Just this year I started losing my hair. Talked to the neph and he said I could try cutting it back to 1.2 ml/hour which I did. They also gave me citrate for my line rather than Hepariin. Still, nothing changed. Hair falling out at a crazy rate. THEN, I read something about lack of protein causing hair loss so I went out and got myself some protein powder, chicken, turkey, tuna, soy burgers, greek yogurt, cottage cheese and just last night I brushed my hair with only a few hairs remaining in the brush after I was done. Hopefully I'm on to something here!
Thanks calypso for the advice. I had read on another thread that lack of protein can also make your hair fall out so I got some protein powder and now it seems to be better. No more hair loss! But I'm taking omegas too because they're just plain good for you!