I originally posted this on my blog (
www.dialysisexplained.wordpress.com) but thought it might be useful to people on here:
Your fistula is your lifeline, protect it at al costs. I have seen patients with other forms of access and trust me its not pleasant. The operation to get a fistula is under local anesthetic and only takes about a hour.
Don’t be scared! I was petrified the first time i went for dialysis. Now i realise there was nothing to worry about. I understand i could write a book telling you not to be scared and you still will be, but i hope my blog has put your mind to rest a little.
Food – take plenty of snacks etc with you ( in-line with your renal diet of course) and don’t take anything awkward you need to be able to eat with one hand remember
Entertainment - your going to be there for a few hours and there is not a lot going on. You can speak to other patients but as your not going to know them the conversation doesn’t get must past the weather. I would advise investing in a tablet pc (if your unit has WiFi even better) my unit has WiFi and a TV per bed, but i would check before you go. Newspapers/magazines are a no no unless your very clever one handed.
Be prepared for 6 hours not 4. I have 4 hours dialysis but round trip from my house it takes 6 hours. You have to bear in mind the clock doesn’t start until blood is circulating. You have to allow for time for getting your needles in and time to stop bleeding. Plus you may have to wait for a machine.
Think positive. You know how it feels when you have completed that task that has been bugging you for a while, think of dialysis in the same way. Think it as a necessary task to get a job done, and once it is done you are free to do whatever you wish.
Talk to people, if your scared ask the nurses question, talk to other patients (don’t approach another patient in the unit whilst they are dialysing, it can be considered rude) or ask me a question i’m happy to help.