....................(with the exception of oral-only ESRD drugs until 2025...................) and other renal dialysis items and services that were formerly separately payable under the previous payment methodologies.Link to press release: http://www.nephrologynews.com/cms-releases-final-rule-2016-esrd-payment-bundle/
Not addressing these costs until 2025 is only continuing to line the pockets of the drug company, AND cost lives of dialysis patients unable to continue taking their meds.
Granted they deserve a 'reasonable' profit. But when it gets to the point of absolutely ridiculous prices for an item that really doesn't cost much to product. It's obscene and that is when Government needs to step in and set some sort of 'reasonable' profit margin.
I never thought of it as taking any money from the tax pool.
Isn't the English used the term 'Pissers'?