Since this is the subject of colonoscopy i wanna ask this here. On CBS they are doing a big thing on colon cancer and the benefits of being checked out with colonoscopy's. They say to get checked in your 40's or 10 yrs before a familywho was diagnosed with Colon cancer. Question is: My aunt is currently going through colon cancer, and I wonder with all my medical issues should I get one sooner than 40's?
I have a case of the serious farts tonight. (I bet you really needed to know that!)
Well m transplant Dr's said I don't need it done anytime soon.. so f I get it done before 40 it will be when I'm in my 30's.
I had the MRI today to look at the mass. What fun it was! I remembered to close my eyes before he put me in the machine and I remembered thinking geez shall I open them now. I did for all of a second and then I shut them for the duration. Panic would have set it. You are nose to nose with that machine! I just told my mind to go sit on a rock and I plastered myself on a rock and relaxed. Thank God I have taught myself not to panic in medical situations. April 17th I will have more news for you all about this episode in my life. I decided two days ago it was not cool to go through my life scared. So here I am.
So I stuck it in my worry basket and said okay.
The surgeon said today....(drumroll...please...)The Oogie boogie is a benign cyst! We shall see what Loma Linda says about it now.