I'm curious to know how others deal/cope with their fatigue. This is my third bout with kidney failure (I've been on dialysis twice and had two transplants). I'm still pre-dialysis, although I'm not sure how much longer I'll be pre since my creatinine just jumped to 5, dropping my gfr to 10. In my previous experiences though my decline was much quicker and I felt much worse. Other than the usual bone pain and itching, I feel ok other than this overwhelming fatigue. No nausea or weight loss. No edema. My hemoglobin stays fairly consistent at 9-10 and I take EPO when needed. I feel like I'm just not "sick" enough to be this exhausted or to be so close to dialysis. I was so miserablely ill during my previous experiences. Until this week I managed to keep working but my job is fairly strenuous. I'm an RN in a Pediatric ICU. Even with my lab values right in front of me I feel like I can maintain at this level for a while. I'm curious to know about other peoples experience with fatigue and working while sick and/or anything that was helpful in increasing their energy. I already do the more obvious things- healthy vegetarian diet, healthy weight, EPO, etc.