To me it sounds like you have too much fluid on board. See if they think you need to challenge your dry weight. At the end of the day are you calves and ankles full and puffy? I don't carry fluid in my lower extremities but some people do.
It is most interesting what you mention about the different EPO-brands, Sugarlump. My very first Epo-brand was “Mircera” 100 micrograms 0,3ml and it has just now been changed to “NeoRecormon” 3000IU... ...I thought the “Mircera” was much more effective, in fact I recovered from the “dead-tiredness” and severe coldness very quickly, whereas the (once-weekly) “NeoRecormon” does not make me feel that much alive and certainly not so quickly ... ...and last week my feet became on one day suddenly very swollen and I could hardly put on my shoes... ... I deducted that was a side-effect of the “Neorecormon”, because my “two little fighters” are still working very well on their own (without dialysis) .. ...I do hope very much that my body gets along better with the “NeoRecormon” in the future...
Hello Kristina!I'm interested to know, what other side effects did metoprolol cause you?I'm asking because recently my metoprolol dosis has increased froom 1/4 to a half every 12 hours. I feel cold hands and I'm tired most of the time... actually I will have to suspend some art lessons. Also, my hemoglobin is around 11,5 and my doctor is only giving two dosis per month which I consider not enough. I believe the insurance is trying to save some money this way :S
It sounds pretty risky to ride it out.
Quote from: casper2636 on November 05, 2015, 09:24:47 AMIt sounds pretty risky to ride it out.It's a balancing act. In addition to the generatl transfusion risks (small), there is the risk of immunization making it harder to find a matching organ.The hematologist I saw told me the literature suggests riding it out is better, but that if I dipped into the 5's, he'd have me transfused.
Other than blood transfusions, the doctor can increase your Epo. or other red blood cell raising medicine. This does not work as fast as a transfusion, but over a time will help "ride it out'.