I was eating more meat cause I needed to raise protein leveland I've been eating chicken livers forr iron. both look high in phos.
Hi everyone! I hope you're all doing well. Part of my problem is the way our diet is presented to us by some of the dietitians. There's a complete disconnect of information. We need to be concerned about protein intake K/DOQI (http://www.kidney.org/professionals/kdoqi/guidelines/) and calories, and at the same time phosphorus and potassium.If we don't eat enough protein, then we could have muscle wasting. But eating the right amount of protein will raise our phosphorus & potassium. And if we don't take in enough calories, the protein will be used for energy, and not for muscle.We need the information not only "user friendly" but practical.We've all received the same hand-outs about our diet. They each address one issue, phosphorus or potassium or protein. Rarely have I seen the information combined. I think that would help us a lot.Remember the old saying: Give a person a fish, they'll eat for a day. Teach a person to fish, they'll eat for a lifetime.What do you all think??Thanks,--Zach
Hubby has always struggled with his phosphorus levels. Right now it is hovering around 7, which for him is really good. BUT his doctor is trying something new with a certain vitamin and aspirin taken at bedtime. He will start taking it as soon as we buy the needed items. If people are interested I will find out more details so that people can ask their doctors about it......or if anyone knows anything about this please let me know.
Your posts are so informative that I wanted to know if you mind if I quote any of your posts in my own forums (or you can go there too) REALLY GREAT POSTS!!
Alasdair I am the queen of P04 problems. I agree with most of your post. I question drinkking a half pint of milk a day. That is 1 cup! I think it is more like 1/2 cup is allowed. White bread is OK, but not all bread and I would still take a binder. Donuts are usually made with a mix which has P04. Also, I thought shrimp was OK. Just my ~
I push Rice Dream (Original not Enriched) with cereal. It has a sweet taste and I'm actually getting use to it. I hate it by itself.
Sometimes you can use a liquid non-dairy creamer instead of milk with breakfast cereal.
Angie, why doesnt Sandmansa get the DairyDelicious and take it to you when he goes to see you?? is that an option?