I certainly could not compete with
Alex, but my body and I have picked up quite a bit since starting dialysis
... and sometimes my off-days are difficult and sometimes my off-days are not too bad at all ...
... I suppose it all depends whether or not I am going through another SLE/Lupus/MCTD-flare-up or not...
... But generelly speaking, I feel much better having started dialysis and my off-days are getting better as well...
Back to your question
racko: your brother and one of your friends who went on dialysis... :
Are they still on dialysis right now and/or did they have transplants and feel they are doing better now?
If they felt so terrible on their dialysis-treatment without energy, even on their off days:
Did they comply with their dialysis-diet and what did their doctors say about their situation ?
Best wishes from Kristina.