The other day I went to dialysis and after about 1 1/2 hours through my treatment, I had to use the restroom, for a bowel movement. They told me that if I get off I can't get back on, I told them I still had 2 hours to go, what am I suppose to do? They said to hold it... Hold it for two hours, they are crazy. Are they allowed to treat us like that? We choose to get off and can't finish treatment and we stay on happen to let it go and sit in it until we are done? Really? I would love to see them sit in a chair and hold it for all those hours, personally I would just love to see them sit in a chair for 3-5 hours. They have also started to cross our tubing over our bodies, is that right? It makes me feel uncomfortable. Also I crochet and make baby blankets for donation while on the machine, the way they have the tubing I can't move my arm. I have a huge bruise on my arm from them trying to fix my needles. The next time I went there I was talking to the PA and the Tech that did this to my arm came over and started listening in on my conversation and when I started talking about my arm (for some other reason) he interrupted and the PA walked away and I couldn't remember what I was going to say to her. Then one of their Techs kept hitting on my daughter. It is getting crazy at the center now, I wish I was brave enough to put my own needles in and that I had the room, I would so do hemo at home.
No, they are not allowed to treat you like that when you need to go. What they should do is rinse you back, turn off the blood pump, disconnect and clamp and cap your needle lines. Then connect the two bloodlines together with a T-connector, turn the pump back on to around 275 and allow the system to circulate in DIALYSIS PAUSE mode while you are in the restroom. When you get back, they should rehook the lines and allow you to finish out your prescribed treatment time.
When you first started dialysis at the center, they should have given you a copy of the Patients Rights and Responsibilities and a form on the grievance procedure. Have you talked with the facility administrator/manager? Also, give her/him a written copy of your complaints so there is a paper trail. If this doesn't help to resolve your issues you can contact the following agencies listed below that oversee the quality of care given in dialysis centers.
Contact them. Do not continue to allow yourself to be a victim of irresponsible care and inappropriate treatment. And if nothing else, look into finding another dialysis center. It is your right to do so.
ESRD Network For New York
1979 Marcus Avenue, First Floor
Lake Success, NY 11042-10021
Toll Free (800) 238-3773 (Patients only)
Fax number (516) 326-8929
Email: Region I Office (Medicare)
Kathleen M. Egan, RN, MSN
Project Officer
Division of Quality Improvement
Boston Regional Office
JFK Federal Building
Boston, Ma 02203
Tel: 617-565-1268
Fax: 617-565-4835
New York State Department of Health
Centralized Hospital Intake Department
Hedley Park Place
433 River Street, 6th Floor
Troy, NY 12180-299
If a patient wishes to bypass the facility grievance procedure, the Network may agree to hear the complaint. It is the responsibility of the facility to advise patients of their right to bring grievances to the Network.
Facility Grievance Procedures
Each ESRD facility shall have a grievance mechanism and a grievance committee. The committee shall include the following:
Social Worker
Registered Nurse
Grievance procedures must be posted in the facility and reviewed with patients.
Patients may bring grievances to facility staff or members of the grievance committee and may ask them for assistance in formulating complaints. This can be filed through a complaint form that will be made available to the patients. It is expected that most complaints can be resolved by the facility staff.
If a complaint cannot be resolved by the facility staff, it should be referred to the facility grievance committee. Patients may bring their personally chosen advocates to meetings of the committee. A written record shall be kept of all committee meetings.