Remeber you are adjusting to being on hemo and for a few months your blood work may be screwed with. This can affect your moods. Remember we all are here to support you even if we get off on a tangent at you.
OMG Angie that Jay bloke sounds like a bastard. Saying your lazy is just not on!! My partner didnt even know what dialysis or anything was when he met me, I warned him I was sick, but he was prepared to go through it with me. He still doesnt really understand, but I dont think you can ever fully understand how you feel on dialysis unless you have been on it yourself. He just doesnt understand that I dont always have energy to do things. It must be hard for him too, hes only 24 and at that age where he wants to do things all the time, and I just dont have the energy. I can get pretty moody for no apparent reason. Sometimes the tiniest things make me snap. I have been stopping myself lately though. I just take a deep breath and think, is it really worth getting angry?
To be honest, I really think my partner didn't know what he was getting himself into. He didn't know how much involvement all this is. All the tests, operations, appointments, dialysis etc. I just know that he loves me and I'm thankful for that!
You have an incredible attitude, Jeff. I wish more of my son's friends were as concerned and considerate as you are. Instead they "lead him astray" into the valley of the shadow of fluid overload.No offense intended to the very conventionally religious among us!Mom 3