oh goodness maker,,,, I'm still in a bit of denial (i guess) that my hubby is really going to have to stay on dialysis.. See, for him, his GFR stayed at about 20-27 "unless" he got his bronchitis and then his GFR would be 18 or 19..(still too high for dialysis i thought) So, when this last time he went in coughing, and it was low and his hemoglobin was low, they gave him transfusions and started his dialysis. Back up came his GFR so i say, give him a try without dialysis.. They're reluctant to do this but boy oh boy do i feel your desire to try. All his numbers are good, but he does retain water now so i guess thats the reason we probably HAVE to keep at it... It's really not too bad or anything, i just really want to know that we're doing the right thing and not doing it prematurely.. Gesh, sorry to go on about 'us'.... i just know how it feels to want to try, but as these good people here say,,,,, keep at it.. Im so glad you have a 'kidney' in your future..that will surely be a happy day
Hey I know you want to get off of dilalysis. And boy, you know from reading my most recent post, I do too. You really should look at the Kt/v. If that is high you can discuss it with your doctors. I see if your creatinine level is 3.4 the you have a lot, I mean a lot of kidney function left. Are you on any binders? Just curious.Actually, I am writing my book. I have permission from a nearby nocturnal unit to talk to patients about being on nocturnal hemo dialysis. One of the guys that i am interviewing went 15 months without dialysis after being on dialysis for awhile. I personally wont count on it. I am hearing stories that people after being on dialysis so long their kidneys kicked back in. My nurse was telling me that she had a few people that went off of dialysis because they didnt need it anymore, they are being watched. A issue of one the Davita, National Kidney Foundation or AAKP had a article way back about a guy who no longer needed dialysis for awhile. I guess it has happned, I just wish i didnt hear about it. lol Its too bad that you cant go on PD. Your levels would look good like this for a longer time then they are on hemo. Lisa
Hey Maker! Congrats on the readings. I go back to the nephrologist next week andI'm looking forward to an improvement. I hope I can match yours. I'll let you know. Keep smiling.
Ok, I go to what is reported to be the largest Davita in the world and my tech had 20 years experience there. She tells me that ONE man was able to get off dialysis since she's been there (alive I mean). Odds not that good!Home vs. In Center: In Texas your are required to have A partner. I fought like heck to do home even finding different people who would come stay during my treatment but they would not approve. Didn't really think it was worth getting married. I am SO GLAD. I couldn't have handled all the responsibility alone. A nurse, a tech and myself get it all done three times a week. Also glad that they are responsible for all the required equipment, chemicals, helping make decision, etc. I now know I wouldn't want supplies it in the house as a constant reminder. All that and I get to visit three times per weeks, complain if I feel the need three times per week, watch movies, catch up on e-maiil (though one handed), read a lot of your posts plus a few other perks I shouldn't tell about.
Maker, I've had the vasc cath in my neck removedand a chest one installed. 6 bouts of D, am now on 4 hours per session and I feel GOOD!!!!! As I said, I'm looking forward to my pathology figures next week. I hope I can match yours. Back to you, girl, how are YOU feeling?
I've been wondering this lately as well... my labs have been really good:Createnine - 3.2Kt/v - 3.5Phosphorus - 4.0 (no binders in 2 months)hemoglobin - 13.9 (no Epo in 4 months)I'm doing less dialysis and have still been doing great... I'd like to see what happens if I stopped dialysis but I'm too scared to try it :/ I just try to focus on the fact that I am feeling so much better than before and to be thankful for that.