What's the most ignorant thing someone has said to you regarding dialysis?My 'winner' was: "Boy, I wish someone would make ME sit in a recliner for four hours!"
I have a co-worker who was trying to lose weight and told "I'LL GIVE YOU ONE OF MY KIDNEYS, I do need to lose 15-20lbs that would take care of that problem." I wanted to say why don't you just quit eating so much crap and might end up losing more than 20lbs.
I had the winner yesterday, I was talking with my sister and one of her friends and explaining I was tired because I took off 5 kilos on dialysis last night. Next question was how many pounds is that? I sad about 12lbs and her friend acutally said "How can I get on one of those machines that would be awsome to loose 12lbs in 3 1/2 hours". AMAZING!!!!!!!!!
My neighbor was on me about having a drink on Saturday night. I said "I'm on fluid restriction." She said "I thought people with kidney problems were supposed to drink lots of water." Well.......that would be if you HAD working kidneys~ !!