The good news is, once you get thru the first few months of dialysis, the stomach problems will probably go away. Mine did. I've got diabetic gastroparesis, and the higher my toxin levels got, the worse it got. I was taking reglan on a regular basis for a while there, trying not to throw up whatever I was eating. I haven't needed them much at all in the last few weeks - I think I've only taken one or two the whole time.In the meantime, try and keep track of what you're eating, and see what makes things the worst. You can avoid some things temporarily, until you start to feel better. I ate a lot of saltines and drank broth - two things that always helped settle my stomach. Hang in there!
Yes, warm dr. pepper will work! It just has to be a cola, it's something in there that settles it. Even now, ifI have an upset stomach, I take a coke/dr. pepper to settle it. Ginger ale, as jbeany noted is good too!Peppermints, as well as ginger, either in candy form or tea form would work as well.
shhhh. Don't tell anyone in the medical field...but when I have been sick, one of myfoods I eat to feel better is....McDonalds fries. It has to be McDonalds. I swear! Itworks!
PMP, I wish I did have suggestions on how to get ginger candy! I don't know, I had heard this, and knew from experience that ginger does work for nausea. I'll do some searching and see what I can find out for you!