My Mother in law makes me want to scream....She only lives 20 mins away... my Father in law works with my husband nearly everyday..EVERY time I see her she asks... "Do you still have to go to the clinic?" Didn't you get a kidney yet?? " Ummm .. I think you would have heard about it if I did .. dumbass....
It is amazing how many people think that my problem could be solved by 'drinking lots of water'!!! That is a piece of advice I get almost daily from people who are not close to me. [ The ones that are close to me are always monitoring how much I drink and reminding me of my limits.]It is as if I always have to teach Kidneys and Dialysis 101 over and over again. - "Yes, drinking lots of water is good for people with functioning kidneys. With kidney failure, it just means more that has to be taken off at dialysis, resulting in blood pressure drops, etc."Everyone is an expert!!
I am not a big drinker but when I go out with friends to have a drink an acquaintance will ask me, "Won't your kidney's get worse? Haven't your ruin your kidney's enough with alcohol? (as they finish their sixth drink) and I reply... "no that's your LIVER" yikes.
I got one for you,cos I`m young and relatively healthy, and only just started dialysis, 2 months now. I saw my consultant last night who popped his head through the door to ask if I was back to work full - time. I told him I was and he said to me "you`ve done me proud!"! I`m sorry, I`ve done YOU proud??? What am I, some kind of lab experiment or something!!!
If a doctor is proud of you I wouldnt complain.