An adult asked me how long would I have to wait on the transplant list. I said the average for me (0+ blood type) would be 5 to 7 years. They said "What?? You can't just get one?"
I forgot about this one....This was more than a few years ago. I think my transplant was only 5 or 6 years old. I was married at the time and we had some people over to the house. A friend brought another friend over. Someone asked about my transplant and this friend of a friend said something to the effect that if your kidneys failed then it was God's will you should was some crazy mess like that. I don't even remember specifically what she said. Needless to say I never saw her again after that night.
I just know someone will top it.
I can not top it but I may be able to equal it-----I had 4 misscarriages before we found out what was wrong...a fellow teacher remarked that God knows who will make good natural parents..twirl...I think that about tops it. insensitive can a person be. Ever see that movie Two Weeks Notice? I swear in that movie she tells her boss "Before you speak you should probably check with me first." She says that to him right after he said something really stupid.
Oh, here is a favorite.....Can't believe a friend asked this. I told him I haven't peed in 5 yrs. He asked....Do you still have a penis? ? shriveled up and fell off! ! ! What the heck do u think ! !! If he wasn't twice my size I would of smacked him.