to themselves.. who am I to tell them not to or something? If it was someone I knew or considered a friend (there's a few min my clinic) I might say hey mate maybe you should try and keep those fluids down because it will be better for you... but I hope I wouldn't be pushy or preachy.

It reminds me of when the dietician came around a few weeks back doing yearly reviews.. I had mine then she went to the old guy next to me and I recall he said to her something that was very telling, honest and direct.. I think she suggested he drink a little less between sessions and he said something like "I'm 77 years old. It's not going to make much difference to me.. I think if I want another glass of water I should have it." and you know what.. I really couldn't disagree with what he was saying where he is at in life... and to her credit the dietician pretty much left the point there.. she may have said something like "Give it a thought because it is healthier for you" but she didn't harp on at him which I thought was a good response.

Title: Re: Patients who suck up to dialysis center staff
Post by: bdpoe on October 12, 2007, 01:16:45 PM
O.K. all you brown nose suck ups get out of the boat! :rofl;

Seems like we are really talking about clashes between personality types
and people with different backrounds. Human dynamics one could say.

Maybe we should all take the long version of the Meyers-Briggs personality
test. Different strokes for different folks...dontcha know.

Title: Re: Patients who suck up to dialysis center staff
Post by: Chris on October 12, 2007, 02:41:24 PM
O.K. all you brown nose suck ups get out of the boat! :rofl;

Seems like we are really talking about clashes between personality types
and people with different backrounds. Human dynamics one could say.

Maybe we should all take the long version of the Meyers-Briggs personality
test. Different strokes for different folks...dontcha know.


Wonders if the Meyers-Briggs personality test is online, not sure I ant results :rofl;
Title: Re: Patients who suck up to dialysis center staff
Post by: donnia on October 12, 2007, 07:12:04 PM
The techs don't know shit!  Sorry, but they are not renal patients and they have not gone to school to learn about end stage renal disease.  The nurses know "some."  The Nephs know but don't care.  You can usually smell BBQ potato chips on the dietiation and the Socal Worker is a basket case.
The only place to come is IHD.

OMG Rerun..... do we go to the same center!!!! :rofl;
Title: Re: Patients who suck up to dialysis center staff
Post by: highlite36 on October 12, 2007, 07:18:06 PM
DUDE!  I wonder what people must think about ME at the dialysis clinic!!!!  I'm a PD patient, but I also volunteer a lot of my time with the hemo clinic.  I talk to people there because I'm interested in their lives....  I want to know about their day and the adventures they've been on....and who they're dating or what they ate for lunch.....I don't see it as being a bad thing to keep people informed on the limitations that are there in terms of food....  Especially when I do know that it's probably for their own safety....otherwise, they'll end up like ME, sick and unable to move by herself without the help of another person or object!!!!!