So basically, I am asking if anyone here has experience pulling a down-facing cannulation with only one hand, how to safely pull the needle and apply pressure at the same time with one hand when the needle is facing "down"?
You might want to ask on the Home Dialysis Central Forum - under Stuart Motts section -- he is their cannulation expert.
Can you please direct me to said forum? Thanks!
Okay, don't tell my dentist I said this - but can you pull it with the tubing in your mouth? Bend down a bit, bite down, and tug?
Oooh! I admire you all so much!I just started using my fistula in Feb '11 and I cannot imagine sticking myself or pulling the needles out! *EWWW!* {{{shivers}}}You have gotten me curious but I don't see it happening in the near future.Good Luck everyone, you are definitely braver than I am!