Hello Cassandra and many thanks for sharing this most interesting article with us.
The symptoms described in the article seem to "fit" all dialysis-options, i.e. feeling lethargic, awful, a difficulty to think properly, problems with memory and focus and concentration. Could all these symptoms perhaps point into the direction of not getting enough dialysis-treatments? Perhaps the blood needs a little more cleaning? Or could the symptoms be connected to a careless diet?
I have also noticed one symptoms missing and that is the fact that in "my" dialysis-center I have come across some dangerously aggressive people who really need to be avoided at all times. One of them was always so aggressive that constant police-protection for the nurses and other medics was needed at all times. Because of these observations I have been wondering where these aggressive traits stem from and whether these people have been aggressive all their life, even before dialysis, or whether these aggressions are directly connected to their dialysis-treatment? I have been wondering about this and if anyone knows more about it, it would be very much appreciated if they could share their observations with us.
Many thanks from Kristina.