How do you view your future?
So maybe the future's not "so bright I gotta wear shades" but I'm going to live - really LIVE - every moment I've got left, whether it's 30 minutes or 30 years. That's always been my intention. Still is.
"Don't worry about the future; or worry, but know that worrying is asEffective as trying to solve an algebra equation by chewingBubblegum. The real troubles in your life are apt to be things thatNever crossed your worried mind; the kind that blindside you at 4pmOn some idle Tuesday."
Thanks everyone for your replies, but I think I didn't make my question particularly clear. I should have better defined "the future". If you notice, I posted this in the "pre-dialysis" forum. When I think of "future", I DO think of my more immediate future, which will include commencing dialysis.I do not know if I will be one for whom dialysis will be a godsend or a torture. I hear both sorts of stories and am smart enough to know that one person's experience will not necessarily reflect my own. It's just that I don't know what my own experience will turn out to be. There are things I can take control of, and I intend to take control of those things, but there are so many other things over which I will have no control at all. I know that my experience will not be like my mom's, but will it be like Bill Peckham's? Like any treatment, be it dialysis or bp meds or chemo, you don't know how your body will react, and this is why my immediate future feels frightening. So I wanted to ask other pre-dialysis people how they felt knowing that dialysis is looming closer and closer.I wear myself out trying to find little pleasures in life and trying to not feel overwhelmed. But there are constant reminders everywhere. It's like when you learn a new word, and suddenly you find it everywhere. I'll be having a good day, and my box from Gift of Hope will show up and remind me. Or I will get a call from the mail order pharmacy about some bureaucratic screw up. Or we will go out to dinner to relax, like last night, and my dinner shows up with a baked potato instead of the renal friendly rice I ordered, so they bring me rice and of course it is brown rice. Meanwhile my husband is at the buffet enjoying whatever he damn well pleases. Like I said, there are reminders everywhere, and as my kidney function gets lower and lower, those reminders are coming faster and faster. Monrein, I know you have talked to me about this before, and I so appreciate the time and effort you have put into your posts, but you are's like talking to a brick wall conversing with me, so I promise to stop now.