After my transplant in June I met a woman who was transplanted a month before me she was telling me her adventure about having a baby while ON dialysis...she had to get dialysised daily and the baby was born a month early, but ended up being just fine! The mother also had diabetes to contend with!
My last pregnancy was in 2002 and my nephrologist at the time told me that it would put some strain on my kidneys but would not cause them to fail. My creatinine was 2.5 and my GFR was about 23. I think a more important question - one that never gets discussed - is what happens to the BABY should it be born early, as there is a very good likelihood of that happening. There are other things to look at besides creatinine and GFR, such as the fact that uremia causes blood clotting issues. In my case my placenta did not attach properly and I ended up with placenta abruptio and nearly bled to death. As a result our daughter Sofia was born 15 weeks early and suffered terribly the entire month she was alive, finally dying of candida sepsis.I know it is the nephrologist's job to look out for his patient's kidneys, but if anyone had pointed out what could happen to HER - not just ME - I'd have been a helluva lot more careful than I was.
This is the one thing I hate with having CKD so young, that i will never have children. But I refuse to give up the dream and may look for a surrogate in 5 years or so from now and there are always options to adopt.
I believe I would be scared to death! but, if you are a person of faith, I would advise you to pray and ask for God's direction. He will let you know which way to go.. If I got confirmation that things would be Ok, I would do it... I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me(and my body.). .lol..Philippians 4:13... good luck.. keep me updated..
I tuck a little girl in every night that was born to a woman on dialysis. While bad things do happen, good things happen too. I don't know if I would recommend getting pregnant on dialysis, but it isn't the end of the world.