How does 'wasting away' from CKD occur? My Neph has said that this occurs & I'm now battling with weight loss over the last 2 weeks, yet I am eating better than before. It all just suddenly happened as my serum creatinine levels started rising. Does kidney related weight loss only happen when there is appetite loss, nausea & a renal restricted diet or can it occur when one is eating well?
With kidney disease you can spill a lot of protein in your urine . That loss of proteins causes the "wasting". That is another reason I don't like low protein diets.
Thanks Obsidianom for your reply. If there is a lot of protein being spilled in the urine, and there is 'wasting' in terms of weight, wouldn't the serum protein levels be too low? What other blood test results would also support this?
I do have frothy urine at nights, when most of my urination seems to take place. But I am eating more protein now to shore up my iron levels & hemoglobin.