Thanks. But, at the clinic, they say that she has got lots of fluid in her and that they have to remove excess (their goal of 3.5 L per session) in order for her to feel better. Yes, she does weigh around 58 kg and she gains 2-3 kgs between sessions. As I said, she drinks less than 2 L of liquid between sessions. But still, we don't know the reason for her weight gain which makes them set a target of 3.5-4 L in every session. What would your advice be in this case?
I didn't have the diabetes issue to deal with, but often when I was on in-center dialysis, the staff would suggest that I needed to take off more than 2.5L. After a few months, I had come to realize that 2.5L (my dry weight was 95.5 kilos) was the most I could possibly remove during a session without the potential of cramping, nausea and feeling like a limp dishrag for hours afterwards. There were times that I would come in with an extra half-liter/liter on and they would want to try to remove it. I would always put my foot down and tell them that they knew that anything over 2.5 would make me puke. They didn't want to deal with it any more than I did. After a couple of rounds of this, I finally asked my doctor what it would take to raise my dry weight a half a kilo. He just looked at me funny and adjusted it on my chart. Problem solved.Honestly, this is one of the many reasons that I decided to go to home hemo. I controlled my fluid removal and since I still had residual function and dialyzed 5x per week, there were many times I never removed any fluid other than what I needed to remove for rinseback.
Hi PrimeTimer: Thanks for your response. Doesn't matter whatever we say. When we go for dialysis, they decide they need to remove about 4.5 liters of fluid as they think that my mom has lots of fluid in her body. Like obsidianom suggested in the forum, when they took fluid off her very slowly (about 2.5 liters total for 4 hours) when she had a flu and was sick, she did fine at that time. I guess we have to meet with a neph and explain the neph about what's happening and ask him to look into the issue of removing 4.5 liters in every session. Hi cattlekid: Yes, that's exactly what's been happening to my mom. We have to meet with a neph asap to discuss about this.Hi obsidianom: You are right. She felt her heart stunned so many times and she will feel her heart beating faster for a few days. Since that happened, we told the clinic that we are not happy with removing excess fluid than normal, and we ask them to stop if cramping occurs or if she feel sicks after the 2.5L limit.Hi Speedy1wrc: When the blood pressure drops, they make her lay flat instantly. After a few minutes, the blood pressure goes really high and they make her sit at that point. This is what happens during the whole session. When I asked the techs about tonic, no one had any idea about what tonic is. The problem is even if the blood pressure drops, they don't really care at the center. Instead, the techs will be snacking or chatting with other techs. I am a person who would never complain about anything whatever happens, and I hate complaining. But seeing my mom sick, I really can't help it. When the BP drops, we call the nurses and they get mad. There are always 1 or 2 bad apples among the good ones everywhere. Those bad apples even complained to their supervisors that we are bothering them and we were told not to be present inside the clinic until dialysis is done. We requested the supervisor to let us stay as we know that my mom would not be comfortable if no one is present as she had experienced lots of trouble since she started dialysis. What we were doing after that is we monitor her blood pressure and when it drops, we don't call anyone (as we only develop hatred when we do so) and make her lay flat. When the BP goes high, we make her sit. This way we constantly monitor her blood pressure throughout the 4 hour time frame and thus, they accomplish their set goal of about 4-4.5 liters. This is what's been happening all these days. I really don't know how to deal with this, but I feel like this is the life that God gave us and we just have to move on and on.Thanks again for all of your responses.