Hello,It is not clear to me yet, whether in all cases urine-output always seizes after at some point along the road of dialysis?Or, has it been known that urine-output can continue indefinitely whilst on dialysis?From my observations so far in the dialysis-centre it would appear that those still with urine-output have less problems and a more comfortable journey in comparison to those with no urine-output. Could this be a fair comment?From this the question naturally arises how to keep urine-output going whilst on dialysis? So my question is has anyone had any ideas about how to keep urine-output going whilst on dialysis whether this comes from positive experience or ideas about what someone would have liked to have done to achieve urine-output despite dialysis.For example one idea is to stimulate the kidneys etc. into producing urine and expelling it?Thank you from Kristina.
Thanks again for sharing your experiences, Darthvadar, iolaire and Charlie B53. I do appreciate it very much!I was wondering about this because most people in "my" dialysis-centre don't have any urine-output any longer,even though they have been on dialysis for a a few weeks only and I really wondered whybecause my natural kidney function is less than theirs,but I still have a good natural urine-output and my water-retention is also slowly getting off,and I guess I only need another 2 litres taken off to be hopefully ok.I also guess that it depends if a patient remains to be able to " go" to the toilet,it depends of how much fluid-retention is taken off through dialysis in one session ...I was also wondering how much fluid people on dialysis generally drink?Does the fluid-intake depend on the remaining kidney-function, or the general weight of the patient,or does it depend on something else?I am also wondering how exactly the dry weight is determined? Is it dependent on a guess?Or is there a possibility to determine is precisely?Thanks again from Kristina.
Hope this helps. - NV