The Serenity Prayer God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can;and wisdom to know the difference. Living one day at a time; Enjoying one moment at a time; Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace; Taking, as He did, this sinful worldas it is, not as I would have it; Trusting that He will make all things rightif I surrender to His Will;That I may be reasonably happy in this life and supremely happy with HimForever in the next.Amen. --Reinhold Niebuhr
How about "I met my fiance and got my degree despite kidney failure" DESPITE this F**ing disease that has ruined my whole life!
There are basically two types of people in the world.Those with character and those without. ...Remember, it's not about me and what I want to say - it's about whether or not I can get beyond myself long enough to hear what you're saying.Sorry things have been tough for you, and I hope you'll choose to move forward in your life.
My poem:If you love something set it free,If it comes back it is yours,If it doesn't, track it down and kill it.
Not only is it "alright" to say what I feel, but that is what this forum is for. It is to tell the truth. And I'm not going to sit by on "" and listen to why you are "thankful" to be on dialysis and how grateful you are because that is how you met your fiance . OMG that is just lame!I'm not telling anyone how to feel, I'm just saying what "most people" probably thought when they read that post. That's all. I let a LOT of posts go and just gag and go on. But, I couldn't this time. I've made a really nice friend of a 70 year old woman who can't drive anymore so I go get her and take her around. She is on dialysis. So, YES, I live in the present, but I am NO WAY thinking GOD gave me kidney failure so I could drive this old gal around. SHE could get a taxi and I could be flying somewhere to a meeting!Don't EVER tell me not to say or do something. In doing so, you need to take your own advice.
Yes! DO NOT EDIT your posts just to make another member happy.
Don't back down Rerun. You are entitled to your opinion, and because this is a KIDNEY forum, your thoughts are no less valid than anyone elses. Yes, we should be thankful for the dialysis machine and to the guy who invented it, for without it we would be worm food. But, lets not pretend that given the choice we would all take this 'path' because we wouldn't. I would rather have a healthy kidney (just one would do, I am not greedy) and I would love a natural human hip made out of my own bone, instead of this metal thing that feels totally alien to me. I agree though, that acceptance is the only way forward, as hard as it is. I haven't found true acceptance yet, but I hope I am getting there. There is no real alternative anyway.
Quote from: Padster on July 29, 2006, 06:56:59 AMDon't back down Rerun. You are entitled to your opinion, and because this is a KIDNEY forum, your thoughts are no less valid than anyone else's. Yes, we should be thankful for the dialysis machine and to the guy who invented it, for without it we would be worm food. But, lets not pretend that given the choice we would all take this 'path' because we wouldn't. I would rather have a healthy kidney (just one would do, I am not greedy) and I would love a natural human hip made out of my own bone, instead of this metal thing that feels totally alien to me. I agree though, that acceptance is the only way forward, as hard as it is. I haven't found true acceptance yet, but I hope I am getting there. There is no real alternative anyway.At least Padster knows what I'm trying to say.
Don't back down Rerun. You are entitled to your opinion, and because this is a KIDNEY forum, your thoughts are no less valid than anyone else's. Yes, we should be thankful for the dialysis machine and to the guy who invented it, for without it we would be worm food. But, lets not pretend that given the choice we would all take this 'path' because we wouldn't. I would rather have a healthy kidney (just one would do, I am not greedy) and I would love a natural human hip made out of my own bone, instead of this metal thing that feels totally alien to me. I agree though, that acceptance is the only way forward, as hard as it is. I haven't found true acceptance yet, but I hope I am getting there. There is no real alternative anyway.
Amber, who are you referring to??
I am offended by everyone who has agreed that what rerun said to me was alright to say. Rerun, if you don't want people telling you what to say or do, then I suggest you don't tell people what to say. Don't tell me not to settle, and don't tell me what I could and couldn't of done, or how to say things. Debate with me all you want, but I don't appreciate nasty comments about my private life. Telling me not to settle because I'm sick is a load of shit. This is not the first relationship Ive had, and I am more than ready to settle, sick or not. And FYI, he is a hunk to me, I don't give a rats what anyone else thinks. After all the things Ive been through with this illness, all of which is new to my fiance, I am glad he is still with me.