NO ..simple answer you cant have that in here .
Is it just the nurses at your dialysis center who act that way,or is this just how the British NHS treats everybody?
The people at your dialysis centre sound really mean I'm in the UK too but my unit sounds like the polar opposite from yours. The nurses are so lovely. When I arrive for treatment, once I'm connected to the machine the nurse will plug my headphones into the wall for me, put them on my head and then go and fetch me a remote control for the tv. I'll be offered biscuits and a cup of tea after about 30mins of treatment. Also, at least twice but usually three times, a nurse will check I'm not too cold and ask me if I want a blanket.There is one nurse who is a little rough when putting the needles in but that is the only negative thing I have to say about the entire unit. From what I've read, I think I'm very lucky if that's the only thing I have to complain about!
Wear a hooded sweatshirt, and sew padding in to the hood so the neck roll pillow is part of your clothes? If you have to do stealth, we can figure that out, too.