If dialysis is a "part-time" job, when is my vacation?
Yes, I threw out the job analogy because it was intellectually lazy for a "professional" to say something like that. As a patient is crashing or is being infiltrated for the fifth time, I doubt that they are thinking, "This is just a job" as they lose consciousness and that that thought makes them feel better emotionally. Perhaps it is true that transplant doesn't give you more "control", but you cannot deny that for most people, it is the goal, and we all talk about the "miracle" and the "blessing" of transplantation despite the risks. People endure a lot of psychological and physical hardship just to get on the list, nevermind getting a transplant. I would guess, and I may be wrong, that most people who have had the "miracle" of transplant wouldn't willingly go back to dialysis. That doesn't make transplantation a tea party by any means, but it's not as burdensome as dialysis. Getting this particular "promotion" is merely a function of luck. It is not a reward for a job well done. It is just luck. Again, the job analogy is faulty.I never needed renal disease to teach me compassion, and that's why I'm angry. I've never believed that I needed to get sick in order to be taught some cosmic lesson about courage or bravery or empathy or human compassion because I never believed I was truly lacking in those things, so why make me go through ESRD? It's pointless suffering.
I keep chastising myself into thinking that this would be SUCH a fun thread if we were simply listing all of the BS that we have heard chairside. sorry I turned it over by writing a lot about feelings and dealing with others.
I have not closed myself off from wanting people to care about me. It's just that when I have discovered that people who I thought cared actually did not, it didn't hurt me as much as I thought it would. I'm not really sure what that says about me...probably nothing very good!
I was told I would get used to it....yeah right!My other favorite thing told, not a lie but was said, pretend you are sitting on an airplane for 3 hours, and I said yeah going nowhere!
That reminds me of a news story I read years ago:Patient’s Dialysis Is Like a Job, but Doesn’t Pay the Billshttp://www.nytimes.com/2006/11/18/nyregion/18neediest.html?oref=slogin
Well, I bet that line works on a few patients...I loved it when the nurse told me my periods would just stop and I wouldn't have to mess with them anymore. NOT! Heparin just makes them worse and worse.