I Hate Dialysis Message Board

Dialysis Discussion => Dialysis: Transplant Discussion => Topic started by: Rerun on February 08, 2006, 07:36:49 PM

Title: Dead Kidney Hurts
Post by: Rerun on February 08, 2006, 07:36:49 PM
Okay, now that all the Steroid Withdrawal symptoms are gone, I still have a low grade fever and my old transplanted kidney (area) hurts when I cough, or push on it.  They told me that "very rarely, a kidney will need to come out."

Have any of you who have lost a transplant had to have it out?  If so, what happened?  Chronic, not Acute.... I know those have to come out.

I don't have anyone to call. :) 

What search words should I use?  I can't find anything on this.
Title: Re: Dead Kidney Hurts
Post by: Sara on February 09, 2006, 11:43:24 AM
Rerun, try searching under "graftectomy" or "kidney graftectomy."  I found one or two things searching through Google using those words, but nothing at WebMD.
Title: Re: Dead Kidney Hurts
Post by: oswald on February 09, 2006, 12:11:04 PM
my first kidney died and the docs said that it did not have to come out.i had the pain in the kidney,thought i had pulled a muscle.this went on for about four months continually getting worse.i finally went to the hospital to have the "pulled muscle" looked at, thank god i was in the hospital, i sneezed and the entire right side of me exploded.they operated and pulled out 25 pounds of infection and dead tissue, including the dead kidney.if your in pain, your dead kidney is infected.have the docs run tests for that.get that dead kidney out as soon as possible.
Title: Re: Dead Kidney Hurts
Post by: kevno on February 09, 2006, 02:24:37 PM
:o Rerun, get that kidney checked out straight away, just in case they is a infection in the dead kidney. DO not let the doctors mess you around,  like they did with the steroids. Better to be sure now than sorry later.

(Don't forget! Keep at the Doctors)
Title: Re: Dead Kidney Hurts
Post by: Rerun on February 09, 2006, 07:34:58 PM
Oswald....thank you.  I have a Nuclear scan scheduled for next week sometime.  They are going to call me with the time. 

The "Dr." stopped by my chair today and asked me if I was going to change centers being she was the doctor there.  I told her no, that I was comfortable there and I was not leaving.  She said it would be hard if I didn't trust her.  I told her I didn't trust anybody!  So, she is the one ordering me the Nuclear Scan.  I think she will pay a little closer attention to me this time around.  8)

I'm pretty sure my kidney is going to have to come out.  DAMN!!

Sara, thank you too for the "search" words.  That helps!  :)
Title: Re: Dead Kidney Hurts
Post by: geoffcamp on February 21, 2006, 09:10:47 PM
How is this going rerun.. I watch with curiosity because I still have my old transplant in too.  It has been 3 years, it is a little tender and the area is puffed out a bit but no real pain.  A doctor has not examined it in more then 2 years and I am thinking of asking them to take a look and make sure it is ok in there.
Title: Re: Dead Kidney Hurts
Post by: Rerun on February 21, 2006, 09:22:35 PM
Well, I went to get the first half of the Nuclear scan today.  They took out 60cc of blood (A LOT) and spun it to divide the red and white blood cells.  Then they attached radioactive isotopes to my white blood cells and put them back in me.  Tomorrow I go back at 9AM and they do the full body scan.  :P  They trace the white blood cells.  They will go to an infected area.

My kidney is killing me.  It now hurts when I cough or blow my nose.  My little dog jumped on me when I was sitting in a chair watching TV and I about went through the roof!!   :o

I would think that after 3 years you would be okay.  But, it wouldn't hurt to have your doc check it out. 

I know this one has to come out.  I just don't know why they are acting like we have all fricken' year to do it.  ???
Title: Re: Dead Kidney Hurts
Post by: Rerun on February 22, 2006, 07:44:35 PM
The Nuclear Scan lit up my kidney.  I have an appointment with the transplant surgeon tomorrow.  It hurt like hell yesterday and last night and today NO pain!!  WTF?  :-[
Title: Re: Dead Kidney Hurts
Post by: Black on February 23, 2006, 11:08:39 AM
The Nuclear Scan lit up my kidney.  I have an appointment with the transplant surgeon tomorrow.  It hurt like hell yesterday and last night and today NO pain!!  WTF?  :-[

If you had PKD, I'd say a cyst/abscess ruptured.  What did the Doc say?
Title: Re: Dead Kidney Hurts
Post by: kevno on February 23, 2006, 01:51:49 PM
I happy you are getting the kidney sorted out. Don't worry, you will be alright. Now the Doctors have done there Job(at last!) At least you are getting it sorted out a lot faster than the problem you had with the Steroid.  How are you doing back on the steroids.  I know you said you felt a bit better.  Is it getting easier for you.

Title: Re: Dead Kidney Hurts
Post by: Rerun on February 23, 2006, 07:43:12 PM
Again, this is my transplanted kidney that worked for 17+ years, not my native kidneys that are still in me somewhere  ;D

I guess it could have PKD and I wouldn't know it.  Say the donor had a history in his family.  I guess we'll see next week because it is coming out.  They need to get back to me on a day and time.  GEEZ  >:(  The only good thing is he said he would take out the Hickman catheter at the same time.    :)
Title: Re: Dead Kidney Hurts
Post by: Rerun on February 26, 2006, 09:27:02 AM
I have surgery scheduled for March 2, this Thursday.  My sister is flying down to be with me and is staying a few days.  Then my friend from Phoenix is flying over for another 4 days.  It sucks being alone and that is why I have to move back home.  I'm going to turn in my disability application for wonk tomorrow (Monday).   >:(
Title: Re: Dead Kidney Hurts
Post by: kevno on February 26, 2006, 03:07:30 PM
Well, I wish you the best with the surgery on the 2nd March. I'm Sure I talk for all on the site Rerun. I hope it sorts out that transplanted kidney, so you do not have any more pain. Will be thinking of you on Thursday, When going on the machine.

Yours always

Kevno ;)
Title: Re: Dead Kidney Hurts
Post by: susie q on February 26, 2006, 04:02:28 PM
Same here Rerun, will be thinking of you on Thursday... Hope all goes well.. take care.. :)
Title: Re: Dead Kidney Hurts
Post by: Epoman on February 26, 2006, 04:46:09 PM
You better come back.  >:( You got work to do here.

 ;) ;D :-*
Title: Re: Dead Kidney Hurts
Post by: Black on February 26, 2006, 05:36:39 PM
I have surgery scheduled for March 2, this Thursday.  My sister is flying down to be with me and is staying a few days.  Then my friend from Phoenix is flying over for another 4 days.  It sucks being alone and that is why I have to move back home.  I'm going to turn in my disability application for wonk tomorrow (Monday).   >:(

So glad you have family and friends but I know moving back home is not an easy choice.   Applying for disability has to be a bummer too.  Please post ASAP after surgery so we know how you're doing.  Hope it goes well and you feel much, much better!!
Title: Re: Dead Kidney Hurts
Post by: babi68 on February 27, 2006, 03:17:37 PM
Wishing you a speedy recovery and look forward to your posts ;D Liz
Title: Re: Dead Kidney Hurts
Post by: Rerun on February 27, 2006, 07:14:28 PM
Thanks you guys!   ;D  That means a lot to have my friends here rooting for me. 

I'm not really worried "yet."   I do this....  I think it is called denial!  >:D
Title: Re: Dead Kidney Hurts
Post by: Bajanne on February 28, 2006, 10:29:16 AM
Please be assured of my prayers and my brightest thoughts on your behalf.  We really want you back and WELL. We need our moderator!
Title: Re: Dead Kidney Hurts
Post by: Epoman on February 28, 2006, 11:42:28 AM
Please be assured of my prayers and my brightest thoughts on your behalf.  We really want you back and WELL. We need our moderator!

YES we do.  >:(

Title: Re: Dead Kidney Hurts
Post by: Rerun on March 02, 2006, 12:20:24 AM
Okay, it is past mid-night and I've just stuffed my face and drank my last until the surgery is over.  EEEKKKK

I picked up my sister at the airport and she is in the guest room "Sleeping" (brat) Maybe I'll go tickle her nose with a string >:D
 :-\   I'll be awake until they give me the "little cocktail".  That is my favorite part!   ;D

Anyway, I don't know how long I'll be away from a computer, but don't worry, I'll BE BACK....... because I'm from CAL e Fron Eia.

(Bad Impression of Arnold)  ;D

Title: Re: Dead Kidney Hurts
Post by: onesicpup on March 02, 2006, 06:10:17 AM
We'll be here waiting for your return. Good luck
Title: Re: Dead Kidney Hurts
Post by: susie q on March 02, 2006, 06:30:15 AM
Hoping to see you soon Rerun...  praying for you today..  :)
Title: Re: Dead Kidney Hurts
Post by: Epoman on March 02, 2006, 11:02:48 PM
I just received an email from "Reruns" sister and the surgery is over and she is doing well. So she should be back soon better than ever.  :)

- Epoman

Title: Re: Dead Kidney Hurts
Post by: Black on March 03, 2006, 07:50:06 AM
I just received an email from "Reruns" sister and the surgery is over and she is doing well. So she should be back soon better than ever.  :)

- Epoman

Thanks for the good news!!!
Title: Re: Dead Kidney Hurts
Post by: susie q on March 03, 2006, 11:01:45 AM
Glad to hear it!!  :) :)
Title: Re: Dead Kidney Hurts
Post by: Rerun on March 04, 2006, 09:00:22 PM
Thanks for ALL your thoughts and prayers.  :)  They worked.  The kidney was not infected, but very inflamed and swollen.  It came out in one piece.  They jerked out my Hickman catheter at the same time, so I was glad about that.

At first all the orders said "insertion of permacath"  ???  I about flipped.  I told the surgeon before going under "we are taking this out, right?"  He said yes and it is gone.

I'm a little sore and can't sit too long yet.  So, this is all for now.

My friend Debbie is here for a few days to help me out.  It is nice having someone go get me stuff.   ;D
Title: Re: Dead Kidney Hurts
Post by: Epoman on March 04, 2006, 09:23:09 PM
Thanks for ALL your thoughts and prayers.  :)  They worked.  The kidney was not infected, but very inflamed and swollen.  It came out in one piece.  They jerked out my Hickman catheter at the same time, so I was glad about that.

At first all the orders said "insertion of permacath"  ???  I about flipped.  I told the surgeon before going under "we are taking this out, right?"  He said yes and it is gone.

I'm a little sore and can't sit too long yet.  So, this is all for now.

My friend Debbie is here for a few days to help me out.  It is nice having someone go get me stuff.   ;D

Welcome back, if you noticed we had quite a few new post since you were gone. So rest up heal and when your ready get back to work.  >:(

 :P :)
Title: Re: Dead Kidney Hurts
Post by: kevno on March 05, 2006, 04:17:01 AM
Welcome back Rerun, I'm very happy for you that everthing went smoothly.

Keep off the GAS ;D ;D

Sorry! Take it easy ;)

Title: Re: Dead Kidney Hurts
Post by: Rerun on March 06, 2006, 07:42:02 AM
Kevno, it is a different kind of GAS this time and nobody enjoys the smell!  ;D

Wish you were here!!   ;D ;D
Title: Re: Dead Kidney Hurts
Post by: kevno on March 06, 2006, 12:47:15 PM
I can not remember what the gas smells like :-\ I only ever get to count to 3. ;D ;D

Thanks for your reply to my email :)

Title: Re: Dead Kidney Hurts
Post by: Panda_9 on May 20, 2006, 02:46:38 AM
I had my transplant removed about 2 years after it stopped working. I had been really ill for 12 months and no one knew why. It wasnt until a nurse mentioned it at the doctors meeting that I was booked to have it out. Im pretty sure of that anyway. Anyway, it made me TONS better!! I no longer had to carry a bucket with me everywhere I went.
Title: Re: Dead Kidney Hurts
Post by: Gus on June 02, 2006, 06:04:59 PM
Okay, now that all the Steroid Withdrawal symptoms are gone, I still have a low grade fever and my old transplanted kidney (area) hurts when I cough, or push on it.  They told me that "very rarely, a kidney will need to come out."

Have any of you who have lost a transplant had to have it out?  If so, what happened?  Chronic, not Acute.... I know those have to come out.

I don't have anyone to call. :) 

What search words should I use?  I can't find anything on this.

Mine cadaver did have to go out.........was causing serious problems including high blood pressure......sometimes bloody urine...
Title: Re: Dead Kidney Hurts
Post by: girlfriend on July 05, 2006, 01:41:08 AM
hmmm   glad i joined... I am going to see my doc on Thursday.. today is Wed.. I have been having a bit of pain in my transplanted kidney area.. (the working one) the "dead"one feels just fine.. well to tell you the truth it don't feel like anything..
I have been thinking that i have been to active with my dancing and exercising that I may of pulled a muscle or something.. but NOW I am for sure going to mention it to him and get it checked out.. Gawwwwwwwwd I hope there is nothing wrong..
Thanks for the posts, even if it is a few months old I am getting good input from things I have set on the back burner.. and will get them checked out.. hate being a whozzy about things .. but hey.. after all its my life i gotta care for right?  Glad I tuned into your posts rerun.. will let ya know what doc says...
Title: Re: Dead Kidney Hurts
Post by: Bajanne on July 06, 2006, 01:03:14 AM
yes, this is one of the advantages of a message board like this.  Since the messages are always there, you can go back and read something from last year that is a help to you now.  And I tell you, there is so much valuable information on this website!!!
And from time to time, I like reading things that Life on Hold wrote!  She is still here with us.
Title: Re: Dead Kidney Hurts
Post by: Epoman on July 07, 2006, 12:41:43 AM
yes, this is one of the advantages of a message board like this.  Since the messages are always there, you can go back and read something from last year that is a help to you now.  And I tell you, there is so much valuable information on this website!!!
And from time to time, I like reading things that Life on Hold wrote!  She is still here with us.

AND THAT is the main reason I ask that my members to please use the spell check and have pride in their posts.  8) This site will be up for as long as there is kidney disease and EVERY members post will live on long after their death, and their words will help many others in the future.  :)

- Epoman
Title: Re: Dead Kidney Hurts
Post by: Bajanne on July 07, 2006, 01:05:38 AM
AND THAT is the main reason I ask that my members to please use the spell check and have pride in their posts.  8) This site will be up for as long as there is kidney disease and EVERY members post wil live on long after their death, and their words will help many others in the future.  :)

- Epoman

I totally agree, Epoman!!
Title: Re: Dead Kidney Hurts
Post by: girlfriend on July 07, 2006, 07:34:15 PM
Thanks all. The information came in helpful...

I went to see my nephrologist on Thursday.. I am now booked for an ultra sound.
The doc also figures i have fluid on my stomach which could also be a result from my liver (which i might add by the blood results show in perfect heath)

I have a referral with the Renal Dietitian as I am on the boarder for my calcium.  I also have an referral set up with a trainer for a supervised exercise program.. ( i have a problem trying to figure out which Abe exercisers i can do that will not harm my transplanted kidney)
You think i would know these things after so long of living with a transplant.. But is seems i learn something new everyday...
ps. Epoman I did tell the nurses there about this site and they were going to pass on the info to the dialysis patients.. was thinking i could make up some flyer type thing to drop off there.. (The transplant nurse was very interested in your site)
Have a good day all..