my neph tried Amitriptyline on me. it didn't work. maybe i didn't give it enough of a chance. it does take time to kick in, they say.nothing does the job better than pot, for me. as long as i don't overdo
i guess we better not mention how the developer of prednisone commited suicide after he found out what the side-effects of his drug was doing to people.
i use pot because it works the best for helps me get to stimulates my appetite, which is hampered now because of all the meds i eases acts as a very effective lowers my B/ feels good, calming me and opening my creative abilities even more.there are no side effects.why don't you use it?love~LL~
that's why, in the civilised countries, cannabis is not 'illegal', for instance, in canada, the government allows one to obtain a card that gives themthe right to use cannabis for medicinal purposes.what excuse do you use to be on dialysis?
i guess you don't read very well. i mentioned at least 4 'medical' reasons why i use it, dear.we are talking about aids to getting to sleep, I thought. for me, pot works best.i do not consider the legalities of the matter because i know that the wide opinionthat condemns the use of cannabis is based on lies and propaganda and can onlybe acceptable to those who are sucseptable to the brainwashing methodsof the industrial magnates that perpetrated the lies in the first place, in order tomeet their financial agenda.if you believe everything your doctor tells you, without cross-reference and common sense,you are a good robot, but not much of an individual.'i'd rather sit alone on a pumpkin, than on a crowded, velvet cushion.'-Thoroeaulove~LL~