It was several years ago but I went into a new doctor with a sore throat and she did nothing , went back a couple of weeks later still with a cold and sore throat and again I was just sent home saying it was just a cold. A week later I went to another doctor and was sent directly to the hopital for a week. It seems that I had strep throat and it affects the kidneys. My neph told me that if the doctor had done a throat swab I could have been given medication and my kidneys would still be working !
I was taking the subway one day and when I got home....I realized i lost my kidneys! ...Now, for real, it was a medical error. My gastro (not anymore) was treating me for Crohns and overdose me with ASACOL, which is a medicine to calm bowel pain. The amount he gave me was so massive that it made my kidneys fail. You see?....sometimes Doctors don't pay attention as they should.