to whoever didn't stay home while sick. I've been trying sooooo hard to avoid it. I woke up sick early Saturday morning. Yay. Great way to start the weekend. I only went from bed to my couch and then back to bed for the last four days. I still don't feel great but I'm able to function again. My blood pressure is usually on the high side and I've been meaning to call my neph to ask her to adjust my meds again. I took my BP when I was sick and it was only 70-something over 40-something. I couldn't walk to the kitchen (15 feet away) to get myself a glass of water without stopping to sit on the floor for a while before I made the trek back to the couch. Somehow I think I managed to keep the cats & dogs fed. I was tempted to ask for a ride to the hospital, but I didn't know if I'd be able to walk out to get into a car and then get from the car to the hospital.
I need to have my labs run to see if it caused any damage, but I'm afraid the results will be skewed if I don't wait a week or so.