My husband was working during his kidney failure where he had group ins that paid everything. Like you, we were told MC would be prime after 30 months and group would be 2nd. But they never increased his premiums due to his illness, they did go up on their rates on all employees due to rising cost in medical costs!
Does he have an Humon Resources or Benefits Dept where he works? He could check with them, cause that is why group ins is so good , cause the premiums are shared amoung the group! The larger the group, the lesser the premiums. At least that is my understanding of it!
It seems unfair to single an employee out & make them pay more, but hey, nothing surprises me anymore!
Check more into it! There ought to be someone who can shed some light on this! Hope you get it straight, cause unfortunately, financing this disease is enormous!
Wishing you luck & let us know what you found out,