hello Mark.I'm sorry to hear you just started dialysis.Remember the more time you spend on the machine the better you will feel.I was going to a dialysis unit and recieving 12 hrs of treatment.my blood work and quality of life were suffering.I then decided to up y hours to 18 hrs a week(6 times a week for 3hrs each time).I was amazed at how well I felt. Better energy.less fatique,and most of all less fluid restriction.I lasted four years working, on 12 hrs a week.I was a framer(house builder)Because of fragile skin ,loss of muscle mass,and increased fatique I had to give up my job.It has been Two years now ,my job now Is looking after my health,and be ready for a transplant.I have just started Nocturnal Dialysis September 1st.I am getting 35-40 hrs a week of dialysis now.I am cleaning 135liters a night.Waiting for the new diet no fluid resriction, and more energy.I could help with any questions you might have.Sincerly 6yr Vet.