Hey all, I've been on In-center HEMO for about 6 months now. Is there any another reason besides your b.p. meds and them taking off too much fluid to fast for you Blood Pressure to bottom out? My BP is usually a perfect 120/80, give or take a few numbers. My Labs are good, potassium is in check, etc.
Yesterday, everything was going great. I was at hour 3 of 4. Then suddenly, I got so lightheaded and sick to my stomach, I though I was going to . . . well, you know. I was so weak that I couldn't move or say anything. Luckly, a Tech noticed that I was all RED in the face, and she ran over and gave me some Saline and turned off the machine and didn't remove any more fluid.
It took about 15 minutes before I felt better, and my BP dropped to 72/47!!!!!!!! I was just curious if this is a sign of something else?
Have a great day! Yeah! Tuesday! NO DIALYSIS TODAY!!!!!!